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Everything posted by WelcometoReality

  1. @fopylo Thanks for sharing! I really loved this part. It's like we are so conditioned to do, do, do instead of just be, be, be.
  2. Maybe that's why you feel separated from her? Because right now all she is is a thought in your mind. The difference between the thought and experiencing her isness. Also could it be that the thought of her being imaginary cause the apparent separation?
  3. I see I was under the impression that you were doing it as a formal sitting. Give it time then.
  4. @Javfly33 it sounds to me that you need a practice in addition to meditation. Some practice that starts when meditation ends. Maybe a mindfulness or surrender practice that you can use in your day to day life to keep (or at least not going down to baseline) the deeper state that meditation gave you.
  5. It doesn't surprise me. It is a inward journey after all so introversion should be a trait that is helpful.
  6. I whole heartedly agree. Enlightenment is a process of something falling away. You could call that something the ego or the personal will. It's seldom (read never) an instant eradication from a single experience. The ego loves to make that experience into a justification for why it is enlightened. @BipolarGrowth This is not meant to bash on you. You clearly are going through a beautiful awakening process but years from now you are going to look at this experience in a whole different light.
  7. @tatsumaru The jesus story also describes this with his crucifixion and his scream Oh God, Oh god why have you forsaken me. on the cross. So it's realizing god to losing your god and going completely full circle.
  8. Interesting. I was that way too. Except I would describe me as HIGHLY introverted. Always had a deep interest in how things actually worked.
  9. @spiritualryan Is it really a belief or is that what you are currently experiencing? First there might be an apparent division between experiencer and experienced which is the normal state of humans. Once realization happens there is no division between experiencer and experience. Just stick to your practice until realization happens. You can use this practice to lead sensations back to it's source. See if it's helpful. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-7LXHjGHfM
  10. I usually look if there is genuiness and connectedness shining through the persons words. Anyone can learn the spiritual jargon but is it coming from a deeper place of authenticity? @OneIntoOne
  11. Tools for deconstruction: Journaling (Getting it down on paper makes the construct easier to spot) Spiritual Autolysis (same principle as journaling) Self Inquiry (Deconstructing the constructor) Labeling practice (naming what is thought and what is feeling as the experience is happening) Does anyone have more tools to add? "Shikantaza fosho. Literally just jump straight to the end of the deconstructive path lol." @Consilience
  12. Let's share enlightenment videos we like here! Please take any discussions of the videos elsewhere.
  13. @BipolarGrowth Could it be that it's complete only because there a belief that it is complete?
  14. I'm not a teacher but I can try to give you some guidance. ? There might be a part of you who is unwilling to let go of the disconnection and is holding on to the absolute. You can use labeling technique to dissolve that structure. Let go of the place of observing and instead go into the experienced. As for the loving kindness part put attention to the heart and relax any kind of tensions. Relax and feel the heart. There might be feelings of heartache and emotions that arises. Start perceiving the world through your heart. I know that sounds very weird and abstract but this is how I would explain it. Let all senses in and let them land in your heart.
  15. @Dodo Thank you! Glad to hear that you have found love. It's a healthy way of seeing that is just begun. (the video isn't directed to uou)
  16. @SageModeAustin Shinzen Young describes the process in this video.
  17. @actualizing25 . Maybe it won't be enough for going all the way but I wouldn't worry about it for now. When the day comes where happiness and peace is present a new want for truth might appear.
  18. @abc123 It's one thing to have beliefs but it's one thing to hold them to be true. Imagine having a discussion with someone who holds the exact opposite belief as you do and how would that discussion play out if both hold their belief as true? Or one or none hold them to be true? Great example! Many strong beliefs about what healthy eating is. I would know what I would eat to be healthy. Is that more true than someone elses belief of what healthy eating looks like?
  19. It can be 'experienced' without psychadelics as well. It's simply seeing reality in it's natural state. We can also flip that question around. How do you know your not fooling yourself right now? You do it by examining what you are experiencing with a magnifying glass. Very fair. ? Yes it will be a subjective truth. You can try to communicate it with others but it can't be proven or understood unless it's been 'experienced' by the other.
  20. The mind will try to understand it. But it can't since it simply an experience within the now.
  21. @TheAvatarState Sounds like you are bumping up against identification/resistance to fear and the only way through it is meeting it. Are you connected well to intuition? Seeing the way intuition is guiding you and how thought and feeling identification is resisting to follow intuition helps. It might look like this: Intuition: go talk to that person. Feeling: A contraction in the gut. Mind: I dont want to go there. I'll talk to him later. I feel so awkward talking to people. (Fear) Breaking the identification with mind (fear) will lessen the fear with time. As a final note I want to say that it's better to start small. Examine how this fear is controlling you and meet it in small ways. It might be as small as walking to the mail box or putting down you phone. Hope this helps.
  22. If you want to know the Truth then yes. That's not what everyone wants so you have to make a choice. Pursuit of best interests, what serves you best would be an egoic pursuit.
  23. @karkaore Reminds me of this video. Maybe it will be of interest. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zIKQCwDXsA
  24. @VeganAwake Peeling the onion is a great talk. ?