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Everything posted by varkolaka122

  1. Hi Forum, I have finished the life purpose course and I found out that I want to enter politics in some manner. I don't have a strategy yet and asking you people is a great first step I am a Bulgarian who finished pharmacy in Germany and I don't like working a pharmacy store. I wanted to ask some uestions to gather ideas and start making a plan 1. Should I enter local, national, or supranational politics(European Union, Pharmacists without borthers, WHO etc)? 2. Is it better to stay in Germany or go back to Bulgaria? Where can I create more change? 3. Is entering a party a good idea or a non-profit organization? 4. Is direct action_Extinction Rebellion, Deep Ecological Resistance, PETA etc the most authentic way to participate in society? 5. Should one do a mix of pairlamantary politics and non pairlamentary politics? 6. Is it best to work and save money for 3 to 4 years and then start? 7. What is the best way to build patience, because change comes after 10 to 15 years and it can be devastating waiting for so long? 8. What are good books, youtubechannels, journals and lectures on the topic? Podcast are very helpful too. 9. Are strategy games like Democracy, Realpolitics, Anno 1800 helpful to play? 10. Is it a good idea to work earn well and donate to causes I support? I hope we start a lively discussion. If you too have aspirations to act politically please do write and if you also have additional questions write them down that would be helpful for the rest of the forum. Happy new year!
  2. Hello dear forum, does someone have expirience with dealing with internet and more specifically youtube addiction/bad habit. I tried cold turkey app and it worked for 1 year. I use youtube also for information and there are some lectures for on programming that I would like to use. This is the Nr 1 bad habit that stands in my way to self actualization. While I work I use it to listen to Jocko podcast and that is very helpful, but when I get home I start to watch political commentary and documentaries. What is a good habit I can replace it with? Thank you in advance.
  3. I watched the series SAS hell week and I got inspired by the hadness and the mental training in the programm. Are there any good bootcamps I can visit as a civillian and are there other type of boorcamps it could be police bootcamp? I found only European security agency.
  4. I have been reading about artificial intelligence fo the past two weeks and I got really interested. What are in your opinion good books about artificial intelligence from the point of developing it( I prefer technical literature and not speculations). What programms should I learn to be able to be active in this area. I am not studying anything with machines so I would like to learn it on my own. Are you guys also excited about artificial intelligence as I am?
  5. @ajasatya are there curses that one can go to to learn programming that are good and worth it in your opinion
  6. Dear Friend, at first start body weight and breathing exercises. It doesnt cost money and it is not that long. That is abslutely fucking vital. Start meeting new people whenever you have time. Try to remember their names. For te moment you have no money so you need other recources and that is people. At some point you will know enough people that you will have a place to sleep and maybe some job offers. 2. Start to remove everythong from your room. Be a minimalist. In that way you brain adjusts to the idea you have less and you can handle it if you loose a lot and are left with a little. Start selling the thing you posses. If you have a lot of cloths sell a lot of them. If you have tehcnology try to accomodate only the absolute necessity. Some shitty phone with whatsapp. It is easy for communications. 3. Do the wim Hof training. BE resistent to cold. It sounds crazy, but the biggets fear is landing on the street. If you know you can survive it. You will have less fear. 3rd start with passive brain washing-listen to Leo before you go to bed. While you drive listen to mooji. Dont even try to follow what they say simply brainwash yourself. At some point you will see a diffrence in the way you see the world and you will see the opportunities. 4th that is optional. Ask your father how did he achieve success. Even ask him- FAther can you write me a resume of your success story. I would want to learn from you. This one is really tricky beacuse you are in a though emotional relationship with the father. I am not sure if it will work
  7. In university in pharmacy you have two attempts to succeed for experiments. How to prepare when the attempts are so few when you need more effort and tries to learn? Greeetings Vik
  8. Hi dear friends, could someone tell me some good books/seminars/youtube channels/movies for nutrition? Thank you in advance.
  9. You got a vote up from me. Great idea I hope Leo does your recommendation
  10. Is it about eating fitness, sleeping or all of it? Thank you for the recomendation
  11. Is it suitable for hometrining? Thank you for the book recomendation
  12. I am intelligent. I am a big smart nice guy. I read a lot. Oh man I read so much I am so proud of my work I am not a lazy person, nooo i am hard-working guy. I AM ENLIGIHTEND I am a good person I am truelly conscience. I meditate a lot