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Everything posted by Vibroverse

  1. So I already am the memories and beingness and all of each being. Their consciousness and beingness already is me. This is all me dreaming, and everything and everyone and everything about everyone, as infinitum, is me. Good and bad and every level of all that is is me. Yes is me, no is me, every level of all that is is me.
  2. I think it is like the idea of putting a frog in a boiling water, then it will freak the frog out, but if you heat it up bit by bit by bit, then it can even be a comfortable process of total awakening, a comfortable process of "dying" perhaps.
  3. So you can become any dream that you want, if you become infinitely conscious, if it is what you want. You can become any dream that you want for all that is basically is nothing. But it would require high consciousness. That would require high consciousness. The dream can turn into anything that you want. Any timeline, any universe, any "reality" that you want, at the relative level. It is, however, all nothing at the ultimate level. Hmhm. Hmm.
  4. Does what I'm experiencing right now really exist, or is it another illusion also, at the ultimate absolute level?
  5. Why did you say no to "is it true that you are the minds and awarenesses and sensations, and all, of all that is, of all beings in existence?"? If I am the only one then I must be the minds and selves and all of all that is, at least at the ultimate absolute level. And also I must be the entire existence of my building and house and neighbors and family and all, because I'm the existence of all. Then I must be creating the smaller scales of my reality just like I'm creating the grander scale of my reality, for everything is one thing, in a sense, like a hologram. 45=44=43=42 etc etc etc etc etc. Then all physical forms and selves etc must also be like physical forms and selves of Frodo and Gandalf. People and worlds and selves etc must be not more real than Frodo and Shire etc etc.
  6. It is absolute nonexistence, it is absolute nothingness.
  7. Are you creating your and "other people"s histories and memories and bodies and selves in the present moment? Is there such a thing as a self, an awareness, a consciousness, other thank you? Is it true that your bubble of awareness is the only bubble of awareness "in" existence? Are you the void that is appearing as the world and people and space and time? Are you the void that is appearing as sight and sound and all other senses and all that is "in" existence? Is there anything at all other than yourself "in" existence? If you are watching a movie or reading a book, is it true that you actually are imagining it in the moment, and it actually, at the ultimate, absolute, level is not coming from a history and any background? And is it true that nothing that you can perceive, nothing, actually is coming from a history and any background? Is it true that you are the minds and awarenesses and sensations, and all, of all that is, of all beings in existence? Is it true that you are every aspect of every aspect of every aspect of all that is? And is it true that, at the ultimate, absolute, level you have all knowledge of all things, and all, of all that is, for all knowledge and all that is is what you are imagining in the moment? Is it true that you know all knowledge in all existence, because you are the creator of all knowledge in all existence in the moment, and assigning a socalled background history and so on to all of that to create the experience of space and time and history and continuity and so on?
  8. Says and feels every deluded person, don't take the power of delusion so lightly.
  9. Dude, we are not reading a book written by Tolkien, we are Tolkien and we are the book and we are one. We as consciousness are becoming the book, omg dude. Imagining the words and language and meaning and all in the moment, and giving a history to it in the moment, at the ultimate level, but yeah, at the relative level we are reading a book that was written decades ago by a brilliant author named Tolkien. One is becoming the one being the one, omg man, omg. But it's a great work though. And man, knowledge and information also are things that we are imagining, that we are becoming, we are becoming the concepts and ideas and the mythologies and all in the moment, and again, giving them a history and evolution and becomingness and all in the moment on the relative level, wow. And at an even deeper level, I'm telling this to myself, imagining a language called English and a phone and internet etc etc, hahah.
  10. Yes, and now I've started to reread it, because it'd been long time since I last read it.
  11. Merging with Eru. And dude, I was thinking about if I can download all the knowledge Tolkien had about world mythologies and be able to create a masterpiece like the LoTR myself, and I'm seeing references to the LoTR everywhere, this is crazy. Maybe Tolkien's spirit is moving around me and trying to tell me "let me guide you" haha. And by the way, yeah, I am Tolkien, I am Lewis, and they are myself, and so, yeah, I can download information from them, or from the Source directly. But maybe I need to follow the path of least resistance for downloading those informations. Letting my inner being guide me, because, after all, yeah, all knowledge also is nothing appearing as a form. Language and knowledge and all of that is nothing appearing, made of my imagination, made of nothing, hmm.
  12. There is no moon, you still think that there is such a thing as the moon. If you look at the moon and see the moon in your dream state, does it mean that the moon really is there?
  13. Am I more real than Harry Potter, and is this world more real than the Harry Potter world? Are people and places etc more real than the world, and people, etc etc etc, that JK Rowling imagined in her mind?
  14. You still think that the content of your "direct experience" is real, somehow more than your other imaginations. For instance, when you imagine being in Mars, for instance, you don't call that your direct experience, but you call being in the world your direct experience. Then you say "oh Mars is imagination, but the world is my direct experience", but then, without realizing, you're creating a duality.
