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Everything posted by vishnusavestheday

  1. What is the cause of our imagination to want to inflict premonitions of danger unto itself? I was having a wet dream one night, and during the dream I had sex in a public coffee shop. Upon orgasm, the woman disappeared and police gathered around the scene-- to make me feel that I did something wrong. To reinforce this idea, my mom came to the said coffee shop sounding like she was notified by the police that her son was there-- ejaculating alone in some restaurant booth (fucking lol). By the look of their "concerned" eyes, I was fully lucid dreaming at this point, so I walked over the cops shoulders and they didn't do shit as I walked out half naked. It made me wonder, why do our imaginations try to threaten us? Does it not know any better than to just stay out of the perceiver's way? What sense of "knowing any better" really belongs to us? Is "knowing better" something residing in the structure of God, ego, or is it a compromise? Obviously it has to do with our conceptual survival mechanisms, but what radical decisions in life would you encourage to disbelieve fear? Is that even a wise thing to do? Some normal examples include asking out that one girl you met, quitting your job if you hate it, etc. Radical meditations upon fear are stealing, rape, and murder. Since fear is our conditioning mechanism, therefore love is our deconditioning mechanism. Love is bold. Feel free to share any fear breakthroughs you've had tripping, dreaming, meditating, or just sober. I'm bored.
  2. True. Is Real the only layer that can be added to reality? Layers upon layers of "real" when challenge really is imaginary limitation. Have you been able to "change" the flux of consciousness wanting "real"? Or is the waking state always subject to the limiting feelings of realness, and you just have to get used to it?
  3. Being a part of everyone's path.
  4. Yes, you are DejaVuddha, more woke into progression than a cease and resist order from a shady Buddha idiot. Know more.
  5. I am he who speaks to you in order to suggest that you may bump into humans who work the exact opposite karmic cycle of yours since the day you were born. Imagine there are two wasteful people in your entire life, and help them until they are completely in the desire to help themselves. Move through pedophile pasts, move through house burning down moments, move through incestual rape. If they still don't care, remember to nestle into their grudges to come up with better arguments to observe systemic conflicts. Humans are microsystems in which our shared mind expands into the possibilities of our choices. Call them. Don't hang up and wait until they have nothing but disdain for how truthful you are. Why respect their wishes? Their ideas are wrong. Don't tell them outright, suggest persuasion through peaceful vehicles beyond coexistence. Always ask of might. Might is infinitely polite. Might I? I might dive into that... All productive conversations are either about a book, about poetry, or about the possible use of MIGHT as a possibility arranging itself and as politeness asking for a superposition. I am selling you God. Leave me alone.