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About mrPixel

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  • Birthday 02/01/1981

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    Southern California
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  1. After what I've seen today I'm done with this Forum. I really enjoyed my time here and I learned a lot. I tried to overlook Leo's ugly ego characteristics but now I'm just embarrassed to be associated with this forum. I can't stand behind someone who constantly brags about how conscious, evolved, or intelligent he is while putting other people down. I think Leo needs a teacher but I don't think he has the humility to admit that he could benefit from one. Take care y'all.
  2. How can he deliver on giving cops full immunity? I don't think he has this kind of power
  3. It's interesting to hear reactions to the opening ceremony in the news. The right has not responded well. I wonder how the people of France feels about it.
  4. I don't think half the population even know what a dictatorship is. They just believe trump's lies and they'll follow him even if he walks them off a cliff,.
  5. @Butters Not a great comparison to Ariana Grande, she hasn't been portrayed as a philanthropist.
  6. Leo is the Conor McGregor of spirituality. And apparently politics too Leo, you should get into the whiskey business
  7. That's not true, a democracy doesn't mean that you don't have some basic guidelines in place.
  8. I don't like guns, but with all the crazy shit that's gone down since the Trump presidency I've been wondering if I needed to arm myself. I'm concerned with poverty and crime going up, violent protests, looting, etc. When I lived in San Diego, my friend lived in an area where BLM protests turned into absolute mayhem. Conservatives flocked to the streets with guns, claiming to protect businesses from looting. Some people burned down a bank. At one point my friend became concerned for his life and sat on his couch with his assault rifle pointed at the door in case someone tried to force their way in. Ever since then I'm I'm just like, damn, maybe I need to be prepared for the worst
  9. That's crazy. I knew nothing about this guy. I've only seen him in an interview. He made himself out to be a guy who didn't care about money and wanted to give it all away for the sake of of being kind. It will be interesting to see if he goes down for this or will become some life-long fraudster.
  10. I have a strong hatred for religion. I used to be more tolerant, but that all turned around a few years ago.
  11. I am so sick of people killing in the name of infantile belief systems.
  12. Just curious, is anyone on this thread even close to changing their minds?
  13. If the dems win this election, they're going to have to move swiftly to put protections in place to save democracy
  14. PTSD is a common occurrence in first responders. This is well documented. Paramedics, firemen, and police deal with a LOT of shit. I would not be surprised if the higher ups brush this shit aside because of the toxic culture. I'm willing to bet that many officers walk around out there untreated. I don't know many paramedics, but I've known my fair share of cops and firemen. They tend to view mental health disorders as weak, and some don't even believe the shit is real. What this tells me is that mental health awareness is critical in the police force. This also tells me that police may not just be a bunch of assholes off the street seeking positions of power. I think there's a lot of truth to what Leo is saying about cops being disillusioned from dealing with shitty people all day. Pair that with PTSD and you've got a recipe for disaster. In an ideal world we wouldn't need police. People would be kind, caring, and loving. I often imagine a world full of spiral greens and yellows. I really hope we are moving towards that, but right now, we are far from that level of perfection. Until then, an imperfect system is going to yield imperfect results.