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Everything posted by Frode

  1. If you struggle with procrastination, these ideas and techniques may help you a lot, just like they did for me. I hope you benefit from the videos, and I'd love to hear what you think about them! :-)
  2. Here are my favorite ideas from "Born for This" by Chris Guillebeau. It's a book that gives you the strategies for finding work you were born to do. Please let me know if this helps you, and I'm happy for any feedback on my performance in delivering the ideas!
  3. @Gus Thank YOU for that awesome recommendation, Gus! I really appreciate it
  4. Here are my favorite ideas from "My Philosophy for Successful Living" by Jim Rohn. I hope you like it, and I'll be happy if you share some constructive feedback on my delivery of the ideas
  5. @ChimpBrain That would be a wise choice, you'll "fall in love" with him very quickly!
  6. @ctro Thank you, I definitely will! Mastery and Titan are now on my shopping list.
  7. @ChimpBrain Yes, the audio and video is out of sync after the half way point. I'm sorry about that, the sync works fine in the other videos.
  8. @Lawrence Hey, Lawrence! It certainly is, and I would also recommend his book "Leading an Inspired Life". It's got a lot more goodness and stories I'm glad you liked the video!
  9. Hey! If you're looking to become more productive, I hope I can provide you with some valuable insights in my video where I share my favorite Five Big Ideas from "Eat That Frog!" by Brian Tracy:
  10. @Extreme Z7 I totally agree, Jim was such a humble and wise man.
  11. @Extreme Z7 That's incredibly kind of you, thank you very much! I'm glad you do, the ideas in them are life changing, and I've gotten a lot out of developing the mindsets they teach
  12. If you struggle with perfectionism, the ideas from the book "How to Be an Imperfectionist" by Stephen Guise might benefit you. In this video I deliver my favorite ideas, that has been a great help for me. Please let me know if this helped, and I'm open for all honest feedback on my delivery of the ideas
  13. @Siim Land Thank you very much, Siim I have two additional videos here if you want some more ideas. And I'm 20 years old.
  14. Hey! I would highly value your opinion, if you want to give it. I have started a blog and YouTube-channel, and I want to offer a free book to everyone who subscribes to my newsletter. To do this, I first have to write the book, but I don't know what kind of topic people are the most interested in. I am pretty interested in everything personal development related, so I'm going to offer some alternatives for book topics, but you're free to recommend a different one. Passion Purpose Discipline Productivity Inspiration Conquer Procrastination Studying --- Do you have another topic to recommend? --- I will be truly grateful to anyone who decides to share their opinion
  15. @AxelK Thank you for your insight, Alex. It makes sense to me, and I'm starting to come up with something I may use.
  16. Here are my favorite ideas from "How to Become a Straight-A Student" by Cal Newport. I hope some of these ideas are worthwhile for you, and I'm totally open to constructive feedback!
  17. @adithyaunlimited Thank you for the pleasant feedback, and I'm glad it helps you
  18. Here are my favorite 5 ideas from "The Power of Thinking Big" by David J. Schwartz. I hope this can give you some valuable insights, and I'm open for honest feedback!
  19. Thank you very much, Aamir, I'm glad to have you on board!
  20. Hello! Here are my favorite ideas from "The ONE Thing". I hope you can identify more of the actions that really matter in your life by watching this video. Please let me know what you think about the ideas. I am also completely open for constructive feedback!
  21. Hi! I want to share some ideas that I believe will be valuable in your pursuit of more Purpose in your life. I hope this can help you:
  22. Hey there! I just wanted to let you know that I've started a YouTube channel, where I deliver my favorite Five Big Ideas from books that help us think differently and actualize our potential. I sincerely hope you can receive some value from my videos. and here's one you can watch if you're interested.
  23. Hello! I have just gotten started learning NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), and trying out some of the techniques for tinkering with my mind. I think it's really astonishing that we are able to anchor positive feelings, sounds etc. to points on our bodies. For example, I have learned the most basic anchoring of an enthusiastic feeling, and it really gives me a little boost when I get a bit tired, or I want to perform well. Anyway, since I have just begun discovering the amazing benefits of NLP, I would love to hear about any of your experiences with it! So please share, and I am sure that there will be other people who are interested in what you have to say too!
  24. Hey! I will be attending an NLP course in september, and I have gotten really excited, since the host told me that it eventually could lead to a career/business owner as a coach. I've started having these ideas about what the future could bring. A short explanation of what I am currently seeing in my head is: Finish Practitioner and Master Practitioner courses -> Start coaching other students for free for a while to get practice -> Try to build up a reputation through presentations in my university, where I offer these free training sessions -> Hopefully be able to charge people for the coaching sessions -> Being coaching as a part-time job -> Take the training necessary for NLP Trainer -> Start lecturing courses in NLP -> Eventually, as I become more and more experienced, I am thinking about having seminars or more in-depth presentations about NLP, and my current overall goal is to travel the world, arranging seminars and maybe courses, but; I have no experience in the field, and therefore I was wondering if there's anyone reading this post who's got experience as an NLP coach/lecturer or seminar host? I'd really appreciate any advice about going into NLP, and if you want to share a story of your life with NLP, with me.
  25. Hey, Lory! To make it short; I noticed that my watching TV didn't bring me any real happiness, so why not try quitting? I went a bit on and off with the TV watching for a few months, until I really could confirm that it made my mood worse, and not any better. Now, after loaning my friend the TV that I had before, I haven't been watching any television, and I've never been happier or more decluttered than now. I replaced TV watching with reading Personal Development books and biographies, and after about 15-20 days of "forcing" myself a bit to read, I fell in love with it. Now I know that I will most likely never watch the television if I have the chance to read instead In the end, I don't know if you really feel like stopping to watch TV completely, so if I should give a tip that I believe worked for me, it's this; try to go 1 week without TV, but make sure you replace the time with something else. Be mindful about if your inner voice is just the "I have to watch TV, because I've always done it, and there's something missing in my life without it", and try to understand that if you follow that voice, it will least likely bring you any happiness, if you are commited to stop watching. Then you could go 1 week with watching TV like before, and notice if you feel any more true happiness when doing it. Like me, if you do this 1 week on and off a few times, I truly believe that you will start noticing the benefits of quitting, if you stay mindful about your feelings Best of luck to you!