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Everything posted by WelcometoReality

  1. @Svartsaft I'm going to share with you a realization I had a couple of years ago. I was walking in the woods contemplating about what truth really is, when I saw a tree. A thought appeared saying "a tree". The next thought was "A tree is not a tree it just is." That realization scared the living **** out of me 'cause I just realized that no thought could ever be true and also no word could be true. I was a really sciencey guy and to me science was "the truth". My whole view of reality was smashed to pieces in an instant. My point is, thought appear in reality but the content of the thought is never true. Words point to truth at best but are never true. And what points to the words saying that they are true? Can that be true? Also this means that all I written is not true. But perhaps it points at truth. It is up to you to investigate it or not.
  2. @laurastarla I get the sense that all these techniques are used to trying to control all these thoughts and emotions. Why? Are there fear of letting go of the control, because you fear that these emotions will hurt you? Fear of not being able to handle them if you let them arise and fall on there own? Maybe a hope to be able to transcend them without having to deal with them? Skip those techniques and try just be aware of the thoughts and emotions that come up and look for any type of control. Drop that intention to control if it arises.
  3. @Orange The video explains it well. I would also like to add that when ego is no longer there to hold on to the awakened state enlightenment has occured. A.k.a ego death.
  4. @Andrea Marchetti There always have been a deepseeded curiosity for truth here. There's also been a drive to be listened to, to be someone (lol), all ego of course. The sacrifice? Friends, hobbies and me.
  5. Yes first there is awareness and everything else. Then those two will merge into one.
  6. You expected a more blissful experience yes? Not everyone experience that. Some experience bliss, some experience immense fear, and some don't have a powerful experience at all. Eventually that experience fades and then there is just peace and calm. Well I'm not going to convince you that is what you experienced because I can only guess but if this makes sense to you, try to lean back into that place. Maybe @Ayla can help clarify things for you.
  7. I can only guess but it sounds like an awakened state. There is calmness and a peacefulness, and you are fine with just being still. Mind can translate that into a sadness or depression. Was there a sense of detachment to everything around you?
  8. @Hardik jain when there is an intent of doing something. Drop that intent. So if there is an intent of stop thinking, drop it. Just let every thought be and just watch.
  9. Just pictured mooji. I won't go into details but that was really funny. ☺
  10. @Ramu exactly. It isn't something you can explain. There are no words for it. Even if you could it won't help the people hearing it.
  11. A thought appears about which food to eat. That thought can be identified with and in that case no choice is made, that thought just appears and the body takes the food in the thought. The same thought can also be observed without identification to it and be discarded or not, then there is choice. Sometimes there is no thought or no chooser but a gentle flow and then there seems to be no choice again.
  12. @Seyed Consciousness is what is aware of the body through the senses. Is something controlling the body? Think of everything that is happening within the body. The heart beating. The breathing. All the things happening on a cellular level, like cell division. Is something in control of that or is it just happening?
  13. @WorldPeace I can't really say anything about drug induced experiences as I don't have any experience of it. But after the initial enlightenment experience there is a surrender that happens. The surrender of the me. It gets smaller and smaller and smaller... and maybe the drug induced ones does the same.
  14. This guy seems to have very black and white thinking, meaning he is identified with thought. Not enlightened. That said, he brings up some good points. Don't believe in any teachings or teacher. Investigate if what they say is true or not.
  15. Thank you for this kurt. great post.
  16. Real surrender just happens. There is nothing surrendering, there is nothing to surrender to and there is nothing to surrender. If you actively choose to surrender it is not a real surrender, it is just more doing from the seperate self.
  17. Maybe this might be interesting to you.
  18. @Frogfucius That's good. Question everything you think you know because ultimately it is all beliefs. Mind is losing control over the driver seat so in that sense you are losing your mind. You are not going mad. That is just the minds way of bringing fear into the game to get back control of the drivers seat. Like @comp13 said, you took the red pill. You can't stop this process completely, what you can do is slowing it by distracting yourself. There is nothing wrong with slowing it. Maybe that will cause less emotional highs and lows maybe not. If you want to go deeper, start questioning your questions. Is it not just mind wanting to figure things out? Mind wanting to be in control. And what happens when you don't try to answer it's questions but just let them fall away?
  19. @Ethan After a while this experience will start to fall away. Mind might make a story around it. For me it was that I had lost it. Be aware of that. It's just a story.
  20. @Akeberg It depends on your intention. Why do you want to meditate? Is it to realize what you truly are? Or is it something else? If it is the first then any experiences you have is equally unimportant be that thoughts emotions or sensations in the body. Let them come and go naturally. Be the space that they occur in.
  21. @Frogfucius Life can have any purpose you want be that heroin, collecting bottle caps or helping the poor. Nothing is more right or wrong than the other. In a hedonistic perspective is heroin the solution? Look at some rich people with a heroin addiction. They should have unlimited supply of it. Do they look happy to you?
  22. Yes, I always feel that, when I try to write about the truth, it comes out as untrue. Silence is the best way to describe it and I don't mean the word silence. Truth is so subtle yet so complete that words crumble when trying to describe it.
  23. Yes. Both forehead and crown. Not strictly during meditation.
  24. Actually, when you are an infinite god being there will be no time and only now will exist. It is only in illusion where all time exists. ☺