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About jackyjoy123

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  1. thanks my issue has been fixed.
  2. Hello, To be clear, I'm not talking about the occult of charlatans and fortune tellers. I'm talking about psycological traditions like Alchemy where the goal is enlightenment in where Carl Jung wrote about. Leo, what is your opinion on Carl Jung and occultism? thanks jackyjoy
  3. Hello, I just watched "The enlightened self" video, and I tried to picture Leo as nothing. And it was just too hard, I see people as something different and apart, like they have their own qualities and they do other things. The only thing I could do there was picturing him as me, as part of my field of awareness, as if I was the person that was saying those things, I'm not sure if that's the right approach, because I can tell differentiating people gives me sort of the anxiety I've been holding for my whole life. (Funny I wrote "lie" instead of "life" and thought that would be a more appropriate way to say it) thanks jackyjoy