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Everything posted by Vibroverse

  1. You have to be infinitely lazy for wu wei. You have to disappear.
  2. Yes, it can be a 24/7 mode of being. Sounds to good to be true?
  3. What makes women look complicated is that they are infinitely simple as everything else that you cannot believe it, and it makes them look complicated and hard and so on.
  4. Because we are illusion makers. It is not the knowing that is the problem, it is believing that what you know is the truth. No. It only is an aspect of infinity. One of the infinite truths.
  5. Learning process can also be experienced as wu wei. It does not necessarily require effort and struggling.
  6. I think we underestimate what the idea of solipsism actually means. It actually is not a dumb idea that we make it to be. It does not say only I the body exists in a void and all else is illusion, because it is based on oneness, therefore brain also is a form of that void it is talking about. Brain and body also are the void.
  7. Other beings do exist but in their own vibrational frequencies. In their own dimensionless realities so to speak.
  8. When I am reading books and watching videos, it again is me hallucinating them, right? Creating a past in the moment. Like infinite intelligence creating the past in the moment.
  9. When I am in a dream at night, I can imagine a past that actually did not happen. Is what we call "the past" here the same? Me actually imagining something called "the past" which actually never happened?
  10. Do you feel like you are creating its history, like the process of it being shot and so on, in the moment. Bashar, for instance, says that it is like that. It was, in a sense, actually not shot yet, or a book not written yet, until you read it, in a sense. Like the idea of retrocausality.
  11. I have always been around certainly like you. But perhaps a fictional character also has been so.
  12. Like Leo said in his "Infinite Intelligence" video. It creating its past in the now, turning back in time and creating its beginning. In that sense like me creating the past of that book and video, the history of it, in the moment.
  13. If we wake up we will see that there is nothing but the family.
  14. I think it is in a sense. If this is a dream of awareness, then it is a character in a sense.
  15. We misunderstand what love is. When you experience something you don't want, it also is because of love. Love is not just about people being nice to you and so on, people being terrible to you also is an expression of love.
  16. People are afraid that if they realize that this also is a dream, then everything will disappear. But it actually is quite the opposite. Life becomes much more amazing when you realize this is not any different from what we call dream.
  17. Enlightenment is not that trippy thing you think it is.
  18. Human head is not more real than a unicorn head.
  19. The trick in this, I guess, is we never die, therefore nothing ever disappears.
  20. I am a writer and when I write stories it is like, for instance, a past experience of a character pops up in my mind in that moment, creating, in a sense, the past in the moment. I wonder if it is something like that in this "reality" in that sense. A thought of a memory, for instance, comes to your mind, but maybe it is not more different than the fictional memories of my character. Seeming to be realistic depending on the, like, energy of the moment.