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About Wyeth

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  1. Most batshit thing I've read on this forum.
  2. Leo should get out of Las Vegas if he wants to get over that paradigm lock, so many materialistic stage orange women there that only reinforce his view of dating and women.
  3. @Something Funny He and the guy he runs his podcast with I assume
  4. There is no one who voted for Trump that has their center of gravity in Green or Yellow.
  5. such a simple yet effective metric to see who is full of shit lol
  6. It's always some evil "overlords", "elites", "higher ups" that no one knows about or has ever seen that are somehow controlling everyone and everything and actively plotting against them...they run wild with this narrative.
  7. Spiritual teacher Aaron Abke appears to support Trump. At least he isn't openly a zealous MAGA supporter, but I always knew there was something up with the guy. He says in these comments "It is our opinion that God is using Trump to expose the deep state, the division in our country, and spark a movement of awakening towards unity."..."I think Trump was far and away the best president of my lifetime." Yuck. What a joke. Now I can't take him seriously anymore.
  8. @Emerald Do you think there is a way for someone to realize that masculine and feminine are more than purely social constructs without using psychedelics? I have many friends who think masc and fem are only social constructs and I've been at a loss of words trying to explain to them that such a thing is not the case.
  9. Yes in messages where Claude has to analyze a lot of data at once the message limit can be reached rather quickly. I import my journals for Claude to analyze which contains more than 100,000 words, this is pretty heavy so I can only do so much before the message limit is reached.
  10. @Leo Gura no financial gain? Really? Feel like you could sell a lot of copies depending how you brand Leo
  11. @Leo Gura approximately when will the course be released?
  12. what everyone else is saying about exercise is extremely accurate. It is the #1 most important habit for keeping the depression away. I am not diagnosed but bipolar is common within my family and I usually go through at least one depressive spell and one hypomanic episode per year. I have gotten very good at fighting the depression, ever since I found my life purpose and began the process of actualizing it along with working out 3-5x a week I pretty much never get depressed anymore, whereas before I would become suicidally depressed in my episodes when I felt no purpose in life, was not working out, and had bad routines and habits. I would be curious to know what your hypomanias are like? These are the episodes that have the potential to be harmful if you aren't aware what can trigger it and when it is coming on.
  13. @VictorB02 Your points sound like they are coming STRAIGHT from some conservative media outlet. There's hardly any depth to anything you are saying. All of this is highly nation-centric which is a very limited perspective. I'm hearing the narrative that what you're saying is about me, my country, my nation, my people...but at the end of the day, it's not about the US, it's about the whole entire world. As the leading military power, the US has a duty to maintain peace on this Earth...it would be an abomination to not help Ukraine in this situation, who Russia wants to usurp literally just because they don't like the fact that Ukraine has become more westernized (more like the US) and has swayed from Russia's collective values. It would be extremely concerning if we simply just allowed Russia to annex Ukraine. The illegal migrant issue as well as the homeless and homeless veteran issue is a very complex and nuanced topic. Yes, all these illegal migrants and the perks they get do get mess with the balance and make life more difficult for a lot of people in the US but they come here in the first place to escape actual "nightmares of poverty"...I find it absolutely atrocious that you called the PNW a nightmare and war zone...dude I have lived there my whole life and if you call that a nightmare then you better call Mexico the absolute darkest depths of fucking hell. What we should be doing is funding and setting up more projects in Central America to help develop them so these countries are no longer shitholes that people need to flee from. I would gladly pay 2% of my income to these projects if they were set up correctly...but of course conservatives would lose their fucking minds if this happened and call it an infringement on their freedom and liberty and continue to get angry as hell when illegal migrants enter their country without ever fucking acknowledging why they came here in the first place.