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About WelcometoReality

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  1. If you run that all the way down you'll see the you don't know that but yeah I assume the same. Also I don't see arguing which way is better to spiritual enlightenment any closer to reality than all the conflicts about politics etc in "normal" society.
  2. True. But how many of the human conflicts are based on anything grounded in reality. It's usually two beliefsystems bumping into each other.
  3. We live in a subjective reality. So if a certain perspective might be true for someone, a contradictory perspective might be true for someone else. And perspectives do not hold any value until they are realized.
  4. @James123 osho is such a cool dude. Such a rebel. πŸ™‚
  5. Then we meant the same thing. You can only distract yourself for so long. πŸ™‚
  6. Yes. He could also be distracting himself to not having to deal with it at all.
  7. No problem mate. πŸ™‚ I don't have any experience with holotropic breathing so I can't help you there. I do have some experience with dark nights. You are free to do whatever you want. If you want to procrastinate do that. If you want to complete the task then do that. If there's thoughts or emotions that is hindering you from doing those tasks then let them go (Might not be as easy as I make it sound like).
  8. @TruthFreedom If you've had a proper awakening you're no longer set by the boundries of your ego but free to do whatever you want. The anehedonia part could be some emotional resistances that come up. Try finding a practice that deals with it.
  9. Well I'm not certain about if it's the same or not that's why I asked. At first when I honed in on it I'd describe it as gut feeling. As the years passed it doesn't feel as gutty as it used to. In fact it doesn't feel at all if that makes sense. Maybe more like a heart sense?
  10. @Salvijus what's your thoughts on gut feeling and intuition?
  11. Yeah, do it and see how it works for you. Then after a while evaluate and readjust if needed. πŸ™‚
  12. @mrroboto Yeah definitely. Thought's are pointers toward something. For example a thought of a tree is not a tree itself. So they are illusiory in that sense.