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Everything posted by vishnusavestheday

  1. Okay, now go to a history lecture and don't take any notes. Does that help you or hurt you? OR Maybe the problem is how you assess your notes, or how you take self development less seriously than how you would take a classroom setting--while being fed information from a teacher.
  2. i could mention that prayer beads saved my life from smoking, but i had to work to rely on them think of the process of rolling your own cigarette, how pristine and meditative the few minutes are. then smoking it. now think of running your fingers through devotional beads. feel the temptation toward smoking yet? feel any drudge about praying for belief and being intentional? it's the same appreciation there in spirit, just misused. you could realistically reverse your drudge to a healthier perspective, too. just never, never, never give up.
  3. Here's a book setting theological framework about veganism for those extreme year-round lent-observing penitent Catholic brothers and sisters. It's hopeful to truly find a non-secular resource that wants real reform.
  4. Wondering if you guys had any advice on apology, and how one could apologize consciously to somebody else. I know Leo has a video on how to forgive someone, but I want to know how I can amend a relationship. I know that if I don't resolve this, I can't manage an intimate relationship. I want to get past it. Thanks.
  5. I'm always chalking it up to a translation failure of culture nowadays. Meditation can also be a form of study, and any form of study can be either imaginative or ceasing. I fail to see how clear-cut modernized translations of any historical figure or tradition provide accurate depictions of enlightenment. Wisdom tends to be extremely diluted. Language itself... The Middle Way seems more centralized around the cessation of a worrisome imagination and the cultivation of loving awareness... it seems continuously apparent that us kiddos of the actualized forum forget that Buddhism is about the Middle Way--not the practice of conscious being, not the method of meditation, and not the goal of Nirvana. It's comical, because people always repeat the same negative sentiments about Buddhism-- as if Buddhism is causing their illusion! Get your head out of your ass! You can't really be aware of the ideas you are suggesting to yourself! We wander in the dark!
  6. Meat eaters never find a Buddha within, because it's only a dream to them.
  7. @Pudgey Are musical instruments spiritual teachers? Is writing a spiritual teacher? What about rock climbing? Those are definitely spiritual practices. They probably fall under a meditation practice by your conditions. What would your spirituality be if humanity just listened to you and only took psychedelics? What would you tell the human population if they'd gotten rid of their techniques before they'd built society at all? You are literally saying psychedelics are better than any activity in the entire universe for truth realization. It feels like you are totally desireless to live in "inferiority" or "uselessly" to the unenlightened masses. You are literally that guy who would rather take a psychedelic for free than go to the moon for free! Do you really like being that guy? Enlightenment is a lot of things-- apart from an understanding of infinity, it also is an ability to eloquently provide wisdom to others and relate to their conditional pains. But since you are trying to destroy historically spiritual systems you might be trying to redefine enlightenment itself also. How could you even know what enlightenment was if you weren't alrieady shitting on the thousands of dead enlightened people who spent their time doing the inferior work to explain to you what they couldn't possibly know anyway about enlightenment (according to your reasoning?) ? Let's say you are trying to redefine enlightenment. Why are you trying to do that? Why not define something entirely different? Wouldn't the enlightened thing to do be to pinnacalize something higher than an enlightenment system? If you can't do that, then human spiritual systems do have merit because you've already forfeited yourself to being spiritual on some grounds.
  8. @Salvijus Honestly the energy boost went away for me after about the 50th day. I lapsed on the 63rd day or something, shortly after I started school and began microdosing again. It just felt like an unresolved inner conflict eventually, not a disciplinary test. And more and more like a dragging need to resent other people. And I don't like resenting people more than I have to, dude. I'm already a vegan. Overall though, I'm satisfied with the progress I made. I had never exceeded 29 days before that streak, so blowing through 2 months was a surprise and a half with a little cherry on top. But still, I have an ambivalent feeling about the inner strength I had gained from retention. I felt like a zoo animal or a bull. You can almost emasculate yourself from the self respect, pride, and guilt you have to deal with on a momentary basis. You can tell yourself to be strong, be strong, be strong, but I also want to think about other things. It also made me obsessed with relationship searching-- going on dating apps every day, shunning photos of women on social media, etc. Since my schedule suddenly became busier, I am not looking for a relationship right now. Retention, though I may give it credit for making my life so abundant in the past 6 months, felt like something I wanted to give up on. Please do respond if you feel inclined. I'd love to hear what you or @The Mystical Man has to say.
  9. Try to live a permutation of life beyond a better/worse esteem dilemma. Maybe in a couple years you can come back to the idea and realize how impossible it really was to live a life that was yours any differently. Think about it. You are born, and then you HIT THE GROUND RUNNING. You flop on the fish until you can crawl, breathe, communicate, and get potty trained. "The best life" becomes an obvious miracle--something impossible to disbelieve. The best life is not a matter of when it comes.. it's here, right now today. Not a goal to strive toward like a lighthouse in the distance... I mean you probably are working on recognizing this daily, so just don't beat yourself up. Personal development should be rewarding and personally gratifying.
  10. @Leo Gura What are the odds of the 5-MeO being adequately retained in the blood bank for the imminent patient to have a vampiric frenzy awakening?
