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Posts posted by Vibroverse

  1. 13 minutes ago, Adamq8 said:

    Yes it can be in any time line in any world cause it is imagination which creates a world.

    Since there is no time every time or event can be imagined.

    Everything is an illusion only in that way that we believe in a solid and fixed reality which just is not the case at all.

    The void which is behind projects a world and character's and egos. 

    The unmanifest is behind you and it has looped on it self reflecting itself causing subject/object split but it is only ONE.

    It is radical to realize that you are the only one in existence and will ever be.

    Obviously not the ego person but awareness is infinite and not two.

    Exactly. It is about how good you're at imagining what makes sense to us. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, Adamq8 said:

    Since it is the same thing looking through all of our eyes and there is only the one Subject i would say that an identity/person cant possibly remember a previous life since the person in every experience is just the awareness appearing as that and forgetting its true nature since that it the only way creation can happen, a subject/object split must happend but you are the subject and the object. 

    So ofcourse reincarnation is true in that way but in no way would an ego remember a previous life cause the ego is a function of awareness but is an illusion nevertheless. 

    Awareness is infinite appearing as different finite things



    At the ego level, yes, it will probably be a fantasy of a past life. But if you go deeper in consciousness, then you can see "the past", since you're freer from the concept of time then. You can see from a broader view, and of course it again will be an illusion, because everything is an illusion, what you see, hear, and so forth, right now, included.