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Everything posted by Nyseto

  1. As some of you may of heard recently, a democrat in congress ended a prayer with "Amen and awoman". Now both sides are hilarious. I'll admit, the awoman thing was something new and left me scratching my head. I didn't know whether he was saving it for 2021 or it just came out. The right however, has been losing their minds. I have mentioned in several right wing groups on Facebook how it's even funnier that they're losing sleep over "awoman". If this was 2 years ago, I'd probably have lost sleep as well but after a period of time being that way, I've had to eventually grow out of it for my own wellbeing. The hallmark of the left is to constantly push the status quo and the right gets terrified by it and vice versa (with the right trying to maintain it). The congressman also mentioned Brahman I think and so I've heard some Republicans say how "Ohhh they're removing God from our nation, we are so much closer to a Godless nation." For some reason, God is always undersiege to them. Honestly, sometimes I wonder if the left knows it's going to get some backlash for a new term it's about to drop on America. I don't know if they sometimes do it unintentionally, or with the intent to troll the right, etc. It's like me deciding one day "You know what? Fuck it, I'm going to start saying goodnight instead of goodmorning because it just sounds better that way and people can suck it up." I wonder if there's aliens out there watching America as a reality show. I don't know.
  2. The waking world and dream are both appearances within awareness, as awareness. Just because you are awake, you can still be fast asleep but not abiding as awareness and entertaining all kinds of thoughts. The waking world as you know it, is a kind of dream too. When you wake up, don't you put on your persona, your ideas, etc. As you would put on your clothes? These are just appearances. Only awareness is real. All there is to anything is the awareness of it.
  3. Meditation is not what we do, but what we are. If breathing helps you recognize the presence of awareness, all power to you. Eventually you'll just go directly to it without having to breathe or do anything. It's what you are, afterall.
  4. Some people do try to bait others, sometimes they also just do it unknowingly. Maybe they've use "Kenyan man" around other black people and they didn't care, who knows. I'm gonna mess with you here one bit. Sometimes black people confuse the hell out of white people. Many black people are comfortable making racist jokes about one another or even using slurs and white people see it as, aw they're cool with it, I'm going to say it too.
  5. Of course that are distinctions on the left. Hell, I have no problem with the left from 40 years ago.
  6. Side point. It's funny these days that white people get more offended by "racist" comments about other races more so than those other races. They defend it as "it's just being mindful" but I'd beg to differ. It's like the "you're racist" phrase has been weaponized these days as a victim card to gain control. There's people walking around fully convinced that they are the masters of what's racist and what isn't to the point that they try to shove it down other race's throats. "No no no, you are oppressed. Sit down and listen." A society being more sensitive to racism to help protect minorities is fine but becoming too sensitive starts to lead to paranoia. I just see people trying to take every little thing these days and calling it racist.
  7. He also says meditation is not what we do, but what we are. Like a portable paradise. When you think about it, he's got a point. What is the main reason we do anything at all at the end of the day? I used to chase enlightenment because I wanted to be happy. I feel that the main point of meditation and the idea of enlightenment gets so skewed and buried under so much bullshit that people end up further from it. There are so many paths and different spiritual teachers that people go on spiritual shopping sprees. We all want joy and fulfillment, even those that end up doing some evil shit. Technically they don't want to be fulfilled because they entertain their suffering but they're suffering due to pursuing happiness. Thoughts?
  8. Are you pissing in my ear and saying it's raining?
  9. Everything he said is what consciousness said. And even this post is a bullshit interpretation at the end of the day. We simply don't know, no one knows. Read that again. -no one- knows.
  10. There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way.
  11. Happiness is not the opposite of sadness since it has no opposite. Pleasure has an opposite but not joy. That peace of mind or acceptance is what I mean by happiness. Of course the idea of happiness is still just an idea. But happiness only comes with enlightenment. There is no self, so no problem. Only challenges
  12. There is nothing else other than that which i mean by happiness lol. That's exactly it.
  13. Enlightenment is nothing new. Seriously, when you're enlightened, you feel like your 5 year old self again. You are that which you seek. And what do you seek above all? Happiness. Therefore happiness is you. When it first hit me, my first thought was where the FUCK have I been all this time. Enlightenment is this seamless moment. Don't think about it, be it. Relax AS it. It is complete not knowing. The only thing you know is that you don't know. However, finding enlightenment is only the beginning of the end. Truth is not something that comes and goes. Your identity is what comes and goes. The good thing is that the more you see it, the less you can unsee it. What has happened is you've made such a habit of thinking there is something deeper than this moment that it has become your default way of life like a metastatic tumor that has been dwelling inside of you moment to moment at the center of all your inner turmoil. Like Rupert Spira has said, "Beauty is the recognition that objects aren't objects. Love is the recognition that others aren't others." “There is no such thing as enlightenment. The appreciation of this fact is itself enlightenment.” –Nisargadatta Maharaj
  14. I'd say there's only one way not seeking can work and that's if you don't adopt anything to fill the emptiness. Adopting a belief is still seeking in a way because the seeker always lives from separation as "me and my beliefs". Seeking helps to a point to bring the mind to the brink of its own end.
  15. What is your experience of time when you're not thinking about it?
  16. I have no idea man. Meditation to me is just abiding as awareness. I don't know why he would mention angels and devils appearing before you.
  17. What Moksha said. I'm going to elaborate, however. Do not resist or attempt to embrace your depression cycles. Just become more interested in that which is AWARE of them, that's all. All this crazy shit is going through your head but you're still here right? That's all there is to it. If you feel guilty realizing this, it's the same old shit. Be more interested in the awareness than the guilt itself. All these psychological terms you're using are only terms to help classify disorders. Identification with the mind comes with a slew of disorders. The cycles come and go. Fuck it, what remains? Focus on THAT. And then you'll find that even in the midst of the worst cycle, that awareness is still there. It is never affected, always free, always at peace. That is you.
  18. The fear he is experiencing is his mind coming to an end (premature enlightenment) and he's trying to escape the painful present somewhere off into his head. Tyler on the other hand hits him and says THIS is the reality, feel THIS. "This is the greatest moment of your life and you're off somewhere in la la land." In the end he says we don't need God because we essentially are God. It's only until we've lost everything (the ego) that we're free to do anything. Or more accurately SEEING that the ego was only an illusion. If you think about it, this is pretty common for those who are terminally ill with bone cancer, etc. So no matter how unpleasant you think the present is, someone's having it worse.
  19. I like to say that the truth is that you ultimately don't know. And in not knowing, you know. Lol. "Created" and "discovered" are mere concepts. And here's the funniest thing. Let's say someone gives you the answer to that question which someone already has as, "truth is created and discovered". Notice how your mind may try to then dwell on that and come up with another mind boggling question. The mind simply just does not know. The truth is a living truth. The mind is dead, it's never in the present where living and being IS. The mind doesn't know anything really. Feel that fear coming up as it feels like the mind is coming to its end. Stay with that fear and it will transform into freedom, peace. Your mind is gone, yet you are. This is how Ramana Maharshi discovered the truth when he was having a panic attack that he was dying.