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Everything posted by WelcometoReality

  1. It seems like you know what techniques to use. Notice the wanting to get rid of the resistance, it is part of the resistance itself.
  2. Yes that seems to be my experience aswell. A continous deepening into THIS. A falling falling falling away into THIS unknown. It always feel complete yet keeps unveiling.
  3. @Applegarden when you are ready to go through it you'll get through it. Be gentle to yourself and no need to rush things. These deep seeded feelings can take time to dissolve.
  4. It's only a paradox because words can't the describe the infinite. The experience of infinity is not paradoxical If there were something behind infinity would it then be infinite? The question lies within the mind and the answer is beyond mind.
  5. If you seek enlightenment to deal with those issues why not deal with them directly? You have to deal with them one way or another. It can be through therapy, self help, spirituality or a combination of them. Or you might be the one in a million that all these issues vanish suddenly when the realization hits you.
  6. @Dobi You've had some great insights into the nature of your true self. It is common for experience to go between "problems" and clarity for a while after these kind insights. Problems and clarity are just experiences however, don't try to hold onto or push away any of these states. Let them come and go, you are simply the one experiencing them.
  7. @ivankiss You're welcome! I'm kidding obv. Thank you for spreading the love.
  8. The anxiety is ego trying to lure you back. Any reaction to the anxiety, to identify with it, to get rid of it, is also ego. Just let it be let it arise and fal away by itself.
  9. Have you heard this phrase, what do you think it means? Only Brahman is real. The world is unreal. Brahman is the world. The world is in Brahman. There is no world and no Brahman.
  10. @laurel children haven't transcended the mind they are pre-mind and attached to their feelings. But their innocent playful curious ways to navigate through the world is something we adults sure can learn from.
  11. What is born and what is never born? You are both.
  12. The belief can be a starting point as you say but is the realization still a belief or is that something deeper. Science will lead from one belief to another while a realization of truth is something deeper. It's not opposite beliefs but a transcendence of the belief to a realization.
  13. Could it be that they are both important and obstacles? The belief Might lead you on a christian path but the belief alone is not enough to realize the eternal, you also need to explore what Jesus teachings point to.
  14. Yeah that is exactly right. You will realize that you are God but there won't be any proof of it. It's a subjective truth. I believe.. That this is what all big religions is trying to point to.
  15. Sitting in a dark cave for 10 years seems like an extreme case to me. Most do this work in their normal day to day life. What I was trying to convey was that you don't have to believe something to explore it. A good scientist is careful of any bias when doing research. So should anyone doing this kind of work.
  16. @SunCat It was an out of body experience and whatever you felt was what you were suppose to feel. These kind of supernatural experiences can make us open to the possibility that there is more to life than what we currently are experiencing. Sometimes fear can be a gateway to something greater than you if you are willing to meet it.
  17. @jim123 Does an act really need to stem from belief? Let's say a friend of mine tells me he had the best dish he's eaten in his life at a restaurant and I need to try it. I can believe what he says, go to the restaurant and order the dish. That would be an act stemming from a belief. I can also not believe what he says which would also stem from a belief. But hat if I saw his words as a story, like a fiction novel. I wouldn't see his words as either true or false, no belief would be formed. I'd go to the restaurant with an open mind and explore the dish without any preconceived judgments about it.
  18. I have an hour of commute everyday and use it for dropping everything and any sense of is-ness, beingness, I-ness. The practice is hard to communicate but find a practice that work for you.
  19. @Alex bliss No need to give up your desires. They will fall away by themselves once you realized what you are.