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Everything posted by vishnusavestheday

  1. @RMQualtrough try everything, you help no being by keeping score of how awakening is supposed to be
  2. @Leo Gura Eh even Kanye said Sway had the answer eventually
  3. I wouldn't say they'd be interested. At least there would be an attempt by the government to create "correctional" behavior in "correctional" facilities. At the point of solitary confinement, prisoners are being given a systematic armbar. What would be wrong if the "What is paradox?" video played after a shanking for example? Leo for prison! If you don't agree then, How dangerous are your teachings if they were placed in the hands of the most dangerous people?
  4. If that was true, why don't prisons play videos for bad prisoners whenever they get sent to solitary confinement? You would be their spiritual vault overseer hahaha
  5. Well it's sort of a study expressing a certain evolution of faith and power in hope. The Bible definitely expresses three things about God, and it is described in this culminating order, from Old Testament to New: God is spirit. God is word. God is love. It's made for people who might be better off as interpreters of meaning I guess. It's heavy in symbolism and was very influential in describing metaphor/transcendence when people lived in less intellectually abundant modes of living. Realistically, you can read it today to be more relatable to others. I wouldn't encourage you to count it out of your reading list. But it can be a slog. It's funny in a way that you mention this right off of the bat, because I can easily imagine indoctrinated Christians wondering about this last-- after they've been thoroughly studied in the Bible. Burning curiosity about the stoned ape theory is just mental masturbation honestly. Consuming knowledge isn't always a metaphor for a psychedelic either. Just look up 'madeleine moment' by Marcel Proust. If you are keen to figure out what the Bible is, read it for yourself. It's essentially the Western Soul Dictionary
  6. Just wondering what other people's experiences with mushroom supplements have been. I take some "Genius" mushroom supplement (orange container) with every meal. It consists of 3 different mushroom whatevers: Lion's Mane Reishi Cordyceps 500 mgs per ingredient per capsule I don't know what I feel cognitively I just use it.
  7. Just wait for us to awaken here and we'll be over there I'm fucking with you, ha I used to love the raving vibe
  8. @RMQualtrough Enlightenment is obnoxious intellectualism for people who have yet to parody their being. They have to be on the nose instead of out to lunch.
  9. Finally a book list without science
  10. When you opened your eyes this morning, was it on an in-breath or an out-breath?
  11. I've had a lucid dream where me being lucid actually was contingent upon the dream continuing. The character I embodied in the dream was some pill addict. Funnily enough, the responses I gave as a lucid dreamer to the apparitions made complete sense in the context of my dream self also being an addict. I realized I was lucid in my boss's office, where my leg began to shake. I needed to remain calm and let my boss finish what he was saying in order to let the dream move on without losing touch. I told him "Praise God am I right?" or something similar as I left the room. Tyler Durden vibes. The dream moved on. I got back to my house and I started becoming more aware I was lucid dreaming. It was strange, because I seemed to be awakening in my house like as I would on a psychedelic. But on the storyline of the dream, I was coming up on xanax and probably oxy. I thought to myself that I never sleep, I just listen to "Lucid Dreams" the song and never fade away. Suddenly I'm on the floor and there's a knock at my door. It's apparently my girlfriend of that world, coming to check on me. I slur something out at her from my window overlooking the porch, overjoyed to bump into a dream projection. She gives me a worried look and let's herself in. It was then when I began to go into a seizure in my dream consciously. My body seemed to be coming out of sleep, but I held on. The last thing I remember was the look on that girl's face saying she really doesn't know why she lives to experience this with people she loves. I am thoroughly convinced that some dream situations from imagination can easily be coincidental with real people's lives. Dreaming probably can access other people's waking bodies. You might never know it. There are only so many rooms one can imagine.
  12. @Asayake @Michael569 Thank you for your responses!
  13. Just wanted to make a post in thankfulness to the cold approach. I was inspired by another post talking about the implications of the present moment being IT--the only thing possible. This is more of a "Go up and talk to her!" type post. Literally every single woman exists and they are just existing as cold approach potential--individual beings with everything going on too. It's so ridiculously generous of God to just have people so easily available in front of us. Can you even fathom with me how the attractive other is in front of us EVERY DAY as infinitely different sets of people? They are literally offerings to us it's insane. All we have to do is go up and interact with the present moment! The present moment is exactly that playful and inviting to just wait for us to be interested in doing this sort of thing, like a friend outside your house on a rainy day. And it isn't even like we are supposed to do anything on this planet-- be anywhere specific, get something done-- in order to experience the possibility of love. With enough practice it can just happen.
