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Posts posted by Vibroverse

  1. @Adamq8 your gf said that she was god and you were her creation, that you didn't exist in that sense. I had a similar experience with a friend of mine. I was saying to him while I was experiencing it that "dude I am controlling you, you don't exist", and he was saying the same thing to me. That was an experience. Who is creating who? So in that sense I think that none of us exist as physical beings. We are the one consciousness that is formless that is forming itself into our shapes and bodies and minds and so forth. 

  2. You can manifest anything you want. But the LoA will not allow you to imagine further than where you vibrationally are. In that sense, you don't have control over what you're imagining and visualizing. Instead feel for the resonance with your higher self, with your inner being.