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Everything posted by WelcometoReality

  1. @phllip103 letting go just got a whole new meaning. ?
  2. @Recursoinominado I don't use psychadelics but had some deep sober realizations and find it best to let theintegration happen by itself. By trying to force it to happen you will add beliefs of how you and the world should be instead of letting them fall away.
  3. If you need to ask then no. ?
  4. Because it never disappears. It's always here.
  5. What can you trust then? Thoughts come and go so they can't really be trusted aswell as any experience. What's always here? That's what can be trusted.
  6. @AakashLife is the best teacher so continue with your life and apply the tools you learned here. That's when you really start to grow spiritually.
  7. @theking00 The movement of adding or removing something from the present moment is an egoic movement. Start to see through that movement and accept what is.
  8. @pluto8 Yes it's always here and now and the future and past doesn't exist. What is your point?
  9. @Swagala I appreciete you taking the time to write this. You can't share your realizations with others. They will only have a mental model of the realization which are quite useless to be honest.
  10. @Javfly33 An enlightened being will still have "bad" feelings like sadness, anger etc. The movement from these feelings to achieve more pleasant feelings stops. They are still at peace even though these feelings are present. The meaning of the concept enlightenment varies but I would say that yes that is one of the hallmarks of enlightenment. There is a stillness/peace that is always present.
  11. @theking00 To fix your social anxiety you need to get out and socialize. Start small and do something social every day. I've been there myself and it was an uncomfortable process but the more you do the easier it becomes. And as far as enlightenment goes it's not hard. You are already right where you need to be, what is unenlightening you?
  12. He is a little bit off but funny indeed.
  13. Mm that's beautiful. ?
  14. Thank you for your answer. Was there a death experience and where on the journey was it in that case?
  15. @Highest Lovely post. How long did it take for the "I" to dissolve completly after the initial realization?
  16. So doesn't the conclusion that thought can't be trusted come from thought?
  17. Because the conclusions are made from thought?
  18. Oh I thought you were a truth addict.
  19. So there is a thought of snakes and fear arises and the story is that the thought made the fear arise?
  20. Ok so what do you want?
  21. So why would the thoughts not cause other experiences to happen?