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Everything posted by WelcometoReality

  1. Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing. And what's holding onto nothing?
  2. @Godishere Nice. Hope you continue to practice.
  3. @Gianna A feeling can "trigger" several thoughts. By letting go of the feeling we also deal with the thoughts that was triggered by it. Yeah, It's both. We can trigger fear by thinking of public speaking for example and the fear will trigger new thoughts like "I can't" with the accompanying feeling apathy. Fear can also be triggered by doing public speaking. There's probably several ways of doing shadow work but what is the "problem". Is it the thought of public speaking or is it the fear of public speaking? So why not deal with the root of the problem directly.
  4. @Blackhawk You start off as a separate self and as you do the work the sense of separation dissolves. It's not about trusting what 99.9% of people says or the 0.1%. It's about examining what you are experiencing for yourself if you are interested.
  5. @Nivsch It's all about meeting those uncomfortable feelings. Sit with them, be with them until they dissolve. Let go of the need to do something about them.
  6. There is no separation between "consciousness" and "The contents appearing to it", it's the same one. The thoughts are a reflection of the feelings and the quality of feelings determine how we operate in 'the world'.
  7. @Javfly33 Good luck to you. I hope you succeed to make your life situation better. ???
  8. @Ultraanova That's awesome. I'm very happy for you! ??
  9. For most people that is their experience. Being something inside the head of their body, a state of separation. As we start to have these glimpses you speak of things start to loosen up alittle. It's used as a teaching tool. We are usually very identified with out thoughts so by being the watcher of our thoughts we start disidentifying with them and can see that the I-thought is no more I than anything else.
  10. @RoerAmit It might take you 10 minutes or 10 years to become a master but if you do what you enjoy doing then those 10 years will feel like 10 minutes because it will be effortless.
  11. Yes it's ego but only a small part of what ego is.
  12. And then it can be transcended and fall away completely.
  13. Yeah, we usually try to resist it for as long as we can because what falls away is what we believe to be 'me'. ??
  14. @BipolarGrowth To be perfectly content with what is and let all goals and sense of purpose fall away.
  15. Visuals are also normal. ?
  16. @Greengrass Yes it's normal to feel fear when tye sense of self disappears. Just let it come up. Fear is the doorway.
  17. @Gabith Thx for sharing your experience. ???
  18. @Leo Gura That's nice Leo. Maybe sharing the embodiment of your realizations is even better. ?
  19. Yeah I just cleaned my kitchen. It was extraordinarly ordinary but magical at the same time. ?
  20. @BipolarGrowth Seeking might continue after awakening but loses momentum as the realization matures to eventually dissolve completely.
  21. @Soulife96 Just let the writing happen without any censorship.
  22. @Swarnim Isn't suffering caused by believing the thoughts that things SHOULD be other than it is? There might be pain but believing the thoughts about the pain creates suffering. @AdamR95 Is the I that loves to suffer the I or the i?