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Everything posted by WelcometoReality

  1. Anxiety might still appear and if it's sticky there mught be an underlying belief around it. Then you can inquire into it to resolve the root cause.
  2. @Endangered-EGO Let the body acclimate to the realization. Truthful actions comes as little gifts without any forcefulness to it. But in the beginning there might be more stillness/inaction.
  3. Unstoppable force vs immovable object round 3. FIGHT!
  4. @ivankiss @James123 Awake heart and Awake mind battling once again I see.
  5. I claimed. Let's not cling to the past. The truth is we can't know if there is a design or not right?
  6. Touchė. ? Can you see a design? All I can see is what is. Design or no design are both constructs.
  7. Love, acceptance as in no resistance to any experience. No grasping/clinging to or pushing away. A quality of the absolute. The separate self can't love unconditionally because that is that energy which grasps and push away.
  8. Ego death as in awakening from the self and self death as the complete dissolvement of self. The later has yet to be experienced here.
  9. An infinite nothing perhaps with something on the top? ?
  10. The separate self like to take pride in actions it thinks is good and shame in actions which it thinks is bad. In fact it didn't do these actions at all and they are neither good or bad.
  11. Well you can burn away your Self with truth.
  12. @Red-White-Light You mean that the white bearded man in the clouds is all illusion? ? The bible holds some good pointers though. At least 10 pages worth out of what 600?
  13. That might be true. ? But it's truth or bust for me no matter the consequences. ?
  14. I'm not burning myself. Just seeing the falseness and truth. Wake up and see for yourself.
  15. Yes as I'm well aware you did. I think you're hung up on the wording separate self. You can use another term if you want to. Let's call it Sweetie pie instead.
  16. Definitions are just words pointing to something within experience. The question is how well do they point. You just defined hell. I don't believe there is a separate self. I'm defining what the separate self is based on my own experience.
  17. There is no separate self just layers of identification with thought (I thought) and emotion (fear) which form an energetic movement that I call the separate self. Believing that there is no separate self won't get you closer to enlightenment. It will just be another layer of the separate self on top of all the other layers.
  18. You are creating evil. Evil does not actually exist and there is no Gods design that's just a belief your holding onto.
  19. @VeganAwake Yes the separate self protects itself from its own crumbling at any cost. If truth is the highest agenda then any sense of falseness should be looked at and questioned.
  20. Not the kind that you believe God to be. God is not some kind of holy divine being that sits up in the clouds and banishes evil. Where does this "evil" come from? Would it exist without humans?
  21. 1. Everything is in constant change, the absolute does not change. The view is holistic. Change can't be holistic. 2. It can come back. It's more common than not. Learn about the movement of ego sobthat its easier to spot tyat movement.