  14. @NoSelfSelf You're right. A cold approach is deeply more about me than anyone else. How I want to entertain myself by starting the approach is the point.
  15. @Majed How do you separate the insight from the trap? The same way you figured out it was a trap, by getting stuck. When you say raising consciousness do you mean being aware? Because you pedestalize the idea without supporting it with an example. Also, how many people of your categorized "mainstream spirituality" would also claim that their dogma raises consciousness better than other ideologies? How is raising one's consciousness not a dogmatic perspective? Because it just sounds like you are searching in a pool of actuality for something actual.
  16. Eat more salads, drink smoothies. Avoid eating foods that put you into feeling this way in the first place. Write a list describing how you would like to feel and enumerate what it would take to feel that way
  17. Spirituality is mainstream dude. But if you mean the path to nonduality then you have to really understand that most people are just not interested in something they cannot simply believe. They just want sweet nursery rhymes and ice cream. But, stopping on the harp, how do you not see awakening happening all around you? I'm not being completely obtuse, like Netflix has some sort of content related to awakening. Right?
  18. @Kshantivadin Okay, I looked up a couple cold approach phrases to work with in the mean time. My favorite one so far is "you look sexy, so I want to meet you" because I don't think I've ever been that simple or forward in my life haaaa do you have a better one? I know how to be myself, just looking for different ways to say hello k
  19. I did 23andme when I was like 11 or 12 years old 49% English European (Dad) 49% Filipino (Mom) 1% Spanish (Mom's side)
  20. @NoSelfSelf Damn, that's interesting. Can I even fathom it's the attractive me being presented to infinitely different sets of people? You actually remind me of when I trip, I always am really fucking aware of how attractive I am. I really over beautify everything else don't I? ______ So in conclusion I should cold approach as the attractive one?
  21. Why even have sex? There is so much to do outside of sex. Activity based dates are better than having enough sex PERIOD. If you have sex, try non-orgasmic slow shit, it settles the tension shift when settled in correctly. You act like sex is like flushing the toilet. And this topic itself is like potty training tff
  22. @LSD-Rumi Keep it down when you type into the void please. It's not like you can talk to God all the time.
  23. Sadhguru is literally a zoo animal *edit* lol I'm not racist Have you seen how many times he is filmed? Meeting with public officials? Meditating within probably strict time regimens? He's a man on exhibit. How is fame not expanding into a deeper cage? *edit*
  24. If you ever had a goal that you set for yourself, did you suddenly find it less meaningful once you realized you had to struggle? Or have you never set the bar higher for what you hoped to achieve? Or has someone else persuaded you to suffer for something you didn't believe in at all? Or life for you has only been spontaneously meaningful in unplanned success meaningless? You sound like my brother. It's depressing and passionless in no unclear way to hear from him when he's like this. I can't want for him to be better. I just want him to be better. If you don't care what I have to say then it only attests to the fact that you aren't willing to suffer someone else's recognition of your words consciously. The word pathetic exists, used exclusively by humans in fact. Take a cold shower oh my days
  25. @Bobby_2021 You can realize that there are beliefs that are equal to each other to extreme degrees. Insight is knowable. Insight doesn't have to be believable to be knowable. Original thought is knowable. How is original thought unknowable? You need original thought dude. If you had original thought, you would know right now. Language is knowable. Claiming we don't know what we are talking about is intellectually dishonest. What I think is trying to be said is that you want knowing to serve a different purpose beyond what it does already. Stop that and start over. Unroot what you think knowing should do and define it to yourself. It comes off as implied bias that there is such a thing as not-knowing God. You can know you are God once you invent the entire narrative about how you are inventing the narrative. A new big bang, a new evolution, society, a new dying process, and a new afterlife. Or *deconstruct* what wasn't part of the point anyways. Until then the universe hasn't begun for you. The only truth is everything. The start