The Buddha

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Everything posted by The Buddha

  1. That is Love what other call love is not true Love. That is the normal state of all beings. It is the state of all the universe. It loves itself so much that there is nothing wrong or right, everything that is done is purely perfect. As was Hitler, he acted out of love and by universal love all that he did was perfect. The universe is not like wow this u can't do it, no of course not. It's just our human perspective on how things should or should not be done. On a universal level it is all accepted, the rain drop never falls into the wrong place, the leaf never gets lost by the wind. So we are not different, as this is in the macrocosmos as this is in the microcosmos. The cell is permited to eat all beings that he can, the galaxies are permited to destroy themselves, so the universe is able to collapse itself. So Love is in all of them, whatever is done and not done is in God's grace by it's means and in him, so you. As the infinite forms of gold, from rings to necklace as this all are gold, so above so bellow. The eternal substance from which everything is and not is. So it is that everythings is Love what else could it be? Out of love by love and in love you think that there is no love. So the gold in the ring we forget it's gold by it's temporary form. So we forget the true essence of all things, to easy to understand my words that are always lost, how could you forget it or not be it or be it. So that are forms, so in forms you get lost; the essence is always the same gold. So how could there be no Love in gold? If all gold is, is Love to itself and it's countless forms and formless realities, how could it be that there is something apart to it to hate or to be loved, they all fall in Love, so it is because there is no other way it could be.
  2. Depends, how far do u wanna go? As this far? Then there is a lot to be done, if not you can still exist without any suffering. However if you want to be in full completition, go as far as any being in the Universe can go, that takes a bit more time. Very few human people have obtained, however hardly anyone goes all the way, with complete ecstasy of existance and no-self you are good to go. But to be honest there is always that one...
  3. Here u have your answer. No-one goes to the doctor to know why they are healthy
  4. As always, just leaves from questions than answers
  5. Well, what I use is do not expect anything, don't take anything for granted nor believe before hand anything. As u just were born. How u can breathe, drink, eat, read, open doors, gravity, clothes, colour, space, intellect, words, mind, friends, family, technology, animals, plants, temperature... Be profoundly curious about everything.
  6. Well, if I remember well there different types of learners. The two I remember is the learn by doing and the one that researchs. Make a test to know the type u are and learn that new skill in that way
  7. I'm not sure to what type of magic u are refering. The Magic that there is in life is the trascendence of what we believe to be magic and non-magic. For example isn't u being alive in a body, in a giant rock sipinning in itself and arround a fucking ball of fire all that spinning also in itself while travelling throw the universe magic? I'm so confused about people acting normal about existence. Like wtf is even this shit u get born here with a name a race and a ideology and everyone like this shit makes sense. Anyway, magic u could say is also watching life with the eyes of a 5 year old kid. Do u see that face? that is pure magic. Also a cat seeing an amazing incredible thing and getting crazy about it is also magic. If u are refering to more practic magic I recommend u to check Damien echols, The Golden Dawn and Aleister Crowley as well as alchemy. Those are people or groups of people that understand or study magic.
  8. How could u regret having an orgasm? So imagine the best orgasm that the universe is capable of experiencing.
  9. I just enjoy to talk with others in the pathless path. It's not a common thing in real life. In fact very few time seekers were given this type of interaction ever before in history (with the exception of Tibet)
  10. @PBen534 @nistake Namaste :-)
  11. I asked my guides for a message and this appeared. The insights are so profound yet so simple and easy that the mind can't graspe anything, you are left with pure understanding, nothing else.
  12. hahahha I would love that! However, don't think she would have a youtube channel, she had no teaching, no teacher and no students. She was like papaji, nothing to say; she was just loving and by his grace and presence you realized The Self
  13. Happened the same. She is amazing, one of a kind, she is a miracle and a gift that humanity was given!
  14. Well, the only thing that I really see is that he maybe goes too much in a global perspective. It is in the little details that sometimes he makes mistakes, however it's not that important because getting the bigger picture it's the point. I thing he also mentioned this in one of his videos. The fact is, I would also love very specific details that are very well explained and boil down an aspect of that eagle vision he wants us to understand. I'm sure that with time he will find a balance point.
