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Everything posted by Vibroverse

  1. Exactly, and i wanna do that without losing my own peace and balance. As an analogy, kinda like being a good doctor where you are not suffering about the pain of your patients. You stay strong and in tune, and be able to help them in the best way possible like that. But of course this is a very idealized scenario, much easier said than done.
  2. Yeah, it seems that the idea of law of attraction has some truth to it, and we tend to experience some sort of a reflection of our state of mind, somehow. However, i think we shouldn't use that idea as an excuse of spiritual bypassing, because the psyche is very deep, it is not shallow.
  3. The tradeoff seems to be the risk of getting stuck in a mindset of suffering, where you might get stuck in a neverending loop of suffering.
  4. And, sure, i myself am kinda guilty of spiritual bypassing and self denial, in some sense, but i'm just trying to find the balance where i can both stop my spiritual bypassing and not lose my alignment with love and myself, you know. And, yeah, that seems to be a very delicate balance, not easy to find.
  5. Yeah, sure, i'm not denying that. I'm just trying to understand the mechanism of suffering, so to speak, and what to do about that. And also what to do about the suffering that we are in, that we are experiencing, from our perspective of being.
  6. A little kid might be experiencing a similar kind of suffering when his father did not buy him the toy he wanted. From his perspective that pain might be a very great pain.
  7. Contemplation and self honesty are very important, very very important. But you also should be surrendering to the stillness, to the inner peace and resonance, while contemplating, otherwise mind is so tricky to get you into a state of self torturing, hopelessness, fear, and so forth. So there should be a balance point we need to find, otherwise i also know and experience how torturous mind can be in convincing you that you are in a very bad situation and that you are truly fucked up, and things like that.
  8. Man, we should listen to the good old masters and meditate to find balance.
  9. What if not just the reaction to the song is just manufactured in the now, but the song itself is also manufactured in the now?
  10. Don't misunderstand me, i've studied teachings of esther hicks and darryl anka, the channel for bashar, for a pretty long time, and i think law of attraction, if we understand it correctly, is more fundamental even than the law of gravity. But my problem is with many law of attraction teachers, instead of with the teaching itself, in that they mostly focus on trying to create reality from their ego mind level, instead of realizing that the ego mind is just the false self and learn to truly surrender to the true deeper self.
  11. Dude, you are smart and funny. If you can free yourself from the funk you've put yourself into, i believe you will do great things. And, other than that, you say what would prevent god from having free will? Well, the answer is nothing, but then, nothing will also prevent god from not having free will. And the thing is, you are imagining god to be a certain way, as though god is an entity amongst other entities. But god is not an entity like you are an entity, god is absolute transcendence itself, you see. So god is even transcendent to concepts like determinism or free will.
  12. What if god also does not have free will, and that's why he has no choice but torturing you.
  13. I believe that you don't cling to false self consciously, that you are not torturing yourself because you are a masochist. It probably is just that you have practiced a habit of doing that like for a long long long time, that it now feels to you like it must be something other than you that is torturing you, because you probably say you would not do it to yourself.
  14. Torture is the natural result of you clinging to your false self, you believing that god is outside of you and torturing you. No, god is the mirror reflection of you reflecting your self torturing to you.
  15. Maybe god is torturing you, so that you won't have any choice but totally surrendering, letting go and, in a sense, dying as your false self.
  16. Surrendering to the torture might free you, though. Not trying to defeat the torture, but dying in it, in a sense. Like saying, okay, torture me as you like, i'm letting go.
  17. But maybe it is destined to happen, you don't know that.
  18. What if god is beyond both free will and determinism, and free will and determinism are just mental concepts you buy into? Or, what if you are right and there is no free will, but you have not been able to make peace with it yet, and that's why you are suffering? You might say that even making peace with it or not is out of your control, perhaps. But, then, if you have absolutely no free will, then there cannot even be a you that is suffering. Because suffering implies that there is a you there that is comparing what you are now experiencing to something else.
  19. Have you ever considered that maybe you have some degree of free will, and that maybe god is trying to help you, but you are not allowing the help to come?
  20. It is how it looks from your point of view because of your state of being.
  21. You just extremely misunderstand what God is.
  22. You need mental stillness. You understand many deep subjects well, but you are misinterpreting what what you have discovered means. You interpret your understanding in a negative way that causes you to suffer, that's why meditation would really be helpful for you.
  23. Yeah, he seems to have some serious mental health problems. These teachings can cause damage to people if they are not emotionally and mentally grounded first.
  24. Yeah, but i think, first of all, we should think clearly about what even is science, and then what exactly is language, for we communicate through something called language that is talking about something called science, and many other concepts.
  25. The speed of light in a vacuum is the only constant in terms of the theory of relativity, but it is questionable in terms of the quantum mechanics. And by metaphysical self, i think you are talking about the transcendental self in kantian terms, or the cogito in cartesian terms. Some physicists, who are into mysticism, also claim that there is a connection between light and self. But that probably is an analogical explanation. And, also, light and energy are not the same thing, light is one of the possibly forms energy takes. By the way, the idea that energy cannot be created or destroyed is also problemmatic. For instance, according to some physicists, there was absolutely nothing "before" the big bang, so there also was no energy.