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Everything posted by WelcometoReality

  1. It's not as much a "metaphysical suicide" as much as it is a stripping away of untruth. Pushing through to what? ? Pushing would imply that there is something to move away from.
  2. Have you seen this video on the do nothing technique? Maybe it will be helpful for you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZ6cdIaUZCA&t=566
  3. @Tal If you're not ready to let go it's best not to push yourself to let go. Connect to that which is unwilling to let go that's the way to heal.
  4. When you are starting to anticipate something to happen can you see the anticipation and drop it?
  5. Yet you are here to tell us about it. How could that be?
  6. It's nice to see some badass dedication. What I'm "trying to" convey is that it's more of a relaxing/leaning back/effortless feeling to it than than a striding/pushing/stuggling one.
  7. @cosmocat What if you drop "trying to put my awareness on awareness" and let the realization come by itself?
  8. @Valwyndir that was a beautiful conversation. It brought tears to my eyes.
  9. If words are made up and reason is made with words does that mean that reason is made up? How do you determine whether your reasoning is sound?
  10. That's a good sign of a significant realization. I think I've had that song on repeat aswell.. or maybe it was a different song. It might be old and annoying but the hardest part could be that you don't know how many times it will play until it stops. What I did was I stopped listening to it. I took long walks or something that connected me to my senses. That way the intensity of it lessened and after a while it didn't bother me anymore even though it still was playing in the background. Eventually it stopped even though I can't recollect the moment it did. When you don't care whether it's playing or not it doesn't really matter anymore. ?
  11. Yes the human eye can't see all tye light spectrum. And the ear can't hear all frequencies so the human can't perceive all of reality if we assume that such a thing exist. To me discrepancy is a better terminology to use. The word "wrong" seems so black and white and it implies that we shouldn't experience the car being red.
  12. Your on to something. "I can't" are very limiting words to utter. Maybe rephrasing it to "I haven't been able to yet" can open you up to a realization.
  13. Yes it is truly non sense as in prior to all senses. My question was not to make fun of your "experience" but to make you contemplate about it.
  14. So what's there to "experience" that non-experience/non-existence and later be here to tell us about it? ?
  15. Yes and our discussion has been about helping those who aren't open and willing.
  16. If you genuinely want to help people here then it might be worth to contemplate the question I asked.
  17. I like that. Wrong as a relative notion rather than an absolute one. Could one also argue that neither one of the experience of the car being red and being green is wrong?
  18. Yes, but aren't we back to square one?
  19. Thanks for the clarification. ? Yeah that's something to contemplate. What if you experience it as red and 100 others say it's green? Does that mean that it's green and that your experience is wrong? ?