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Everything posted by vishnusavestheday

  1. Thanks, @teraflu and @Vibroverse . There are definitely people that can share telepathy with us. These are usually people we've gotten to know, or potential romantic partners thinking about our being between us. On the other hand, there are many "waste of time" telepathy cults that happen in consciousness. Take celebrities for example. If you follow one of them on social media and think about them throughout the day, nothing original or remarkable will occur. It's diluted consciousness. I even took this to the extreme in 2021. I went homeless in Los Angeles just to see where these "telepathic" celebrity presences would lead to. I would literally meditate on the side of the streets in different locations and walk places. I stole food, stole goodwill clothes, shoes, insoles, etc. I was pretty set up. At this point, I'm no longer homeless, but I've discovered a lot of nuance to shared thought. There is *prayer* that happens at a hopeful level without expectation of response. On both sides of self and other, I should add. Faraway, one can imagine their grandmother hoping they are doing well--wherever the hell they are. There is *being* which can occur in meditation or with a bonding substance. Other people do not need to be around. Try to stay away from substances though for this, because it does you no good to trip out thinking about how somebody you've never met would react to the same drug experience. This state of consciousness generally feels like relating to strangers about stupidly innane shit, especially when you try to go deeper. This, of course is a result of when... There is *love* which is by far the most spontaneous experience. It has the dimension of actually being possible, which is a bonus. Again, people need not be around. Love can be shared or whole, but by the point of mystery it is already missed. One thing I tried to such an extreme degree was seeing if I could fall in love with anybody by simply prolonging expectation that somebody interesting would arrive. I tried this through walking and in meditation. Try it for yourself. Eventually, I gained such an extreme degree of doubting others that I just prayed for myself all the way home. I had to dig myself out of a grave, one prayer at a time. That was the reward. lol
  2. Why not try a vegan protein powder? The vegan protein powder I buy $20 cheaper at Costco than everywhere else, but I can't assume where you live. Drink it with something simple like an unsweetened almond (low calorie) or soy(better protein content) milk? If you don't want diabetes, a vegan diet is literally the only hope to reversing and basically curing type 2 diabetes.
  3. It's reached a point where people use drugs to make content. They really can't be interested in discovering reality anymore. Addiction is that one place in somebody where they don't believe they discover anything. That's where you find these people with unfortunate problems with consciousness, because they've preached growing and spirituality beyond what they can realize. They think they've hit the ceiling, or at least some part of them might. Addiction is truly challenging deception.
  4. @thisintegrated Just humbly accept that you can't really be sure..
  5. @Tyler Robinson Yeahh, that's why the question in the first place made me give up. I have no idea the level of intuitive survival intelligence necessary to live for years in the wild as a prey animal. Nor do we humans really know the extent to which our technological development is a display of our stupidity or hubris, especially when those brainy dolphins live such minimalist low carbon-emission voyager existences
  6. @thisintegrated No! There is no finish line. There is no winning. It's deceiving af to think that winning is accepting uncertainty if uncertainty isn't certain. Why would I give you the benefit of victory? To the grave!! I know nothing but what somebody told me about God years ago to the grave!!
  7. @Tyler Robinson Primates don't ask questions... So self-inquiry is cause for de-evolving narratives?
  8. @thisintegrated That doesn't really cause escape of its polarity with theism. What if I said this? "Atheism isn't the *deception* in "no God." It's just not being *deceived* of the religious ideas of God. If everything is self-deception--which it is to every degree of delusion possible--why think that having a dubious position is lacking in self-deception?
  9. Apparently humans?
  10. I tried posting about this in the Spirituality thread but maybe it's a better fit here. Nietzsche said, The greatest weight.-- What, if some day or night a demon were to steal after you into your loneliest loneliness and say to you: "This life as you now live it and have lived it, you will have to live once more and innumerable times more; and there will be nothing new in it, but every pain and every joy and every thought and sigh and everything unutterably small or great in your life will have to return to you, all in the same succession and sequence - even this spider and this moonlight between the trees, and even this moment and I myself. The eternal hourglass of existence is turned upside down again and again, and you with it, speck of dust!" Would you not throw yourself down and gnash your teeth and curse the demon who spoke thus?... Or how well disposed would you have to become to yourself and to life to crave nothing more fervently than this ultimate eternal confirmation and seal? --The Gay Science The sense of reliving this life forever is binding to the Self and trying on our impermanent self. Eternal Recurrence also has integrated insights into Solipsism in deeper degrees as well. Being this superposition of time FOREVER makes it greater than something in passing, and somehow our consciousness becomes something otherwise. Since we are reliving our pains forever, we can feel encouraged to make more sophisticated mistakes than living some dumb short-term memory lifestyle. On deeper levels, aren't we searching for more sophisticated moments of Deja Vu? Meeting the girl of your dreams *all before* perhaps? This "greatest weight" compounds into compassion for other beings. I just killed a bug on my arm. And then that bug starts again. Because that bug adds to the gospel doesn't it. The pointlessness of this absurd paradox--death--is threatening to the survival of your existential dance. In spite of death, we perfect life into the perfect circle we want. In the end, we become the hungry laughing infant being fed with mom's spoon in front of us, screaming "Again! Again!" without knowing the language. All you can hear is "here comes the train."
