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Posts posted by Vibroverse

  1. First contemplate your belief that says it is not, like, possible probably without psychedelics. If you keep having that belief of course you won't experience it without psychedelics. In this forum, as I feel, most people are stubborn about it not being possible without psychedelics, and they get what they believe. If it is who you really are and if reality is you, then why would you need "something else" to be put into your body in order to "experience" it. And of course, many people here can find flaws with my logic, but again, they all get what they expect. 

  2. Meditation. Psychedelics show you a very high level of alignment, hopefully, but it is not steady at all. How many psychedelic users are really in tune with their higher selves? I don't think many of them are like that. It is about in the moment alignment. I once also believed that it is impossible to see those heights without psychedelics etc, but meh. It just is not true no matter what anyone else says about this. 

  3. 38 minutes ago, Hulia said:

    Probably. But I am not sure if I want to have pains in the dream. Supposed I won´t get rid of them? One reality of pains is enough, I don´t want to create another one. 

    But you could go this way, if you already experience the pains in the dream. It should be easier to stop them in the dream than in the realitiy, shouldn´t it? And then transfer the experiance into reality.

    Exactly. It works in both ways. 

  4. 5 minutes ago, Hulia said:

    I didn´t even know it is possible :) But... if it is possible to have a physical pain in the dream, does it automatically mean, that it should be also possible to have NO physical pain in reality? 

    There have been many yogis, it is told, who have been able to do that. And also a more familiar concept about that is the trance states through, like, hypnosis and so on. In those states people also don't feel pain, when the consciousness is in a different state.