  15. It is much more fucked up than that, you're imagining that there is a 4th wall that is broken sometimes, there actually has never been such a thing as a 4th wall. When you are watching a movie or a video, or reading a book, or talking to, perceiving, someone etc in your dream, is there really something out there, is there really a 4th wall?
  16. Yes, a deeper layer of imagination in one level, but at the ultimate level it being a deeper layer of imagination also is imagination. Think about it, this that you are perceiving seems to be "deeply layered" now, but when you sleep and get into the dream state, now that seems to be "deeply layered". Think that I come to you in a dream that you are having in the nighttime, and tell you that this also is a dream, and actually not deeply layered at all. You would probably still tell me that it is deeply layered, because in the dream state you will be believing that it is the real, "deeply layered" imagination.
  17. What is in front of you also is something you are imagining. Consciousness also is something you are imagining. There is nothing but imagination.
  18. And all the socalled trolls are imaginary, every person is imaginary, and I don't understand how some people don't understand that this is a dream, all of this is a dream you're creating, you're creating all the socalled reality and your world, and you can create any world that you want. You don't need to be okay with imbecile imaginations, you can stop imagining them and darn start imagining something else. This is all your frickin dream, this all frickin imaginary.
  19. People's selves and minds and eyes and brains and "the field" and personalities and memories and thoughts and worlds and universes, all of that is being imagined by consciousness, literally right now. None of this actually is coming from a "history", no culture, no self, etc, is coming from a "history", no book or video or technology is coming from a "history", it is all being imagined in the now. And then consciousness thinks "c'mon it cannot all be as meaningless and empty as that" and creates background stories of things to not go crazy in absolute infinity, haha.
  20. I remember Leo ones talking about how this moment, this entire world right now, this frame, is actually being created by consciousness, or we can say that consciousness becoming this frame, in just one moment, here and now, out of nothingness. He said that you imagine that this frame must have had a history to become this frame, like a billions years of evolution that caused this frame to be this frame, the world as it is, but in actually consciousness just being able to create all of this here and now, in just one moment. Then consciousness, in the human form, is creating a background story of "why this frame is this frame" and creating a past and a story, and so forth, why this frame is this frame, but in actually consciousness is doing that. So, i think what Leo actually says is consciousness already is creating an entire universe, even the socalled history, so called past, that "has happened" to bring this frame into existence, but in actually, consciousness is creating this very universe right now. So if consciousness is awakened enough, and if it is relevant for it, then consciousness can create another universe, with its own billions of years of past and beings and their minds and bodies and memories, and so forth, in just one moment, like consciousness actually is doing right now. Creating another universe with its own socalled past and so forth, and for consciousness is infinite, it can even create an infinite number of such universes in varying degrees, and so forth, of their "evolutions", all right here and now, in the same place a dream is taking place, and by the same substance a dream is made of, yeah. Every universe is made of consciousness, every universe is consciousness, the void "from which" everything is made, and "it", right now, is morphing itself into different forms of "frames", and in that sense it is creating a totally new universe in every moment anyways, but it does not realize that because each new universe, each new frame, that it's creating in every moment is very similar to the universes it "created" a moment ago. It already is creating a totally new universe, a totally new frame, in every moment, or to say it better, "becoming" a new universe, a new frame, in every moment, and creating an illusion of space and time and reality to make it look "logical" to itself while "it" is being the human form, creating an illusion of "sequences of events" that "brought it" to this point, to create the person, the world, the others, etc etc etc, that are. This entire frame, this entire world, people, their minds, bodies, histories, all socalled memories, etc etc etc, are being imagined, right now, by consciousness into being, imagining their bodies and histories and brains and minds and personalities, and so forth, all being created out of nothing, all being out of nothing, here and now. Nothing is coming from a real "past" and no memories are coming from a "real past", it all is being created, yeah, right now out of nothing, it all is nothing. Every aspect of this existence is nothing that is coming into being out of nothing, made out of nothing. Consciousness really does not need time etc to create all of this, all the minds and bodies and histories and so forth of people and things, haha, this is all just literal nothing coming into being in the now, as this frame, out of nothing, out of absolutely nothing ?.
  21. Enlightenment is all about raising our vibration to a positive state of being, it is not about thinking or concepts, it is about concepts and thinking coming from the vibration that is raised, the state of being that is in alignment with who you really are, aka love, peace, ecstacy, flow, ease, wellness. A thinking mind can never become enlightened, only a quiet mind can become enlightened, because only a quiet mind can become one with the love, the ease, the peace, the wellness, that is who it really is. Thinking from fear or worry or anger or trying to understand, or any shit like that, will never wake me up. It is not the information or the thought or the perception, it is the vibrational frequency from which the information or the thought is coming from. A noisy and distressed mind can never understand what really is going on. It can never become awakened.
  22. I'd love to see an interview with these imaginary friends of mine.