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  • Birthday 12/08/1992

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  1. Why are couple relationships so important for humanity?
    Why are couple relationships so important for humanity?
    It's quite difficult to think about this questions objectively, since we are all surrounded by partners and people searching for "the one partner". But what, apart from the obvious "kids making process" puts 1o1 relationships on this towering pedestal? 
    For me there is literally zero reason, why a female or male should restrict its intimacy to just one other human being. Is a mother only capably of loving just one child? 
    Here are some "social matrix" answers I get, when I ask this question (followed by my objection) 
    "Its just nice to have someone to talk, when you come home from a stressful day..." Aha, and why can't I work on ALL my relationships to be that trustful and authentic? Why this restriction? Why do you think only this specific human being called "partner" is worthy to relate to? 
    "She/he will understand you more than anyone else..." Bullshit. Self-understanding and self-love cannot be delegated to anyone else. This can only happen trough deep inquiry and still observation of ones nature. Especially if the partner herself/himself is not deep in the process of self-understanding, which literally no-one is.
    I'm sure this forum will provide more answers in a similar fashion. I strongly believe this conditioned "the one partner"- mindset is created, because most experienced this scenario their entire youth with their parents. But just because it has always been like this, doesn't mean it's useful or natural. 

  2. How do I inoculate myself against relying on others for answers and solutions?
    How do I inoculate myself against relying on others for answers and solutions?
    By realizing that answers and solutions aren't worth much unless they are rooted in your direct experience and personal insight.
    Unearned answers simply aren't very powerful or valuable.

    Sort of a side note but breast massages can improve the look and feel of your breasts. 
    This is the technique I use and I love it. It’s a great way to connect with your breasts and offer them loving kindness, too:)

    From your posting I can tell that you are intelligent and you can work on other areas of your life like personality and charm. Work on social skills and expanding your social networking so you meet loads and loads of men so you will find a man who is the right fit for you. I know as women we're never given this advice to actively seek out men, but ideally we should to avoid the crappy kind of men. There are so many ways a woman can show her beauty and its not limited only to her body and face. 
    Your own personality can do wonders. 
    This is a tricky situation. I think the better option would be to hurry and know if he rejects you or not before you get too emotionally invested. That's a better strategy because most guys are very superficial (although they won't tell you that on the first date), so the more you drag with them the worse it gets for you, so the best thing is to test them early on, if they reject you, then good riddance, you can quickly move to the next guy till you find the right guy. Don't let guys waste your time. Screen them immediately for their core values. If you see they aren't deeply committed and don't like you for who you are, then immediately reject as fast as possible and move to the next.. 
    Hope this helps. 

    The more comfortable and confident you are in your own body, the more other people will be as well (with themselves and towards you), even if you have to fake it till you make it with that confidence for a while. It's tricky but that's seems to be how it works, in my experience at least.
    Surgery I'm against. I don't think people modifying their bodies is that wise. It can be expensive and is in my opinion an avoidance for doing deeper interpersonal work. If you want to modify your body do it naturally through exercise.
    Of course you are entitled to act confident. You don't need to ask anyone permission for how you choose to feel about yourself, why would you ?
    However when you come across a guy you really like, and you aren't feeling at your very best confidence wise. I think it's ok to tell him how you feel about it, and that it's a soft spot you struggle with.
    Showing vulnerability can be a beautiful thing, and expressing it with someone can help build a lot of trust.

    It's always a limiting belief, so you're free to let go of it:) 
    Of course your mind will produce evidence that's way out of proportion to support this belief and call it "objective". Once you open yourself up to other possibilities, the "evidence" may, and will, change in proportion and you can focus more and more on how you're actually already perfect.
    "I will only do something about this if i am sure that objectively speaking, I really am pretty and this is just a limiting belief" is just a sneaky trick being played on you, to keep you attached to the belief. 

  7. Is a man not interested in me if he doesn't ask me any questions in return?
    Is a man not interested in me if he doesn't ask me any questions in return?
    Don't just point blank ask him on a date.
    Be cheeky about.
    "Hey, when are you gonna realize I'm trying to flirt with you? ;)"
    Something akin to that would work nicely.

  8. Is a man not interested in me if he doesn't ask me any questions in return?
    Is a man not interested in me if he doesn't ask me any questions in return?
    You are expecting too much. He has no idea you are interested in him romantically. You're not seeing this from his POV.
    You judge him too soon on such superficial stuff. First flirt with him, THEN see how much he cares about you. You will still have plenty of time to figure out his willingness to invest in you.
    You have nothing to lose by flirting with him, but you could potentially gain a boyfriend. This risk-reward scenario is a no-brainer.
    If you want something in life you have to go after it, not sit around hoping for it to come to you. YES! -- even if you're a girl. That's not a valid excuse. The only thing you got to lose here is some ego.

  9. Is a man not interested in me if he doesn't ask me any questions in return?
    Is a man not interested in me if he doesn't ask me any questions in return?
    Your lead is so weak he might just see you as being friendly and nothing more.
    If you want to do this you must actually flirt with him. Stop being afraid of rejection. How do you think us guys feel? We deal with that bullshit all the time. It's okay, you'll live.
    You must indicate some romantic intent.
    An ex-gf of mine initiated on me with the line: "I would go home with you." It was very effective on me.