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Everything posted by Vibroverse

  1. Am I imagining the minds and memories and bodies and knowledges etc of others, including my mother? Am I imagining that right now I am in my house with my neighbors upstairs etc? That they are real people, that their timeline etc is real, and if I imagine another version of them with their own imaginary timelines etc that it won't be as real as them? I guess my imaginary friends, in that sense, would also be as real as them, but being more imaginary in experience because i believe that one is real and one is imaginary, but, i guess, ultimately, everyone and everything is imaginary, including me myself.
  2. I'm imagining all of this, frickin literally, but I'm so frickin stuck in this dream, in this frickin hallucination trip, that I frickin can't stop hallucinating this and hallucinate something else, because I'm so frickin stuck in this frickin hallucination.
  3. Okay, I'm dreaming all of this shit. All of this shit and my screwed up life, and all of this shit that I'm dreaming. All of this shit I'm dreaming, all of this shit, but I frickin cannot dream something else, because my state of consciousness is so frickin low, my state of consciousness is so frickin low. So I just suffer this nightmare that I'm creating over and over and over again for five thousandth time, because my frickin state of consciousness, my frickin state of awakeness, is so frickin low.
  4. Okay, I'm imagining all of this, okay, I'm imagining my building, my neighbors, my family, everything, out of frickin thin air. I'm imagining everything about everyone and everything. This is just one of the infinite dreams I can have yes. All of this is me, nonphysical vibration, that I'm translating, perceiving, as the world and people and minds and so forth. All of this is me imagining beings and things out of nothing, out of myself, out of my frickin imagination. And I'm the substance, the self, the experiences, the awarenesses, etc, of all that is, and I'm the one who is imagining and being all that is. I'm the one imagining and being every socalled reality, every socalled frickin dream.
  5. And i think everyone and everything is made of void, or is void, to say it more accurately, and there only is one awareness in the existence and that is the awareness of all that is that is me, but not me as my memories and knowledges and mind so forth, aka the relative level, but me as the void, aka the absolute level. Okay alright.
  6. Yes, that's why I said you need to listen through the lines while he's speaking, try to hear what he's not saying with words.
  7. What Leo has shared thus far for free is actually more than enough to help you wake up to highest understandings, you just need listen carefully, and listen listen through the lines.
  8. Yes, your tiny individual self that you believe is you is just a wave in the ocean, but again, the idea is that the wave actually is not just a wave, it is the movement of the entire ocean, and therefore there actually is nothing but the ocean, and by moving it is appearing, being, manifestation. And in the relative level, yes, you'd been conditioned by society and your biological structure, and so forth, but at the absolute level, they are all you, they are not something but you, the ocean. All the waves are the ocean believing that they are wave, when actually they are all one, and you are that one. All personal selves are the movement and activity and "being" of the same one self, and that same one self is the same one self, therefore that is the level where the ideas, even the experiences, of you and i and them etc lose their meanings, and there only remains the one.
  9. Am I imagining the memories, the past, the now, the soul, the mind, the body, the experiences, and all, of all that I perceive, including "my" own, being the pure dimensionless void that "i" am? Am I like the void that is appearing and imagining itself into nothingness of the void?
  10. So Leo, all realities are consciousness, the dimensionless void, aka me, imagining in different ways, like having different dreams with different scripts and contents and so on, and I am all those dreams anyways, in that sense, like I'm this dream, right now, talking to myself and asking this question to myself? I'm thinking of it like reality being like a television and there are infinite probable channels I can tune to, like infinite probable dreams I can have, for I've been dreaming this dream for the last, at the ultimate sense, like, zero seconds? And so, if time and my history and so on actually are all just imaginations of mine, and people and so on also are so, in that sense, then I can become a different tv channel, a different dream, in that sense, but like you say, those other dreams, channels, universes, etc, not being something other than me, all of them being me, the imagination?
  11. Well, you really have said a lot to dive deeper into haha.
  12. And everything else is a relative, manifestational, experience.
  13. This one explains it pretty well, with a good depth of information about it.
  14. Yeah, I thought of that meaning of it also after I wrote it haha.
  15. Both solipsism and nonsolipsism and everything that can ever be said about reality, or any model of reality at all, is relative, including this thing that I'm saying. And then, if this thing that I'm saying is relative, then this thing that I'm saying also is not true, therefore what I'm saying is true, and false, and true, and false, ad infinitum. Experience is not a conceptual thing, it is not this or that, it is not a or b or c or d, that's all relative, that's all contextual.
  16. Yes, that's certainly something I agree with. Man, I think I'm understanding something but this is so hard for me to explain for now. This is something I'm not even able to explain to myself clearly yet. And maybe I'm totally bullshitting, I don't know ?
  17. But just because you are not hearing the sound of it doesn't mean that it really didn't fall, because even in the asking of that question we say that "if a tree falls in the forest", we, by definition, are saying that there is a tree that is falling in the forest.
  18. Yeah, but if reality is imagination, maybe us being able to imagine that other parallel worlds etc might exist is the tree making a sound, in a sense. Because if we say reality is imagination, but other probabilities of the universe that we can imagine do not exist, then it feels to me like we are contradicting ourselves.
  19. @Mason Riggle I think we are misunderstanding what "only now exists" means. If we are watching a channel on the television, do we say that "this channel is the only channel that exists"? "This channel is the only channel that exists, because this is the channel I'm watching now".
  20. Yet everytime you get into the dream state, you forget this world and find yourself in another world and continue from there, when you are in the dream state. Just because it is not your current experience now, doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. But if what you mean is this shit is what I'm dealing with now, and this is the reality that I am in, that I'm being now, and therefore all those other ideas of the other dreams I can have etc don't simply make sense to me, and irrelevant to me, then yeah. But it doesn't mean that consciousness cannot become another "frame" in that sense all together, like it is being this "frame" right now. But if you say that all that matters to you simply is what is appearing to you now, then yeah.
  21. Yeah then that's a matter of how we are defining the word "universe". To me, the word "universe" means this current experience of this timeline, this current dream, where we believe that, for instance, the Allies won in the WW2. That's the history, just as an example, that we are believing to be the real history in this current dream. The idea of the multiverse, basically, is what I'm talking about.
  22. Yeah, that's pretty much what I'm saying, this socalled "timeline" is one of the infinite probable movies consciousness can appear to itself to be.
  23. @LastThursday @Inliytened1 yeah.