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Everything posted by vishnusavestheday

  1. Mark Laita has an extremely nuanced perspective towards homelessness and societal conditions from talking to countless people and unearthing the embedded life many street people live.
  2. Sweat drops of blood much?? Success is about dying a happy death, and whatever it takes to create it is where your effort should lead you.
  3. Control isn't about sharing, and it isn't about eliciting responses from others to achieve it. Just reach off the couch and grab the controller dude
  4. Having an awakening is a narrative that psychonauts follow like emerging minnows, until reality just surrenders to me
  5. Haha, try to only use "we" when with other people, see what happens
  6. “Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them.” ― Margaret Atwood
  7. Yeah the self-reference problem everyone is getting at is that God predates/precreates being before we get a chance to suffer separately. We can't truly assume any truth is higher than God loving everything. Does that make sense? God already is the highest assumption of consciousness.
  8. @Leo Gura How have you reflected since upon being on Charlie's "Dropping In Podcast" some two years ago? Has it aged well? Does it stand fairly in retrospect as an honest representation of your insights upon consciousness? What would you honestly say differently if you were given an opportunity to be on another podcast?
  9. @Vladimir Jesus is a brother to all tired and weary, and he typically is one for free.
  10. Matthew 18:11 For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost. This is you? For $5.55 a month bro?
  11. @Breakingthewall It definitely does not feel like psilocybin...nobody that I've tripped with have at all mentioned that it's like mushrooms alone
  12. What happened to being born of water and spirit
  13. Love is Truth. It has nothing to do with making life make sense. We all grasp this sensation eventually, and we spend the rest of our lives in real commitment to be surrounded by this blanket of peace.
  14. I'm honestly not sure and I'm wondering what the actualized community has to say. I understand that Leo has been very sex and porn-positive, but I just want to know what you all think of it as a career choice. If someone were to discover God, Truth, Being, Awake-ness, then embody it, could that conceivably pan out to a life of acting in sex films for a living? There are definitely bad actors in the industry and all that, I'm just hoping to hear another take on it. Pornography can be quite selfless, regardless of personal perversion. How would it be to you? Love to hear a response, thanks.
  15. I have a bare of vivos that I run in. I used to run around 15 miles a week before I was rock climbing so much. I'd definitely recommend it. It's quite a fun experience. You have to run like a ballerina (as in minimal heel striking) and it requires more work of your calves. You will get a serious increase in stress on the calves within your first week/couple months. Beware. No matter what article somebody will cite regarding barefoot shoes being a scam, you can't deny the growth of toe splay many users often develop. I'd also recommend them for weighted workouts, like endurance squats or weighted lunges so you can appropriately gauge and balance the holistic strength of your lower legs. Also good for jumping rope too. The only thing I haven't tried vivos doing is slacklining, but I'm not in a rush to do that, because it's already quite fun when barefoot. I'd rather buy barefoot shoes and exercise in them for longevity's sake than not. My foot strength and balance has never been stronger. I can pistol squat quite easily now.
  16. How does it compare? LeO! What might I expect from such a combination? I'm sure the experiences would differ depending on ROA for the 5MeO... Let me KnOw! I'm curious! Thanks.
  17. @RebornConsciousness ehh casual sex feels uninteresting as a concept without a guaranteed retainer
  18. @Leo Gura @integral I just want to make porn that would be pleasing enough to make it onto Leo's hard drive for more outrageous experiments in consciousness
  19. I wasn't asking for advice. Perhaps get a deeper understanding of intuition
  20. Balance is an ideological stance. Intuitive eating is an ideological stance. Having "i think for my age" beliefs are also ideological stances. I highly doubt that people have any conclusive understanding about the cognitive differences possible in reorienting lifestyle habits. Try goin vegan for 90 days and sticking to it as an "intuitive eater" and you'll find that "intuition" was an excuse for lacking discipline and actually concrete opinions about health. But who am I kidding, I haven't even achieved 90 days of semen retention yet. I must be an "intuitive celibate"
  21. haspy birfday leo
  22. I've been microdosing LSD, just recently have I also incorporated some psilomethoxin and on other days doubling up. The combined microdose was incredibly profound, especially to an infinite degree of human automaticity. 5MEODMT still has the dominant personality of the trip though. I'm eager to breakthrough on Pm, yet I'm in no rush to do so.
  23. If your trips are meaningless, microdose your way to meaningful being first.
  24. Just wanted to log this day with y'all out here... I've been a bit more infrequent lately. Either way, here's the report. I've been writing songs these past few weeks. I spontaneously understood this morning to see if any open mics were set in SF. Obviously, there were. One was even available tonight, conveniently after my work shift. I got to sing one song and I couldn't feel more satisfied. I could speak at length about many things, but one of my goals is to have a paid gig setup to play after a workday (Friday, Saturday, etc.) when my schedule clears up. That's the end of the year goal that I created about 3-4 weeks ago, and I'm making quick work of it. I also plan to check out a different bar for Monday nights. Life's kickin' its value into overdrive! I've also keenly noticed the subconsciousness of others'-- in their performances and their emotivities. I feel like I'm going undercover whilst ingratiating myself into this music scene. There's so many "influenced" individuals out there. Blessings.
  25. I'd think Leo's afraid of pulling a Temple OS and going full internet insane.