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Everything posted by WelcometoReality

  1. Yeah, I've done that myself many times. When they've needed me I've been there physically but I haven't given them them my presence and acknowledgement that they needed. I can see now that I always had a selfserving agenda that wanted closeness but at the same time keeping my distance in order to not get hurt. ? In my children i see that when I give them love and presence they grow and develop and our relationship becomes so much more richer and intimate. The same with my wife. And as they grow and develop so do I.
  2. Yeah, life can certainly be a rollercoaster ride. ? So you don't believe that these feelings can be dissolved? I can recommend practice letting go. It's a great way to get rid of energy blockages if you dont want to live with fear and anxiety etc. I think life always will have its up and downs but the feelings enhance them. So no it will never be perfect in that sense. But God doesn't make it hard. We do. ?
  3. Compassion to me is lending a helping hand. To meet the person where they're at, from their perspective. To fail to do so is like reaching your hand but not far enough so that they can get a hold of it. It's a rigidity which stems from selfishness.
  4. @Forza21 Yes, truly wise words from everyone. It's fantastic how much this forum has evolved during the six years I've been here. ?
  5. Ah. Thx for sharing. I love reading these kind of stories. If you're interested David R Hawkins enlightenment story is a good read. ?
  6. Yeah I'm just saying that maybe going full circle is losing godhood completely and be fully immersed in the dream. Maybe that's what Jesus meant by "God oh God why have you forsaken me".
  7. There might also come a point when one becomes fully immersed in the dream and then there will be no one to awaken anymore.
  8. I'm sry if I offended you. I didn't mean that you're delusional. It seems to me that you've had an awakening. It's just that mind can come in with its interpretation and distort the realization. This have happened to me many times. So it's not that I don't believe you. What you're saying is on point. It's just that answer that is off the mark. ??
  9. Yes. Thank you for answering. It makes sense now. ?? So even if you go back to sleep is there "something" that never leaves?
  10. It's ok. ? The questions are not me but for you to gain clarity. I urge you to inquire into what god and formless mind is because you are deceiving yourself here.
  11. @Someone here That's alot of words but it doesn't answer what God or formless mind is.
  12. My previous question can be worth to inquire into a bit more.
  13. You say "God's formless mind". What is God and what is formless mind?
  14. Yes, but did the pure formlessness imagine itself to be @Someone here and is @Someone here part of the imagination?
  15. All suffering and brutality stems from the belief in separation. So it actually is out of ignorance.
  16. "The dream manipulation" is already possible isn't it? When you feel thirsty you manifest by walking to the kitchen and pour a glass of water. ?
  17. Doubts are ego and "I can become an even clearer awakening" is also ego. Yes, it's about this moment here and now, thoughts about past or future, becoming or not becoming are all projections of the mind.
  18. I don't see a problem here. ? The mind creates thought. That's natural. There's just no need to engage with the questions that come from it. The fear and paranoia comes with the questions. What was life like when you were a child without these questions? You were probably playing at the playing grounds without any care whether it's real or not? The question whether reality is real or not is a smoke screen that the mind puts up and now you're trying to answer it in hope of getting relief from the fear. Question the question rather then seeking an answer and the relief will come.
  19. I'm with you this far but I would say awakening is the waking up from the dream, that one is a separate self living on planet earth was just a figment of ones imagination. Reality goes from a believed objective reality to a subjective knowing reality which is often talked about as experience or direct experience. Also there is no sense of separation between the knower and known (oneness). There other facets but I choose to exclude those for the moment. That's a very good question. Someone should get a gold star for that one. ? When one awakens then, at first, questions seem irrelevant. Because it's seen from an absolute perspective to make no sense but as the awakening deepens the absolute perspective isn't held onto. All perspectives are relevant, even the mind of others. I wouldn't say it has anything to do with imagination for me, rather that replying seems like the natural thing to do if that makes any sense. Could this perspective be because when psychedelics is used there is seen that it's a dream but as the trip wears off you also go back to sleep? The way I see it as awakening happens you never fully go back into dreamland. No matter how caught you get by the dream state there's still the memory of the awakened view. And as awakening deepens there is less and less "buying into" happening. To be honest I don't fully resonate with "imagination" the way you use it. Maybe it's a psychedelic/non-psychedelic clash or maybe it's because I don't fully understand what's meant by it. Maybe our interpretations are just different and so the is an gap in understanding each other because of it. Maybe you can clarify this for me. ?
  20. Yeah words usually is never enough but could you please try to describe it?