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Everything posted by PureRogueQ

  1. Nothing much really, but it is not thinking process, so idk how to explain it. Your chatter is not issue, your state is , expand your experience so it is not caught in story inside experience , but you perceive whole experience with everything else happening as independent process, it does not mean that you have to ignore something, you just have to free yourself and see whole picture instead of part of it, should not take more then 15 min if you got it.
  2. would not be your personal opinion then , would it?
  3. At this point I am not sure what people mean by awakening experience, all he did was remove himself from regular mind of survival instincts, his ego is still intact, real ego death is nothing like that , it is nothing manic, you do not get hallucinations, you do not fantasise things up, or get controlled by your emotions or thoughts. I liked Ralstons answer to how it was.
  4. J.Krishnamurti , idk if he counts as self help author, but his whole teachings were super focused on finding answers yourself, instead of listening to him, unfortunately almost everyone was waiting answers from him, I do believe if you can get hang of the way he did self inquiry, you are set for life.
  5. This is exact reason why I am bit unsure how to communicate this properly, there are very serious risk from losing most of ego survival processes, it really does good job to keep people in check for most part, unfortunately it comes with some suffering, then again not sure if immature people being free from it is better thing.
  6. Have you done it, or you just speaking your mind? Well nice if you have, which I doubt, my goal is to find easiest , most profound way to elevate ego, improve its story, rest can wait
  7. How can you possibly enjoy life if you are constantly looking for wrongs and rights, this is good that is bad, never enough, as if there must be some certain amount of enough for happiness to arise, can you just for a moment see amount of freedom that hides behind this label of not good enough , wrong ,bad that you simply supress, I don't want to make claims of what is ultimately pointless , wrong or right, this is simply story of happiness. You see for happiness there is nothing that is wrong, and every time when you deem something as wrong, you lose some happiness of your experience. For it even thinking that something is wrong is not wrong, now your mind probably thinks it makes no sense, how can thinking that something is wrong can not be wrong, as you think that something is wrong, so it should make you unhappy, well I will leave it for you yourself to recognize, there are no limitations of what you can , or can't, as there is nothing wrong for it.
  8. How is not a question that can be answered that easily, as it is not some object, or really thing you must acquire, Saying things like I need more money ,cars, clothes, traveling , or saying I need more focus, be more present, be more responsible, loving etc are pointless in my opinion, if you come from forced place they will bring you short bursts of happiness at best, but will not make you happy. Those things if need will come them self , if you are coming from right place.
  9. If sound is problem for you then you are just more neurotic, that is why it is disturbing you, less neurotic you are,, less it will bother you . More neurotic you are, harder it is to stay still as your focus is constantly shifting from 1 place to another, as your mind is under constant stress, flight or fight mode. Ofc there are exceptions, people who just have problem to stay in 1 place, like ADHD.
  10. In my opinion our ego fragmentation is irrelevant, if you look at this from holistic perspective you are just holon yourself, experience happening, I would say biological being that operates differently depending on how it gets handled, but calling it just biological would be wrong as there is more to your experience then just biological, there is none really thinking, or doing anything, it is more of a gods will pushing experience in one direction or other, depending on where you push it your experience gets changed, behaving, thinking get experienced differently.
  11. I have no doubt that he has helped lot of people in hard times, but I find his approach not that good, actually he aggravate me because of it, he is telling to many stories and spews out to much "wisdom" that for ego is like I got it today , tomorrow it is gone, not bad for attracting people into spirituality and making people less tribal I guess, but that is just about it. He is talking about making big moves all the time, but I just don't see it, or maybe because his videos are just fliers and he does real work only in his community.
  12. It is not about your experience floating anywhere, only reason why you can't sense nothingness, creation when it happens is because it is so transparent that you can't even really see it before it manifests into something, it is just action before thinking of action, because it isn't thinking, but at the same time it is.
  13. deepest truth is to see how ignorant people in comments are,
  14. You are right about cycle, it is not just negative or thought cycle, actually it is not even cycle, just short term karma memory that repeats, , but knowing this alone will be of little help if you don't know how to use it , which you will not. .
  15. I mean it could be great place, but the thing is that you do not have time to sit with person and his problems to really try and determine how to help, it is very difficult because people pick up whatever they feel they need without even trying what is being offered and offered can be wrong because of such short interchange.
  16. Some people actually like idea that they are not in control, ego can pick up any beliefs, if it believes that it is not in control , idea of being in control can be scary for it.
  17. Why the hell you make such silly mental constructs, do you even undertand what you are doing there.
  18. Present is hardest to understand and as I said time is no problem on itself. We are actually mostly engaged in present and future,, you always think how to act before action, just as you always think of action as action is happening. It is not some non deterministic talk I am having here.
  19. Nah it is not about perfect , it is about you always engaging in patterns of time, before it it happens, when it happens and when it has already happened.
  20. It is not so easy , you are asking for basically Enlightenment, because that it what higher self is. And it comes from disillusion from self patterns, that is what at least believe it to be as a reason Well there can be many things that trigger such event, but I am quit certain it all comes down to first of all being engaged in breaking them, but there are many ways you can go wrong with this. First you must understand that ego acts on time and it is not even that time is a problem on itself, it is just how it gets interpreted , even now is problem for such task, ultimately time is probably what you have to break, be it as past , now , or future, Because ego tries to engage in situations always thinking of terms of time and digging its own grave by doing it.
  21. You know suffering feels so real, just like any other experience that you believe to be true. I am constantly changing perspectives and it is clear to me that if you are something , you are IT, suffering has its own logic, it will not bend to you knowing that it is illusion , or moment in your experience, it will find reasons why good experience is still meaningless illusion, just as good experience will have problems to understand suffering and even go to extend to say that there is nothing to change, it is all perfect.
  22. Not really, you can think and feel great and you can be not thinking and feel shit.
  23. The sense that there is outside that is not illusionary is illusionary, chose what fits you better.