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Everything posted by WelcometoReality

  1. Yes, this is the path within yourself, you'll find all answers there. Welcome.
  2. That would explain there interest in spirtuality also. Having these experiences does makes one question the reality of reality and spark a curiosity for what the fabric of reality is. What would be interesting to know is how much easier it was for them to awaken vs someone who didn't have these experiences in their youth.
  3. Because your human. It is the human condition to take ownership of everything. But you could stop doing that. Inquire into what it is that takes ownership. Can you find it?
  4. @Inliytened1 @Leo Gura How did you come to the conclusion that most masters are spiritually gifted? It seems like a hard thing to investigate scientifically. @Forrest Adkins nice topic forrest. Really stirring the waters with dynamite here. As I don't have any experience with psychadelics (not counting cannabis) or any formal training in meditation. I don't have any opinion in this matter. I do like what adyashantis teacher used to say. "Only the phonies don't get enlightened" If you want truth and are not in it just to be spiritual. Investigating truth with an open mind. And make that your number one priority you'll get enlightened. (My belief of course)
  5. @Dragonfly210 I can relate on many levels. I started to see a therapist to deal with stuff from childhood and teen years that had slowly grown into a depression. It really brought everything to the surface and made things feel much worse in the beginning but was well worth it in the end. I've always felt socially awkward but an awakening can make these tendencies amplify. Your used to relate to people in a certain way and when you can't do that anymore how do you talk to people? Well you can. You find new ways to relate so it's just a temporary thing. Let it take it's time and you'll be comfortable in social situations again. About the feeling lost part. It might come from the not knowing how to relate to the world since you don't know who you are anymore. You're shedding your old skin and the new skin can take a while grow, you can feel sensitive. Like there's no wall between you and the world. Emotions can come out like your not used to, for me there was alot of anger but it might be sadness or anything else. Let yourself feel lost. This can be quite challenging and you might feel the need to align yourself to the world again only to see the falseness in it again and again. Let yourself fall into the unknown. <3
  6. @emind instead of trying to get rid of the fear and anxiety, trying to be more grounded, what happens if you accept this kind of energy?
  7. @Harikrishnan You are god and ego is a part of god, a part of you. So no matter if it was gods or egos will it was your will.
  8. @Nak Khid You don't have to if you don't want to. That's the beauty of it all. You're free to do anything you want. But the enjoyment I get from drinking cold glass of water when I'm thirsty, yeah I'm gonna keep drinking it.
  9. You are the aliveness itself. You don't have to do anything but to BE that.
  10. @Spiral Wizard What's beauty without the ugly?
  11. Is that a problem for you or do they seem to have a problem with it? If you want friends go ahead and get friends but getting friends because someone else thinks so is probably not the way.
  12. That doesn't sound like to much to me. Is there something I'm missing? You could stop meditating for a week or two and see if it's benefiting you or not.
  13. How does these thoughts effect your experience with the pain? What type of pain is it?
  14. @Patrick Lynam Instead of dropping it altogether maybe you can cut down on the hours you sit and start exercising aswell?
  15. Recognition that this moment is all there is is an important step. Everything will happen in this moment so drop the notion of a future enlightened self. Drop the concept of a thinker thinking thoughts. See through the illusion NOW.
  16. @DecemberFlower to let it go you must first accept it fully. Surrender to it and go into the heart of it. If resistances are coming up accept that it's there, then go into it with your awareness and feel it fully until it dissolves.
  17. Every word is a pointer to something. The word car for example. Perhaps a picture popped into your mind? That's because your mind knows what a car is. It can relate the word car to the actual thing. Now take the words Infinity, nothingness and non dual awareness. What is being pointed to here? Whatever these words point to is prior to the mind. The mind does not experience it but it experiences the mind. And yet the mind is used to describe it. And the mind is used understand the description.
  18. @TDW1995 Yeah that happens. Even if you feel no interest now that interest might later be resparked. Continue to work while continuing the work.
  19. This might be worth investigating further.
  20. @Bryanbrax That is seeing the ox's tail and believing it's the whole ox. The ego isn't completely dissolved and is reconstructed around the experience. It's common but this is quite an extreme case.
  21. @Strangeloop Can you give examples of how you were "dying", "killing" yourself", "survive the thoughts" and "achieving"?
  22. Indeed they are. Yet God wouldn't be complete without those pesky tea drinkers.
  23. @thetrut11 Instead of going such a strong topic like cannibalism how about looking at something else. Let's assume you like coffee over tea, are the people that prefer tea really a part of God? If you are a democrat, are republicans a part of God? If you believe your opinions to be absolutely true you might want to look at them closer. Start small and work your way up to SOFEX, cannibalism and child prostitution.