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Posts posted by Vibroverse

  1. If I'm imagining reality into being, then how am I able to do it with the specifics? For instance, when I'm walking on the street, I'm seeing people and faces and buildings and so forth which I don't know. Or the details of stuff and so forth on the street. I definitely am not imagining them into being consciously, then is it something like my subconscious filling in the details and give emptiness form and details and tactility and so forth?

    What i mean is how am i imagining, say, something written on a paper that looks like coming from nothing, i was not thinking like "ok, on a random paper i see in the street, this and this will be written, in this and this font" and so forth, and it looks pretty random and independent of me. 

  2. The difference between them is whatever you make it. There is no real reality, remember, you're in a dream right now, so there is no real lsd or dmt or mdma. And I'm telling this as someone who tried all of these, not in some sort of an "oh they are bad" sense. I've seen people have very very very different experiences, one having nothing at all to do with the other, by taking the socalled "same" substances, and the reason for that, i think, is because there are no substances :D

    There only is the story you're telling about those substances and they will give you an experience that is, in a sense, vibrationally matching your expectations about them. And I'm not trying to say "don't use them" etc, not at all. You can use them as much as you want, because, perhaps, they are, in a sense, your permission slips to allow you to tune to those higher states of consciousness. 

  3. Everything is within you, including those videos and books and so forth. You're imagining them into being in the moment, and you have the ability to receive those knowledges and much much much much much more by turning within if you can do it accurately. There is no such thing as an out there, you're imagining everything you know, and you think you know, into being by your focus, in a sense, in every moment.

    The reason you need those books and videos and so forth, about learning anything, is because you believe in them, you believe that they are "real" information that comes to you from "the outside". And it can very well be your path of least resistance to "receive" information from those socalled materials of course. 

  4. On 26.04.2021 at 0:53 PM, Wilhelm44 said:

    @Vibroverse  I agree. I am curious, how do you interpret Bashar's statement that we can simply shift to the version of earth which we prefer ?

    We gotta start with understanding that reality is a mirror, so in each moment you change your vibration, your mood, you're receiving a different reflection, and that is you shifting in each moment from reality to reality. 

  5. 14 minutes ago, Waken said:

    Well perhaps when Abraham talks about vibration she talks about the zero dimensional thing that is in form/vibrating. Maybe Rupert would say, what is it that is vibrating? It's the zero dimensional thing. So then, Rupert talks about the vibration when it's not vibrating and calls that the zero dimensional thing, while Abraham talks about it when it's vibrating, and is then form. Just what I think when seeing your question

    Makes sense. 

  6. Are what Abraham call vibration, the vibration of everything is an interpretation of vibration, and what Rupert Spira calls the dimensionless which is what everything actually is and perceived by us as objects and thoughts and so forth the same thing? That the entire existence being a zero dimensional "thing" which is experienced as space and time and objects and the qualities of objects and all of that. 

  7. These thoughts help me:

    1) As Neville Goddard says everyone is me pushed out, so it actually was my own creation because of my dense fearful and anxious thoughts it those times. I really was pretty fearful about some stuff back then, so those fears probably gathered momentum and got reflected to me in the form of that. 

    2) Everyone is myself. Everything and everyone is consciousness, a mirror, and myself in the deepest truth. 

    3) There is no assertion and everything is manifestation. 

    4) I've seen many times that when I'm in a happy and high mode i see that very same woman in a positive ish mode. Hearing her talk with her husband in a sane ish way. And once she even kindly thanked me about something. So I'm able to manifest her as kind and nice also. 

    5) I also kinda understand that noone who feels good and content and peaceful behaves in that way. So she probably was feeling very bad for whatever reasons in those times back then also. 

    6) I more and more understand that my mind is infinite power and my thoughts create and mold and all is me. So i can even like make them move out etc. I've heard many success stories about similar situations and it makes sense. 

    7) It in a sense was "normal" for me to have manifested something like that because me creating something in each moment is a given and if i was in a negative momentum then of course it would manifest in some form anyways.