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Everything posted by vishnusavestheday

  1. You're asking for the conditionally troubled answer is the point It goes back to when you used to get a different sense of attention when punished. And you noticed the same feelings of attention arise in your parents when the same question arose. They usually don't know that the process is just as simple as ascribing the word to how the word made others feel and how it melded into how you used to feel. So a lot of us still have the meaning of "attention" mixed in with "problematic being." "Why" is already presupposing an intellectual problem. always, everytime.
  2. Why is there a cup? How did the cup come to get there? Why is just the troubled form of how, if you're gonna sit on the "but why" diving board of the public swimming pool forever the lifeguard might make you come down.
  3. I'll check it out!
  4. You can only allegedly believe you are yourself, as can you only allegedly believe Jesus is still alive. Think of it this way. Because if you believe His Spirit has power after he died, couldn't it reside in any other person's body more than others? That is the trap.
  5. "I am Jesus Christ" is the typical sinner's disbelief. Us non-Christs can try so many times to twist the mind to make life make sense in relation to believing it. You're supposed to believe him. Jesus can either proclaim himself to you or you can believe you are it-- the whole moment! IF you do want to go down the road, that is. But the dialogue usually isn't any grander than that down the latter road. With messianic reasoning, Jesus Christ isn't enlightened enough for us, we have to be him to be enlightened enough to others. It's deeply problematic. Or take it as it is. The savior of the world's equality to us is in death to the typical many, or his equality is to none, allegedly remembered in the transcendence of life to those who know themselves better dead and martyred to never have to return. Maybe they really died long before then, and the apostles' ego deaths were so deep that the rest of their lives felt like steps back to the beginning... You can know you are him in shame that he must have died to become you or believe you aren't Him to be thanked for being yourself. "I am Leo" would make way much more sense. It's a better rung on the ladder to stop in the clouds. Having a messianic complex is not simple Especially when they deny that it looks like he is having a sentence by sentence dialogue between himself and God. Does @Vladimir believe he is happening alone in this stream of thought? Because it looks like call and response Can you go through enlightenment and remember yourself? Because you appear to be forgetting. The simplest check-in between yourself and God isn't going anywhere anytime soon.
  6. @Breakingthewall You can tell because he plans on posting videos about it to YouTube and Instagram, where the enlightened claim to die
  7. I have no desire to relate to this way of being you claim to have. Is this my problem that I perceive you as a fool? Is it your problem that you create foolish ways of being? Is it our problem that foolish ways of being exist between us? Is it their problem that they are subjective entities of betweening foolishly?
  8. Try going homeless in LA just for the fun of it. Or any city. Vegas, Miami, San Francisco. It's a whole different spirituality.
  9. To start off I'm vegan and I do I-M fasting soo Also... 3x nutrition supplement, 3x mushroom supplement (usually non-psychedelic ) This morning, I ate Bowl of fruit (Strawberry blueberry raspberry avocado banana kiwi papaya mango. not all of them, but in combinations always.) Protein Shake (soy/alm milk and orgain chocolate, sometimes add banana here, supergreen powder as well.) Coconut water Multigrain crackers today Today I actually made wheat starch bacon and ate that up with tomato That's all until dinner usually. Tonight, I ate Air fried eggplant with panko breading, peanut oil [Failed] mozzarella sticks, melted all over the parchment paper, but covered some eggplant nonetheless! Rice, avocado, 1000 island dressing, soy sauce Leftovers from yesterday-- cucumber, asparagus, lettuce, tomato Orange juice Coconut water I try to drink water all day as well.
  10. It's an everchanging process. I'm not trippin, I get it. I also used self inquiry journaling. In addition to self inquiry meditation, I used to write down stupid questions until I felt like an idiot. I'm talking hours. I used to have a lot of time to commit to writing, not gonna lie.
  11. I am writing this hoping to attract the attention of those self-actualization journalers on the forum. Maybe I won't, we'll see. I believe chronicling is better than journaling, but please do tell if you disagree. We can discuss! I used to do quite a bit of stream of consciousness journaling when I was in my teens. I usually ended up way more off the rails. Sometimes I would walk for hours around my neighborhood until morning still writing notes into my phone about arising ideas. I took it as a game of sorts. I had a mystical vision of some certain insight regarding social behavior or philosophy, then I wrote responding to myself experiencing it. I usually never reread these sort of things. Now I usually chronicle into my computer the stories surrounding experiences such as this, and they are much more insightful now. I get a greater reflection of who I used to be after endless flashbacks revision my memory. Sometimes in peering (and snooping) other people' s journals I get such a throwaway vibe from many entries. Not everyone is a fantastical devoted writer I see, and I am here expressing this sorrow. Hopefully here's a good tip. You remember the sincerity of writing 'feeling' more than you feel writing remembering your sincerity. That's you. Because of this, I technically still journal too, but instead, it is written in more poetic terms. Lines, stanzas, rhymes. I get pretty good. Tried singing them aloud with lead guitar progressions to some success too. thanks xo
