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Everything posted by Vibroverse

  1. Does infinite intelligence know everything about everything? Past, present and future.
  2. There is no frickin fully enlightened being ever. They all have trips. That was my illusion. I thought they were perfect etc. Only frickin self is frickin so.
  3. Papaji is an illusion. Rupert is an illusion. Buddha is an illusion. But they are nice illusions. Not bad.
  4. It actually is that easy. Stop thinking for a moment and you are awake.
  5. Dude, it is not the form that is the problem. Form does not automatically mean suffering. It is the resistance that is suffering. Universe is fine. And it is the nature of consciousness to manifest. Don't try to manifest nothing.
  6. Regret implies that there is a past. When you wake up it is only now.
  7. My upstairs neighbor is a trouble. I think I can imagine them into moving to another apartment, right? ?
  8. Brilliant. Focusing on what I do want. I get what I put my mind on.
  9. When the mind is quiet, the whole world bows down to it. I get it.
  10. I am realizing more and more that I definitely can do this. Anything I frickin can imagine, unless I keep blocking myself and feel powerless.
  11. So let's frickin feel good and enjoy the imagination that is us.
  12. Mind is actually afraid of being disappointed. It says what if it is not that easy, I don't wanna be cheated, nothing that good can be that easy.
  13. Free will and determinism are concepts to which we are imposing meanings. Depending on what meaning you impose upon these concepts, the answer changes.
  14. Consciousness is what forms every moment, so it is not really about knowing the past and future, it is about creating the past and future in the eternal present moment. So let's create the frickin positive timeline.
  15. I am the eternal present moment.
  16. Enlightenment is letting go of negativity. It is what peace and simplicity are.
  17. I think you can travel to the past and future, you can imagine and believe yourself in those places, but of course it will still be here and now.
  18. Yeah, I cannot say it is not just a thought whose reality I believe. Memory is not a proof in that sense really.
  19. I think we actually don't learn anything new ever. We already have every possible knowledge and skill within us. We are just letting what already is within us unfold, in my view.
  20. The answer is yes, that's your nature when you let go of the thoughts. It is like those bad thoughts are like ice, and as you let go of the thoughts they become like vapor more and more.
  21. Knowledge as distinction. When you know something, you focus on a narrowed part of awareness.
  22. Contradictions are everywhere in every group. It is just that when you identify as a member of a group, you don't see the contradictions, because you've narrowed your focus.
  23. She makes me doubt my goodness.
  24. I think we can manifest anything anything we can imagine in some way haha.