  11. Yeah I'm vegan and I run 2.5 miles 5 times a week... 6 times this week though. 4 Days a week I also do pullups, dips, and other bar exercises with weights as well as jump rope between sets. I'm not at a point in my life where I'm experiencing chronic pain due to overexertion.. yet. I feel I have unending allowance of energy as long as I get enough protein and carbs. That being said, I did have shin splints pretty terribly when I started heavily jump roping and running all the time. Steep learning curve. Now I figured out that I can skip on a softer floor and get no shin pain at all, jumping rope as long as I want. I'm at a weird point where the more I workout, the less I am muddled with pure realization searching, behavior excusing tendencies, and inflexible frustration. I've been vegan for almost 5 years but stopped consistent vegan habits for 3 months in the beginning of this year, because my housing situation prevented me from seriously cooking as I lived around people just eating shitty snacks. When my journey back to veganism started, I was +70 lbs over my last remembered weight. I'm still vengeful of my past sins. I'm glad I've actually typed this in front of me. Now I'm probably +10 lbs of muscle heavier than my starting weight, and 60 lbs lighter.
  12. Pleasure is good. But self-pleasure amounts to lost energy that had potential. If any man is developing their social self further, I'd suggest masturbation is just the setback. It's the same way with animal products for people. I used to be this way. __ Implying of anything being a self-pleasuring activity in itself is not obvious and not healthy to believe. Healthy in the way I'd wanna be at least. Pleased in the way I wanna be that is.
  13. @AMTO Right. You see what I mean
  14. Wow, this topic is really a staged intervention disguised as innocuous bait. @AMTO @Tyler Robinson
  15. @ValiantSalvatore I've said shit like this before but try going homeless for a while and see for yourself if meditation/yoga is more profound than tripping is to you. Try both. With meditation on the road you get the feeling that you create the space you occupy, and the calm that goes with it. It's intentional. With tripping on the road you get the feeling that you are never getting to catch your breath in a place you can trust. It's stumbling. The strengths of practices are measured by their instances and their circumstances, that's systems thinking. New science will always claim that it's breaking news but it's really just tapping on instances and occurrences as if they're the rule
  16. Psych wards are where the spiritual moths see fire
  17. Why do people give a shit so much about Buddhism? It's the most shameful path to take as a man disguised as grace, wisdom, and honor. You literally have to tell yourself you are so confident in sitting that you are above spending time with women. Same thing goes for discovering your career. You necessarily have to cope with this by listening to what someone else told you -- *Buddha said it was something your mind said it "needed" but doesn't.* It completely disregards the path to confidence a growing person undertakes to continue their socialization process. Such BS.
  18. @Ethan1 Yeah, thanks for hearing me out. My cousin died of suicide yesterday, she was 16. She was taking anti-psychotic meds, and I used to force myself to take the same when I was her age. I remember having better days lying about taking the meds rather than taking the meds. She probably didn't give herself that space of honesty. I'm resonating the most with anger through the grieving process right now because of how quick and easy healthcare still claims to sell treatment. It makes me sad that my cousin never even tried or was encouraged to try a vegan diet to better herself. I only got to cook around her when she lived with me about 2 months ago for a fortnight. She took her meds every night. She was better at drawing than I am. It's really shallow of the medical industry to not ask their patients to investigate their diets. At least with veganism you have an ethical view on your own sadness and an applicable problem to take the world up with. All of my relatives are certain she had a mental offishness about her we never could place. She seemed so happy with everybody, they say. Goddamn, if only she was allowed herself to smoke weed and trip like I did at her age. Still, I wasn't allowed by authority by any means. ___ This also made me think of something. I look back on all of the run-ins I had with the law as an attempt on my part to BE MORE NORMAL as a young person growing up. It was the rebellion itself that normalized my stigmatized mental illness. I was overjoyed one time, high on acid, laughing through my grandparents dismay, handcuffed to a gurney in the ER because they were fully aware that I was just somebody who didn't care. I was more simple than some new pseudo-illness that society has just realized. The episodes of grief that struck me before that epiphany occurred in revolt to what authority asked of me. Rather than having been an AFRAID STIFF ANAL mental patient listening to what mom said to take and going to church because she said so, that is who I became. Funnily enough, in my senior year, I ended up attending church anyway because I enjoyed going and playing in the worship band.