  12. Yes, perfectly. Thanks.
  13. just give all your important belongings to someone you know who can hold onto them. then just start walking. and eventually your life will consist of moving, sitting, meeting with people, talking, and eating in different combinations. do this until you figure out how wanting it to stop actually happens. eventually you'll be wearing an orange robe in a forest, making right turns in a spiral formation into the center of the square perimeter you've walked. you agreed with yourself sequentially with every step right. right? right. eventually you'll sit long enough and prove to yourself what you want to stop
  14. How does Dawkins so forthrightly disbelieve that we cannot see into DNA? He's gotta just be rolling the ball forward to further the idea's pursuit. It's so irrelevant too in all honesty. How is the claim of "looking into" DNA specifically supposed to be awakening at fucking all. Such banal shit. My scientific awareness is realizing such novelty! This looks like DNA would you look at that! Wow we can imagine shapes. In some ways I'm being a dick but I'm simply frustrated that 7 grams of mushrooms only produce some bizarre DNA awakening trollop. Scientific masturbation againnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn fuck this
  15. Yes I am typing out my last earth calories as we speak
  16. Lmao. Yes, you have to awaken to it. It's perfect that insight is created alone. Most of the time people just need validation; it doesn't matter if others agree with us unless it's an ethical principle. If we end up surrounded by people who adore our every word instead of validate our suffering, we scream for more ridiculous reactions from the crowd or we flee from the a swarm of wasps they are. But that's whatever. People being right is so foolish to disbelieve. The truth is that the closeness of time will itself reveal obvious knowledge that breaks the boundaries of what is important. Awakening feels like you really have to try to not know, forget yourself in the process, then remember something at a deeper level as yourself. This is usually very sudden and feels deeper than a look in the mirror. Like a curtain call of the heart.
  17. nows the time to start singing songs that make you cry because they are so good at keeping you sad. god's an asshole for letting those songs suck perfectly
  18. Be wary of pointless non starters that make people sound really dumb
  19. No matter what state you are in, it might be America. Contrary to popular belief, not everything is a state. There are bordertowns. I've only been in a state of America. One at a time. You can theoretically escape states, should you be evading consciousness police. That is, unless we vote Leo as consciousness president. Then we can be consciously pardoned of consciously escaping conscious states. Then, the consciousness police are only Leo and his silly datura parables!
  20. terrifying is mild. just wait till you forget that you cared about leaving being afraid. other people aren't even the nightmare. it's when you are totally unconcerned with being pure evil that anyone can be fearless with you and against you. just punch trees until you aren't afraid of other people's ideas
  21. trip with opposites. View personalities interact. Higher dosages. Read books and relate to others. have sex. trip alone. draw, write, create your own alphabet. speak in codes to yourself. learn what awakening is not. a psychonaut just wants to explore being a person while tripping, intentionally, but tends to end up explore being something else, unintentionally. explore the possibility that you can be heard in communication to yourself. your thoughts are not simply ongoing or going to happen to you, but you may be able to rather be with yourself than react to what peripheries your goings on
  22. Illusion is returning to the same place to talk about different ideas. Illusion is teaching people when we are really monkeys interested in making facial gestures change for others just because we think causing a scene gives us power. Illusion is authenticity when concerned. Illusion is screaming at the world in capital letters. Illusion is defining entertainment for itself. Illusion is attaching to fantasies over disbelief. Illusion is not funny. Illusion is not funny yet.
  23. Have you tried a completely astrally produced diet? I've been on a purely astral diet for a couple days, and slowly but surely, I am becoming less of the body. Usually I eat my favorite astral rice cultivated on my astral farm with my astral concubines. The teriyaki I get locally sourced from my closest astral village. All from the comforts of my own samadhi!
  24. Is either a 'solipsistic' or 'infinity of gods' awakening any different to an eternal recurrence awakening? In eternal recurrence, everything is certainly relative and real without needing to postulate who is what and who is who. Instead of end of life cutoff branches, you are the only being living your life ever, forever, over and over. It's simple and enlightening and driving and motivating. Every gripe you have with this idea really is a facet of yourself unintegrated, because either way, you can only know what is obvious to you. The idea of regreeting the same ideas as you regreet them. Purely total, am I wrong? By extension of being the only being living your life, you can even awaken further by eliminating the ownership of it being YOUR life, thereby learning that THIS life is the only way OTHERS exist at all, totally. Especially because your life is by conclusion just a repeating belt of feelings start to finish. I've just started reading the novel on eternal recurrence by Ouspensky, and I'm recovering from a state of "deluded originality" where I was convinced nobody else had created this idea before, and by extension I was all states of creation -- the devil, God, the comedian, the joker, the idiot, etc (DejaVuddha)-- since I wasn't aware of the philosophical terminology. Deluded or not, it was original to my experience and that is grace. I even had written a manuscript that was 80 or so pages dedicated to this dilemma, which I have since deleted completely. It bothered me too much and lacked zeal that I found replicable by reading Nietzsche. Please discuss if you are willing! Let me know what possible problems could be outlined from the preface/paradigm.
  25. This happened recently, two nights ago. I was in the car with my grandfather, probably on something because he was candidly embarrassing to talk to. He promised me we were in the right place, then proceeded to tell everyone in public i was on drugs. I stopped him by choking him out in elbow lock. I killed him. Realizing what I just did, I walked into the diner I was at. Convinced it was my last moment a free man, I walked up to the hottest girl there, then realized it was a dream. I wanted to be kind to my dream projections, because when I fuck them I usually notice they have attitude. I just confessed, "I just wanna tell you my penis is very hard rn." Right before we proceeded to fuck, I saw the Holy Mother Mary leaving the diner. It wasn't the murder that caused her to flee, it was just me, immediately desiring sex after murder. Needless to say, I prayed the rosary today.