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Everything posted by WelcometoReality

  1. I don't want to hijack the thread. Lets talk more in private.
  2. Yes it can and it's important to know where you're at. He didn't say he was fully awakened but rather awakening. Just because it's the absolute truth doesn't mean it's helpful.
  3. @James123 The hammer is not the best tool for every job. Great for driving in nails but bad for cutting wire or raking leaves. It seems like I usually go for the hammer though so maybe I should get it out of the toolbox for a while to try to find the use of the other tools more frequently.
  4. <3 It will come by iself once you've gone through your shit. ?
  5. @VincentArogya This can be hard when you are in the middle of your awakening. You can feel you don't resonate with the dreamstate your awakening from at all and don't want anything to do with people that are still asleep. Once you moved past a certain point you can go into the dream fully without being effected by it.
  6. No we are not. Your talking about different states that happens within consciousness and I'm talking about consciousness which is stateless, never changing. More importantly BE it. Zombiemode is a state within consciousness. Trying to stabilize it happens within consciousness. When I say be it I mean that you let zombiemode arise and pass. Consciousness is still. Everything happens within it and it will not try to resist anything that is arising or hold onto anything that is passing. No it's probably not helping at all. ? It can be the false self but to be sure you can go into the anger and see what is triggering it.
  7. @VincentArogya Nice to see someone talk about this. The journey doesn't end with awakening it has only just begun.
  8. Yes the ego is just thoughts so simply see them for what they are. No need to engage with them.
  9. What is trying to become fully awake and detach from the story?
  10. @Seth Consciousness is always conscious. It's not more or less conscious. What's trying to become more conscious is the false self trying to get there. Be consciousness and stop utilizing it.
  11. @VincentArogya what a lovely character. Thanks for sharing. <3
  12. @Billy Shears No the desire to drink fell away at some point and I was a whisky collector and loved that stuff. No it just sits in my basement. I can't even remember when I drank the last time. Maybe 5 years ago?
  13. @Jay Ray You don't need anyone else on the path and your family and friends are not holding you back. You will feel isolated, alone and like no one understands you on this journey because they don't understand. There comes a point where that doesn't matter though and things will be easier.
  14. @deso it's hard to see clearly during these times when we arein alot of pain. You can always turn things around. It might feel like it's to late and that you missed an important step earlier in life but if you want that step can be right now. I was 25years old when things finally turned around. It always begins with a small first step.
  15. Feeling lost is good, that means you are going in the right direction.
  16. Noone. But one might believe that the one wants something else.
  17. It takes a judgment to decide whether someone has earned or not earned the wisdom.
  18. Yes, Assuming that he wants enlightenment.
  19. I never found that balance so I'm afraid I can't help you with this. I guess you have to find that balance yourself. I'm not saying that it's good or bad just that they are linked. The same energy. If the shadow energy is the fear of being a failure (pushing away) then it is also the desire to become a success (grasping). When one side of that energy force dissolves so does the other because they are the same energy. So you don't feel inspired or motivated to do the things you have been doing?
  20. @billiesimon the shadow propells you through life. The drive to succed and become has become weaker because the shadow is becoming weaker.
  21. ? less than three An awakening can really shift this point of view, discard the old one and get a new one. The new one is still just another view though. A view of an infinite number of views.
  22. ^^ And who is pointing the finger now? ? The is no point of view that's absolutely true not even the absolute one.