Upsidedown Astronaut

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Everything posted by Upsidedown Astronaut

  1. In my recent venture to explore unconditional love I have found that it feels like a vast open spaciousness inside me, this is similar to your description but the choice of words might help it seem less isolating. Since recognizing the connection of love to this inner welcoming space I find it much easier to let others in and connect with them emotionally. Maybe you can relate to that some how. Before this my definition of love was very distorted, transactional and Egoic. In myself, the opening up to others is paralleled with feelings of deep inner peace and completeness and this is where the unconditional feelings towards others grows from. I feel so complete that there is nothing else in life to do (this relates to your existential anxiety perhaps), no desires, so I feel the draw towards helping others around me with no effort and no expected return of transaction. I was able to find this feeling of vast inner space and peace, accompanied with a quiet mind, after doing 2-3 months of intense focused work on Ego dissolution. Daily I obsessively lived every moment possible as a meditation of empty mind and only awareness. I am now able to let go of my mind with ease and simply be aware and calm at any given time. It is in these moments when I feel that deep inner peace and that spaciousness we're talking about, which I'm coming to know as love as I learn to use it to let connections with others, life experience and the beauty and mystery of the infinite creation fill me. I feel like this is love I am experiencing, it is different from the selfish forms of love I have known. Maybe you can relate to something I mentioned.. I am still looking to have an Awakening to Love as I continue forward, as Leo suggests, it will be greatly helpful.