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Everything posted by Tech36363

  1. @RickyFitts you make sense , let me apply this i will get back to you
  2. @Forza21 bro but human experience is too painful
  3. @zurew look at how average person uses the internet , you will get your answer . Normies gon normie
  4. @Leo Gura internet has ruined peoples and new genrations ability for nuances and critical thinking , these guys see the world in black and white and what CNN told them to believe , there is constant need for drama be it russia , covid then something else
  5. @Leo Gura if god puts so much work in creating this reality and fooling itself thinking there are others , then after awakening i am at the same spot where i started . Doesnt that mean i will take a/imagine finite human form again
  6. @Jacob Morres youre 100% delusional
  7. @puporing This is so contrary to todays fast paced world where we are pushed into running 24/7 , even a child who goes to school and does not need to work is made sure to put 7 hours a day sitting simulating the workspace of corporate world . Its literally a child this is inhumane , at least children should have ownership over their time because they dont need to earn
  8. @Leo Gura Unlike the basics things are now rented as well , just wait to witness the horrors of it
  9. @puporing 100% . There are two sides to hypergamy . First is the Alpha and second is Beta (for lack of better words) . Women need both and they rarely get the both in the same guy Alpha = Hot / Handsome(Physicality) AND OR Dominant(Mentality) that gives her butterflies Beta = The one who got the 3 Ps , Protection , Provisioning and Provider . In todays world for simple terms the man who not only earns for himself but has extra left to support her and the kids . Being a Beta is not derogatory . A successful marriage requires both . Or else she will lose interest in him because he is boring(not alpha) or leave cause cant support her (not beta)
  10. @Leo Gura Yes that is true , but what you don't understand is that even a slight change in the sexual market place that makes it tougher for men to date pushes tons of men out . Because it is only people like you and others who have the patience and interest to understand game and go out and apply it . The average joe does not understand game . The average joe will never believe what is said here because they dont care about research . Men are the same , the market has changed . Men who used to get women without understanding game and go into relationship without understanding intersexual dynamics are being pushed out and treated badly because market has changed and they aren't adapting . Gone are the days when you could get women without game The average man was never supposed to do a deep study of intersexual dynamics and do tons of clubbing just to get women . The men crying about not getting women are just those type of men because the brainy will figure it out but what about the not so bright
  11. I am a person who is always in his head thinking and thinking , I need techniques and ways to get out of my head and be in the present moment . Please help
  12. @Mindful Bum nice
  13. People who think taxxing the rich is the answer , you don't understand why government allows them to not pay taxes . Watch this Tax LOOPHOLES The Rich Don't Want You To Know -Robert Kiyosaki:
  14. @DocWatts The problem is consciousness of society needs to be raised . Competent people need to be in power . Not someone who says they will bring a utopia but causes total catastrophe like in communist countries . Extreme capitalism is also societies fault , not the companies who are doing it . In a conscious society the dynamic would be different . Just changing economic system will not do anything . everything from ground up in every individual needs to be taught the way of life
  15. @roopepa That is true but we are not in a hunter gatherer society , we are in a broken nuclear family system . divorce rate is more than 50% . kids out these relationships are traumatized . And people were collective in hunter gatherer because THEY HAD TO , otherwise they will die . In todays society you dont need a community to survive . most people dont have one . everyone is one their own for the most part or their family . Being selfish is not propaganda , it is what works as leo said it is devilry . Still doesn't change the fact that it works .Yes we can do better . Will we do better ? prolly not . Because we lack such people . Enlightened people dont run companies or politics . Power attracts pathological personalities
  16. @Yarco I said that lure people with 0 knowledge screaming "tax the rich" into this thread lol , because that is what they believe !
  17. @roopepa What "system"? It's people. It's what people benefit from. I'm talking about real raw human nature that is being selfish. Self interest first. Few hundred years back people were dumb but you see even in ancient rome 2000 years back the rich merchants manipulated the senate. The senate was exclusively for socialites. Who cares what some religion says about human nature but structures of power have a pattern. Focus on that.
  18. @DocWatts we aren't , however what I am throwing light at is Human Nature . it stays the same unless you are enlightened and declared dictator . Humans will always find a way to further their interests
  19. @DocWatts It is not that simple , first of all when you try to tax the rich they will buy you . Second , even if you try to implement a system where rich are "fairly" taxxed in a way they don't become a threat to "democrazy" it will eventually be overturned just because you will lose with your competitors on global scale . People hurt and the countrys economic progress hurts because rich will just go somewhere where they get a better deal . Thirdly lets assume you have a world where each country taxes the rich "fairly" , it will be bad for employees and consumers because the tax justs gets rolled onto the consumers , rich do not create money out of thin air they earn it and distribute it according to their projects fourthly , the "democrazy" youre talking about is an illusion because both the parties are funded by corporates to further their interest and to make it in politics you need money which comes from donations which comes from furthering corporate interests fifthly , hypothetically lets say you achieved a world where rich are taxed , this does not mean the game is over . This will just create competition at this new level to manipulate politics . No matter what try they will sell out . just because your scale has shifted from 1 to 10 to now 1 to 5 doesnt mean the people in 1 to 5 scale arent comepeting in that particular scenario . competition is going to be there no matter what . sixthly , so if you think having lots of money to manipulate politics is bad because its too much power , why arent you talking about politicians who ACTUALLY POSSES all the power . Why is that all the power in the hands of few people who write laws is sustainable but too much money is not sustainable ?
  20. @Windappreciator sounds good doesnt work