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Everything posted by WelcometoReality

  1. @aklacor727 Then if you're curious about this work start examining the nature of your experience here and now. That's it.
  2. Laughing is good. That means you can see the emptiness in it. Are you afraid of this fear?
  3. This is almost like being reborn in a way. The old person falls away and something new emerges. Of course there can be grief about that. This is like riding a bike. It takes some falling and bruising it's all a part of learning to ride. You move through the world in a new way. It can be a marvelous thing to explore this new way. Months but I don't know how long exactly. Time has fallen away, I don't keep track of it anymore. <3
  4. @actualizing25 You don't have to experience Truth to have a desire to know Truth. If the desire is there go for it.
  5. @trenton You are not delusional. The only thing you can know is that you don't know. The mind wants to hold on to anything. It is scared to not know. Just see that energetic movement that tries to know, holds on, grasps at things. Let it fall away.
  6. @aklacor727 If you feel like you're completely over your depression and dealt with the patterns that caused it, you probably will be better suited for this work than someone who haven't had a depression. But if these patterns aren't completely resolved they are going to resurface once you have your awakening and you have to deal with them then.
  7. Yeah I've been there myself. Envying other people for their way they are. Wanting to be like them. Somewhere along the way I stopped caring about others and focused more on me. In a way others have nothing to with this journey it's all an inward discovery. Of course it's good to treat others with respect, acceptance and love if it is genuine. But when you feel like you can't do that. When you feel hate , blame, anger towards others. Go to the bottom of it. What is the belief that causes these feelings to arise?
  8. @V-8 Yes there are different levels of awakening. Awakening from mind. The realization that you are nothingness. Awakening of the heart. The boundries of separation dissolve and you realize you are everything. The awakening from gut. The realization of being something. The awakening to the body.
  9. @Spiral Wizard one of the traits of an introvert is that social interactions drain you of energy. Is that the case now?
  10. It's a pretty nice place I've heard. I'm on my way back there myself. I'm glad you found what you were looking for. Perhaps that realization will deepen.
  11. We learn from an early age to be someone we are not to satisfy other people. If that's what you want to do go ahead but it won't lead to happiness love acceptance.
  12. To just be is awesome. Sometimes that is exactly what is needed. So you feel it's time to move on. Where are you going?
  13. Yes it seems obvious. That is what is experienced. It's just this present moment, the thoughts about there being anything else than this has disappeared. It's funny how no one can prove that there is anything else and yet everyone believes it.
  14. @MattP Most people that has success in a field put in the work. It's easy to say it's because of talent and the ones without talent are doomed to suffer. That comes from a place of wanting to give up usually. So please share your hardships. What are you struggling with?
  15. I wonder how many times I've thought the exact same thing.. and there were always more to see. It's almost like its infinite.
  16. It doesn't make sense once the barriers of separation dissolves then it's clear that consciousness is nothing and everything. We are indoctrinated with the illusion of a physical world made out of matter from such a young age though that I still have a hard time to make sense of it (though I haven't really tried to answer these types of questions since the realization). My first response to the question if the tree makes any sound was: No sound is made because there isn't an ear there to interpret the waves as sound. That's from the old paradigm. It assumes that there is an objective world and that the tree falls. I just realized there is much work needed to integrate and shift to a new paradigm.
  17. Yes, that's it isn't it. And what about all our habits, we do them daily. We don't make a conscious decision when we put the first leg into our pants or which teeth we brush first. They are all unconscious habits. The unconscious control more than we like to admit. Do you mean that the universe is a thought? Is the conscious mind part of the unconscious? I would say that that they are separate parts. There's that which is conscious and that which is unconscious. We can become conscious of certain unconscious behavior by mindfulness practices for example.
  18. @VeganAwake You beat me to it. Well put. @Jahmaine Does laziness exist if you remove "good" and "bad" from activities?
  19. @Javfly33 starting to see that the stories are just that is good. Some stories feel more real then others though. This is also a story. What is this I that the stories revolves around. Have you looked for it?
  20. The mind is programmed to think in a certain way. It's programmed from the day you were born or maybe even earlier. If you believe these unhappy thoughts then that leads to unhappiness. What you can do is break the identification with the thoughts by becoming aware of them. As soon as you notice them being only thoughts then they start to lose there power over you.
  21. @Javfly33 if you integrate spirituality into every moment in your life that's when the magic starts happening. <3 We can theorize that certain outcomes might happen but unless you try them out you will never know. That's the best way, try it out and see if you like the results. If not you xan always go back to your old ways.
  22. That's a nice realization to have but not the whole picture is it. It's an important step that you have to go through but not a full realization. The importance of not clinging to a specific teaching. It's like a treasure map that takes you to the treasure. Once you found the treasure, toss the map and take the treasure with you. Don't stay at the treasure chest until you die. There's another treasure somewhere waiting to be discovered and you can't find it with the same map.
  23. Yeah and even when they do know most will not do it. Few are willing to let go of themselves that much. I believe that is the most important thing aswell. Curiosity, openmindedness and motivation. It even feels like something deeper than motivation because if it's a goal in a future it's going to be hard to achieve. A love for truth perhaps. It's a little bit like playing an instrument. If you practice scales just to become a good instrumentalist in the future it's gonna be hard work. But if you enjoy the playing the scales and play just because you love playing it's going to be effortless. No matter if you had a goal of becoming good or not it will be achieved.