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About atmagaia

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  1. Hello dear people, My name is Eric I am from Brazil, me and my wife Arjana start to make ambient music from the deep of our soul. In this time with covid and that turbulance we are in, we hope we can do a good thing to people to help relax and meditate with our music. I am shareing here our channel in youtube with videos with 1 or 2 ours with our songs to relax and meditate for free. We hope if u really like it support our work just subscribe our channel and if u really really like our music in the videos there is a link to buy our music in bandcamp. We make music with nature sounds and especial birds that we record here in Brazil. I hope u guys like it and we hope a very good week for all <3 here is te channel link And here one special song with Mãe da Lua a native beatifull sing bird from Brazil