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Everything posted by WelcometoReality

  1. Lovely <3. But isn't all meaning a construction and therefore relative?
  2. The mind will create consquenses and hardship or it won't and it'll be as easy as slipping on a banana peel. The bottom line is you don't know what it will be like so why make any assumptions about ut.
  3. @Raptorsin7 There are awakenings that are abiding and non-abiding. With non-abiding ones the seeking energy hasn't completely dissolved so there is a number of awakenings until it has dissolves completely. @purerogue Do you mean a recontructed sense if self around the awakening experience? Yes this goes deeper than seeing through the false sense of self in thought, there is also awakenings on the level of feeling and the existential self.
  4. These experiences you've had are glimpses into Truth. Ask yourself if you really want the whole Truth, if you do the portal is through the fear.
  5. @electroBeam I wondered about that myself. Never had these types of memories of a previous life so I don't know what these experiences consists of. I'm currently contemplating this: The ocean consists of many waves. Can one wave recollect that it's been another wave? Can it ever be something other than this particular wave? The essence of the waves are the same, the ocean. Could this essence transmit information about the other waves to one specific wave? The ocean recognizes that it is all waves that is coming and going, they all are one with the ocean. No real answers here. Just writing down my thoughts about this.
  6. @actualizing25 Many start at that place of wanting out. Eternal bliss and all that. That has to be dropped as all other delusions.
  7. It can be but that doesn't necessarily have to be social programming. What's underneath? In my experience desire seems connected to the personal will in the gut. Love does seem to come from the heart which is more evident when the illusion of separation ends.
  8. If these traits come from a need of validation from others do you want them?
  9. @Shakazulu He is probably orange with some green and seems to have left red completely.
  10. @psychedmagician I would translate low/high level of consciousness to the degree of identification to the thoughts and feelings that arises.
  11. They lead you to right where you are, in awe of existence itself. The ultimate understanding is that you are everything. Not a separate person experiencing it but existence experiencing itself.
  12. @VeganAwake Sailor Bob dropping some truth bombs right here.
  13. @Erixoon50 enjoy yourself, there is no end to this journey. <3
  14. They don't hold any value when blindly believing them, they are just pointers along the way. Like road signs, you don't pick them up and bring them with you. They show the way to existence itself.
  15. No wonder you feel sad but Love is always there underneath all these feelings. Luckily past traumas can be healed if we let them reemerge. Sometimes we do this work in hope of transcending these types of feelings so we don't have to deal with them. But all it takes is to be present with the feelings that arises and not push them away again. Journaling is a good way to get your feelings into the open. The sadness might be tangled with other feelings such as anger and journaling can "untangle" them. <3
  16. @Haumea2018 Would be interested in your opinion.
  17. @Jahmaine future and past is NOW as thought. Edit: @LastThursday Nice. Instead of a vacation on Fiji we might travel to our birth or maybe even to last thursday.
  18. @LfcCharlie4 how have you integrated the shadow. What tools did you use and are there no shadow left to integrate, is that what 1000 means?
  19. The mind will try to come up with answers. That's what the mind does but what is important to recognize is that every answer that the mind comes up with is not the answer to tye question. You ask: what am I? The mind answers: I'm this person. Which is a thought so that can't be true. So you ask again, what am I? The mind answers: I'm consciousness. Which is a thought. A thought of consciousness is not consciousness. That can't be true so you ask again and again and again until the mind quiets down. The answer comes as something broader than mind.
  20. @Meditationdude Sometimes growth comes from dealing with the negative feelings we are experiencing. Have you investigated what the sadness is about?
  21. Without thought which is constantly referencing to time the experienxe has a timeless aspect to it.
  22. @VeganAwake Yeah it's as hard to kill an ego like it's hard to drink water from a mirage of an oasis. <3
  23. @dyslexicFcuk You are the asshole that's creating this. <3
  24. @traveler good one! @Amandine ?