  19. Let me preface this. I do understand people can undertake serious emotional issues and fundamental problems. I don't want to invalidate someone's certainty that what they feel is real. Here's my point. I don't want to help them believe there is anything disordered to them. Mental health is still a part of the Way, and that by itself is far from the certainty of clinical mental disorder. No matter how scientific it is, it's still fucking astrology. To the people that want to be diagnosed, more power to them. To the people that don't want to be diagnosed, this is where I see oppression. If my one desire is NOT to be a diagnosed person, I shouldn't have to live like one. I sure as hell don't want people I know to shove down my throat what I need because of what some doctor figured out in 15 minutes of seeing me. Fuck the meds.
  20. Wow, I posted on this thread or a thread like this a while ago (think it wasn't this thread). My first cousin just self-deleted today. She was 16 years old. Her twin brother found her dead this afternoon. Yeah, from where I'm sitting, suicide is not cool. I live with my grandparents, and I was told right before my grandfather arrived with lunch. He didn't know. We had a very difficult meal. He was his same joking self, and my grandmother and I kept making this solemn eye contact. When he finished his meal and let it be known to him, he let out a sound similar to a dog yelping in pain. I won't forget it. I won't ever get to see my cousin at a drunk Christmas party, or any future family vacation. I have to live knowing that I was one of the few who has harvested her soul just from direct contact. It is a direct experience that will no longer fathom itself. I literally saw her 2 months ago. Don't kill yourself, it's really selfish to have everyone who knew you regurgitate these unoriginal feelings of grief and mourning just because you doubt your living potential. Doing anything is better than self-deletion. If it prevents you from being a doormat, start a fight with teenagers who are cutting themselves in front of you while they are drunkenly confessing their pain. If you realize what can be gained from being just and important from that alone, people are the last thing that matters. Negative societal behaviors are really what you encounter, not people. If you are honest with this you become actually God, just and possibly capable of changing others to positive behavior because they are literally algorithm to you -- no reason to be afraid of a recurring algorithmic experience. Suicide is pettyyyy
  21. I'd rather be a high-functioning bipolar, high-functioning schizophrenic, or viewed as a bad actor in denial of a disease rather than mull around in the weakness of my problems as if it's a permanent condition. @Tyler Robinson If I am discouraged from speaking out about confidently being misdiagnosed, am I ruining the mental illness experience for everyone else? Here's another question. Why should others feel hesitant to jump ship from their diagnoses? Why shouldn't they? ___ Some of y'all are really bought in. Absolutely no excuses from where I'm standing. There is no way I can sell myself as a mental health patient to colleagues or friends without seeing a look of apprehension about them, no matter what I could say in explanation. Furthermore, I'm not here saying at all that "sharing your diagnoses" are SAFE ACTIONS to undertake in conversation if you value other people's trust in your dependability. --@Tefikos I just want people to be aware of the effects words have on others. When you say you are suffering from a disorder, it suggests to others that you have malfunction. It's not stigma, it's literally connotation.
  22. @Carl-Richard Haha you keep talking to yourself I don't ask you to imagine it like that. I'm only sharing that it felt stupidly bold of me to jerkoff in the shadows of the night in Los Angeles.
  23. @Carl-Richard Epicurus is proud of you, be happy. Eat your cheese, chase your pleasure. I used to masturbate when I was homeless haaaaa. Ever since then I've felt that there is no greater shame than pretending to feel connected to the universe by blowing one for God. Literally no greater shame possible than jerking off homeless. You think to yourself, wow this is brave of me. It's pathetic in its absolute. Killing somebody for no reason is still not encouraging failing genetic behavior. It takes something out of you to do that. I'm serious.
  24. I've noticed I love having conversations on psychedelics. Dialogue is usually more sophisticated and movie-like. I understand our minds are more creative nervously when tripping, yet is there any way to integrate this?