  11. @Osaid @Inliytened1 That's all well and good but did you score a MAX on your vanity levels? Didn't think so. Y'all must be maxing out those exhibitionist levels flashing children and ducks in the park probably.
  12. Try to implement a sense of impossibility into your meditation
  13. I scored a 17 and I really don't know if people are just answering like pushovers to play selfless koi mind games but I don't appreciate it Are artists just inherent narcissists because style is interesting to them? The survey just appeared anti-creative, especially with some fashion based questions. I also do not think that the goal of personal development is to have the lowest possible narcissism score..? I hope I'm falsely disbelieving the intentions of the other scorers on this topic...
  14. Infinity is very patient. Consciousness is willing to sit down and generate every possible drawing and picture created by artists forever, just for the sole purpose that you could find Brahman dumb. Congratulations, you figured it all out.
  15. For self-development purposes, should I have a serious morning routine? I have night school right now, and I usually workout in the afternoon. I don't really know what would be necessary to institute a wakeup/sleep schedule. Do you guys follow any strict regimens?
  16. fear is not the sensation of crashing a car. fear is the warning sign before the impact. as far as clarity is concerned, crashing a car is imaginary until it happens. if you'd like to do spiritual work, you might be skeptical of the reality behind these warning signs. fears might be unhelpful, and they might be giving feelings of unnecessary, unwarranted stress
  17. do something productive for your self-esteem...something that makes you feel badass that way you won't have to feel your self-esteem drained through your other routine habits. unless you are intentionally trying to do something badass, you probably aren't. there really aren't many activities that are accidentally badass. like sprinting... if you got so good at jogging your running path around your neighborhood that you just started sprinting it... that would be badass. just do something that makes people turn heads and you wont worry about unhappiness, loneliness, or sadness in an unproductive way. it's called taking souls for a reason. you have to steal a sense of awe from others to compete // max out your orange potential.. also try not to ejaculate until you are satisfied with your life. imagine ejaculation needs a set/setting and, if you aren't ejaculating in a self-sufficient environment, it's probably best you never ejaculated at all.
  18. A realization is as good as it gets
  19. The common answers on the internet seem to suggest that people could easily abuse this system to leverage time off their normal jobs. In this century though, the IRS could easily just generate a new form similar to a W2 that keeps a frequent eye on hours worked at a charity organization. Volunteer centers could also be sent security packages (fingerprint scanning, like the DMV) to prove the identity of the volunteer. This would also incentivize citizens to be positive influences to society? Wouldn't this be a collectively incentivized idea? Couldn't this also be a way to actually safeguard against fake philanthropists/high income tax evaders? Wouldn't this also empower the middle class to make more fucking money? I'd like to hear your thoughts--and if you can come up with any possible obstacles--in this being a possibly good idea. It probably isn't, but thanks.
  20. what is perfect...never has to be questioned ever again... but only if you want to... @Thought Art nice list!
  21. Sitting up in a chair burns about 60 calories an hour. Sleeping burns about 50 an hour. Even if you didn't move, you'd be burning 1200 calories a day. It's really THAT crazy to concede all the movement you do isn't approximately 800 more calories in a day? Also, it'd be good if you didn't drain your entire body's caloric storage just through daily exercise btw. Your body is like an ion battery. Remember from school how it's not good for a battery to continuously be drained low? Your body is the same, but on a larger scale and operating multiple autonomic systems at once. Let the body be fed, dude. It's really an insult if you don't eat, really. You have really no need to starve yourself. It's a disrespect to starving people to starve with them or for them. They would easily eat if they could, why would they respect you for not eating? If their respect doesn't matter to you, why bring them up?
  22. @OBEler I am obviously triggered. Imagine people around you speaking in tongues and acting possessed and the audacious one is the guy who doesn't approve of being thrown upon by Martin Ball... Because of ego? No offense... I'm possibly sure that such a memory is at least partly traumatizing for whoever was his client then. But that's a result of this symmetrical energy! Can't it be social psychosis? This is my first day studying this symmetrical body stuff. It seems like an effort to be a spoiled child kicking and screaming for a deeper awakening. Should I be open minded to such body language? It just looks disrespectful to evolution to flop around like an amoeba. @Thought Art This is still the way. You are right. I just don't want my body calisthenics routine to be continuously weird. Maybe I'm not serious enough to pursue such expressions of awakening.
  23. @OBEler Why aren't people making videos showing people taking psychedelics and then free solo rock climbing? Why are they insistent on making these fetal position realizations in infinity? This shit is so silly. People just like this whole pretending shit; it's weird. It's like jerking off to bizarre ideas. Spirituality is showing a kinky side to reality that I am not enjoying thoroughly. Channeling is a whole nother level of bicurious. Well, either way, next time I trip, my intention is to not become like these people. I have something to contemplate now while tripping. These people.
  24. LMAO Here are my thoughts on the video. I probably will be ass kicked for this, but that jumpcut at 22 minutes really showed a changed person Martin went full Bashar... If you change that much on psychedelics, you probably have a lot of integration to work on instead of rationalizing the dissonance.
  25. "Ehh it's like, yeah you've never really seen porn hehehe, until you've seen it on 5-Meo-DMT" *smiles and literally cries*