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Everything posted by WelcometoReality

  1. @Aratrok Have you tried eating an inflammatory diet with lots of berries fruit and vegetables for treating the meningitis?
  2. @Raptorsin7 Everything occurs now in this moment and the seeker seeks something in the future and by doing that it denies this present moment. Ask yourself what your seeking and what are you running away from. Both can be accessed in the present moment. Stop seeking and stop run away. Just STOP. And let everything collapse into THIS.
  3. Alan watts drank alcohol and supposedly had alcoholism. Nisargadatta Maharj smoked alot and died of lung cancer.
  4. Can you talk alittle more about this derealization. And what does suffering from solipsism mean?
  5. First time I heard someone define it that way. I like it.
  6. @James123 An ever deepening into THE ONE. lovely. What is love?
  7. Only a thought will make the claim that it is awakened. We can use such language the question is if we know that it isn't true.
  8. @Zec it's like shooting an arrow through the empty space in a room.
  9. It's all direct experience whether you are looking at the dials or your looking out of the window it's your sense of sight. What is determining where your looking? It's your beliefs! If you were to believe that the dials are not to be trusted then you probably looking out the window and vice versa. Experience is experience and that gets filtered through your belief structure which then determines what's true or false.
  10. Questions are to be answered in your direct experience. thought might hold the question and the answer is to look into your direct experience.
  11. Yes, it can't. So questions does not come from that which can't be described. They come from thoughts. Be that and let the thoughts go. you can inquire the same way into where peace, love, passion, desires come from.
  12. Was there any fear coming up during your realization?
  13. @DreamScape That's some wild shit you went through. Thx for sharing it with us. Seems like kundalini isn't something to play with without the help of a teacher. Are you ok now. Are you back to working again?
  14. Is a question a thought, a feeling, a seeing, a hearing, a tasting or a smelling.
  15. That's right they come from nowhere. What you are experiencing are sensations. Thought, feeling, sight, sound, taste, smell. That's all you are experiencing. So what is a question out of those?
  16. I could tell you but then you would have to believe me (or not) and we don't want that. It's better to check for yourself where questions come from, then you now from first hand experience.
  17. Where does all these questions come from? Your onto something here.
  18. Ok that's good. Have you tried the work? https://thework.com/instruction-the-work-byron-katie/
  19. Sorry for jumping into the discussion but I just want to say that transcending and detaching won't solve the issues your facing. The answer is rather going into the thoughts and feelings and dissolve them from the inside.