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Everything posted by Tech36363

  1. @MovForward I fucking love Jidion . totally love him
  2. From past couple of months i have noticed they have changed the youtube reccomendation algorithm such that it shows the videos you have already watched , videos of people you have subscribed to and also that the homepage hardly changes its videos when refreshed , it has created this bubble which is so annoying . Earlier it was a mix of people i subscribed to , no videos that i have already watched (why would i want to watch it again just go away ) , new content , lil bit unrelated content etc Even when you search something , it will show the videos of people whom you are subscribed to first creating a bubble which is bad . No matter how hard you try to train the algorithm by clicking the 3 dots and selecting "Not Interested" , it does the same thing , this has led to me hardly finding new content to subscribe to , and it is rare that i find a channel to subscribe . To combat this they have introduced a new feature at the at the tags bar , "New to you" to solve the bubble problem but it isn't that effective .
  3. @Leo Gura Sir do you not understand elon musk does not make money out of thin air ? The tax money which elon is supposed to pay isn't his in the first place and it does not affect him personally if the taxes are high or low . Low taxes makes it easier for things to work . High taxes are a strain on the PEOPLE . WHERE DO YOU THINK ELON GETS THE MONEY TO PAY TAXES ? Its the end consumer who gets TAXED and not elon . The tax gets ROLLED ONTO THE CONSUMER , HENCE IF YOURE TAXING BILLIONAIRES YOURE TAXING THE COMMON PEOPLE BECAUSE AGAIN HE DOES NOT CREATE MONEY OUT OF THIN AIR , HE JUSTS ROLLS IT ONTO THE CONSUMER .
  4. @LSD-Rumi bruh
  5. What does breakdown of subject/object mean? Barrier of sanity?
  7. @Evoke Just watched this guy , dont focus on the conspiracy part , what part was consipiracy ? World is already headed towards a dopamine metaverse reality which is so designed to hook you in and make you its slave . Look at facebook it is engineered that way , to give you dopamine so you feel good and come back to it . We live in a world where not having a social media will be very difficult , soon not being in metaverse will be painful as well , its just a matter of time technology reaches that stage . Overall his message was positive , love his energy and he really needs to get on psychedelics to open his mind and reach higher consciousness
  8. @Loba god it shows me the videos of the same 4 channels i recently watched again and again like a stubborn kid , do you not understand i dont want to watch so just go away ? lol
  9. In hindu and buddhist text , they talk about birth and death and that one of their main teaching is that life is suffering . Given that they talk about how "mukti" / "nirvana" / being enlightened is the end to the cycle of birth and death But in one of the videos leo said that god got bored so he created this finite limited version of himself so that he can go thru the process and realize love . So basically even if someone want to put an end to the cycle of birth and death , they will get bored again and go thru the same thing again and again . How do i stop this , i want to stop the cycle hahaha
  10. In a recent video you said , there is this dark side which for some reason comes up and you dont know why . You also talked about how you change the mood, start dancing in order to change what you feel Anything you want to add on that to help others feeling the same ?
  11. Marxists in practice do THE SAME EXACT THING @Fleetinglife
  12. @Raze there is nothing such as high quality women , there are women . You need to be sorted to make them "high quality" @Leo Gura i love leo there is no one like him on youtube and i woudnt be where i am because of him
  13. @OneIntoOne For real stop trying to fit him into a box
  14. @Sempiternity bruh what are you even talking about . This is part of life . He is talking about life . You somehow think sex is bad or something leo shouldnt talk about is your problem . Learning about dating teaches a lot about life i dont see a problem . Why do you consider dating as an inferior topic ? Ask yourself this
  15. @Leo Gura USA is already sold to capitalists thru lobbyists . There was a survey i dont remember which basically said that when the top 5% want something to happen it happens but what the people want does not . America is a tie up between corporate and government where what the corporate wants is enforced thru government . How can you call yourself free market when americans cant even change their internet broadband connection provider that is straight up facism
  16. excellent quetion , i had the same quetion
  17. @Leo Gura i only know one enlightened woman while i know endless men
  18. @Lyubov watch the entire thing you dont have to believe what he says , go try on your own and see the results . Remember he just works there if you hate him for some reason lol