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Everything posted by Star

  1. I've done this all those years but I want it to be real. For example I feel there is a thing between us... between you and me... a vibe..... Do you feel it too or it's just me?
  2. looks isn't everything in life.... And I suppose you too wouldn't date some women because of the way they look... everything changes though when you like someone's personality. So stop being worried about they way you look and start having fun, everybody likes people who knows how to have fun
  3. It would had been nice though if you could feel also something else apart yourself even if "the self" is the whole universe I know.... I'm never satisfied.... women...
  4. That's all I do but honestly.... I wanna live like common people... I wanna do whatever common people do..... I'm from Greece by the way
  5. Insecureties aren't necessarily related to looks... I'm pretty confident about the way I look, I feel beautiful to be honest but still, I feel insecure about other stuff.... it may sound stupid and rediculous but I was always insecure about the sexual orientation of the men I was dating... maybe because my first best friend at the age of 5 years old was a transexual boy... It may not sound serious but It was... it was mind fucking honestly.....not my friendship with the boy but the fact that I was always questioning the sexuality of men