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Everything posted by WelcometoReality

  1. You can do well without a teacher. Just be radically honest to yourself. I listen to adyashanti myself. There is alot of information from him about the after awakening phase. There is also alot of misinformation on the internet about this so don't believe random people, including myself. ? Just be honest to yourself and you'll be fine. https://www.youtube.com/user/Adyashanti
  2. @john5170 the mind is trying to get your attention. It will calm down, no worries.
  3. There is still work to be done and after awakening there is alot more traps than before. It's funny that you say that the ego is separate from you because that shows you that it's not complete. You have gone from one duality to another but the truth is that there is one. My advice is find a teacher that can help you. And enjoy! ?
  4. @The Universe Have you had a full awakening? How do you know it's full? Is waiting for some future event real? These are not questions for you to answer to me but to yourself.
  5. For those who have a problem with a returning ego again and again after awakening. Part 1 & 2
  6. @WaterfallMachine There are realizations all along the way and I don't think they end after enlightenment. Be aware of these two traps: Seeking trap. Searching for truth outside yourself. That means in books, videos and so on. Turn the attention inwards towards the source. I don't mean not to read books etc but those books are not the truth. They at best point to the truth. Take everything you read about it and ground it in your own experience and if you can't, forget about it! Stagnation trap. At some point you might feel like you are stagnating. You stop being interested in spirituality. You might feel like you should abandon your practice and start with a new practice in another tradition. Or you start searching for new techniques or new information. Stagnation can be progression. Certainly if that stagnation is followed with a complete stop.
  7. Walking in the woods on a sunny day Playing with my children
  8. World of warcraft here. But that was a long time ago.
  9. Benefit of a quiet mind. Which is why flow is talked about in spirituality quite often.
  10. @Dodoster I found this video. Maybe it explains it better what I'm trying to say.
  11. No problem. I'll try again tomorrow if a good explanation comes up. Right now it's all blank. ?
  12. What if your whole life was like that? Completely absorbed by the moment. That this moment was all that existed. No you to ever wake up from it.
  13. That sounds more like a flow state. Are you hyper aware of what happens in the game? Does it feel like only the experience exist without a you there? Is it a feeling of timelessness, no effort being made?
  14. @rorghee When the frustration appears during meditation focus in on it. How does it feel in the body? Watch the thoughts that appear and disappear. Let yourself be in that frustration totally. Please tell me afterwards what was experienced.
  15. @eskwire The trancendence is freeing in many ways but it's a birds eye view. It's like taking an elevator up to the highest point in a tower and looking down. It's detachment from everything you see down there. In one sense it is complete. You have seen truth and you will never forget that. On the other hand it's not a big trancending moment and BOOM it's done. It's a continous deepening of the realization. The elevator will start to go down and you will get a more complete view of truth. You have learned alot about spirituality and you have expectations based on them. It is only theoretical. Drop it and let the experience guide you.
  16. https://www.youtube.com/user/Adyashanti https://youtu.be/i288Lnb7NOk
  17. This is great. Noticing when you have been unconscious is the first step. If you notice yourself being unconscious during, just accept that you are completely in delusion. Don't try to struggle your way out of it because that will only get yourself deeper into delusion.
  18. Let the thoughts come and go. Sit down and lean back. Just observe the thoughts appear and disappear. Simultaneously let in all your senses. No matter what, the thoughts can't hurt or distract what you really are.
  19. The questions are from mind. They are resistance. If a genuine awakening has happened you will recognize that the questions are only mind trying to figure things out. Nothing to lay attention on.
  20. @MochaSlap This is how I define high and low conciousness High consciousness = Being aware of your senses and thoughts moment by moment by moment... Low consciousness = not being aware of them and identifying with thought. Being in dreamland. Everything can be used to flee from the current moment. To be used to push away "bad" feelings or to hang onto "good" feelings. Some even use spirituality to do this. So it's not a matter of somethings being low or high consciousness. It is how you use it. Is it to push away feelings? Is it because you are addicted to it? Can you still be aware while doing it? So be truthful to yourself and don't put any value on the things you do, but HOW you do them.
  21. @The Universe If it's a genuine awakening there won't be any questions.
  22. You just solved it! Next noble prize winner= @Dodoster ?