  15. Apart from the slef-inquiry, I've always been interested in the fabric of reality, not only it's Source. Coming from a very cientific background I understood science as the best tool, however Leo destroyed that in me, in just one video lol. The deeper I go in this path, the more I realize, for my surprise, the profound understanding that magic has about reality and how to play with it. I'm sure that here there are also magicians and witches or people that really understand magic at it's core level and could give me insights into developing my understanding in magic and improving my skills. Also I would like to point out that this is a serious and advanced topic, I emphasize this because even the most open-minded people tend to be triggered about this topic: I'm looking for highly realized beings that master the art of magyc or that if not they have an intense intellectual understanding of it's nature. If those want to keep it's secrecy or silence vote feel free to message me.
  16. Between duality and non-duality, Oneness is.
  17. Not what u expect but check Sri Anadamayi Ma, the greatest flower the indian soil has made. Loved and accepted by lots of religions that saw her holiness. She was born as The Self, awake and pure as the lotus flower. Check her life!!!
  18. @Megan Alecia I totally agree with the second sentence, however i'm still trying to figure out the first one. Could you give me more insights about it because it causes me a lot of curiosity
  19. False, not even God can make 2+2=5. Check this Osho video min 2:50 to 3:39 Yes and no. What you don't understand is that if God is truly boundless, what I'm claiming in my post: Then he MUST also be limited. Because in order to be without limitation, he must be also limitated, if not he would not be without limitation. If he is limiteless and has not limitation it cannot be limitless, because in limitless (infiniteness), there must also include limits, if you are excluding those you don't understand what truly limiteless means, so you are making a semantic error in what those words really point to. So you want to categorize God as only one side of the coin or only with up, when one exists the other MUST also exist. Therefore being God unity and One, he is the embrace of all those dualities. It's a metaphore, when the wise points to the moon the fool examines the finger. If God is truly omnipotent then it must also have bounderies, because if he is omnipotent you are saying that he can't create a limit or a boundary to itself? So you are saying he can do absolutely everything, then I tell you yes therefore he creates also limits because he is infact Omnipotent. So for him to be All-Powerful he has also to create limits to himself because if not he woudn't be All-Powerful. Again you want up without down; cold without hot: they both represent temperature, the same thing: God. The fact that he has boundaries and limits is an expresion of his own nature, an expresion of limitless. No, because you are also caught up on the duality of change versus static. They are both the same in God's realm. You are creating a problem that doesn't exist just because god is the problem and the solution and none of both, and both at the same time and outside time. It doesn't make any fucking sense that is why God is beyond intellect and all dualities and categories you try to create. Nope, in fact your drawing, surprisingly, represents in a very accurate what you don't want to see. From Oneness emerges everything, even dualities. No because it's the same substance. As the tree becomes a chair then fire and then ash, it's the same substance all the time. Therefore as GOD is one It MUST be all things and no-things at the same time. That is why It is everything but also you feel different from him, because ass he is God he must also think and feel different from himself because he MUST experience reality from all it's points for Infinity. That is the eternal cycle of GOD playing with itself.
  20. All those can be replaced with just being present, being conciouss or redirecting your atention to the source of thoughts or the True I or Self. Do not make boundaries from your spiritual practices and your life. This is the best advice I would have loved to listen years before.
  21. A very close person to me is an expert Jungian analist (+15 years of study). To your surprise, (also to mine tbh), Carl Jung was fully awake but he only talked/studied till the abysm of the mind. He understood and experienced what was beyond, but he decided to explain perfectly how the mind works so people could make that jump easily. Instead of talking from the abysm as a guru he decided to talk from the ground that people understood. That's what he told me at least.
  22. Well that's what zazen is about. Search for zazen master's, what they realized is that they don't need antyhing, the can sit and be happy that's all.
  23. Amazed with your word, thanks; I understood <3