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Everything posted by at_anchor

  1. It's temporarily closed. Does it have certain hours during the day at which it opens?
  2. it is difficult in sometimes. especially when you value sex so much and use this as a way to escape. the only way I would let go of that in life is if I had real sex instead, I think.
  3. It is always the circumstances. For me personally at least. And your anxiety and paranoia could also be caused by real world threats. Yeah, maybe they are not there all the time and you stay depressed when you shouldn't, but how do you know? In the end it could be that circumstances caused you to feel depressed, anxious and paranoied. Maybe someome threatened you or broke the law on you real hard repeatedly, but you don't have any proof and then you feel the way you feel.
  4. Is semen retention even healthy? You need to get that stuff out or your balls will blow. I don't think any man can actually do it for a year. It's just so tempting and hard to not go for the full orgasm.
  5. Push your head forward and then come back in the neutral position. Do that a couple of times. I forgot the name of that exercise.
  6. I'll probably try this out
  7. I'm really struggling with this idea of reincarnation. God is an infinite and intelligent dream. It can create whatever it wants out of thin air so it wouldn't be hard for him to make the exact same copy of us in the future as well. But why? And what exactly gets reincarnated? If we are all one and if the only thing different about us is our experience, what is it that gets reborn? Do you know who you are to say that you exist and can get reborn or do you only imagine to know yourself? Because if you are imagining yourself, then what is the self but an illussion? If you have any real proof on reincarnation, post it here. I would like to find out all about it, because that's a radical claim. From my point of view, individual human beings have maximum of around hundred years to live.
  8. I don't know if I'm meditating properly. I just sit in a lotus position, look at a clock and focus on my breathing while relaxing my body. When thoughts come I let them be and when tears of sadness appear, I suppose that's fine as long as I keep sitting there and focus on breathing. And if something starts annoying me like for example a mosquito or some kind of noise or even a person that comes in front of me and starts emotional abuse, I just let it be. How many hours a day to meditate if you have more than one to spare? Is reading about consciousness and meditation required for enlightenment? Do you have to become a Buddhist or Hindu? How to meditate properly?
  9. That's exactly right. It's just that it's hard to believe when you believed in heaven and hell for some time before realizing it might just be imaginary imaginary. Like when you imagine that there is no gravity or that there is something that doesn't exist. ♡ New beings. Or it is just one being that goes through different experiences. The trap might be just that I would be eagerly waiting for something that would never come, but look on the bright side. If I believed in that, like Jesus did, I would be able to put up with insane amounts of suffering inflicted on me.
  10. I'm asking this from a materialistic point of view, cause it would be nice to have something to look forward to after death. Then I guess I am just a concept and event, that's true, but it feels kind of scary and I'm not at a level of consciousness that allows me to experience oneness, although the idea that I'm a concept and event is awesome. But hard to swallow, gonna need more time for that.
  11. Why are the eastern ideas of reincarnation more true than western ideas of heaven and hell? Where did these ideas even come from?
  12. There is only one God that lives forever. The only difference between me and you is our knowledge. So in reality, you don't learn any lessons, cause you don't need to. What should be learned is learned and what shouldn't won't. The universe already decided what you will or won't learn. A tree doesn't exist in any other moment but one and it won't reincarnate as that same tree. This is like a movie that keeps going on and on forever. An animation that doesn't stop. In the past we believed in heaven and hell and now in new age communities, people don't know how to make the world appear safe and loving other than to use the idea of karma and reincarnation.
  13. Anthony William writes in his book that the fat takes 12 hours to digest, that it causes sleeping problems and that it makes it difficult for oxygen to travel through the bloodstream. So is pork a healthy source of fat, calories and protein? What are pros and cons of eating it?
  14. This is interesting. Do carrots also have essence? Would you say that eating a fox makes you more clever and eating a dolphin makes you more playful? @Michael569 @undeather I would like to try being a vegan for a year. Do you think that a diet with about a thousand calories and only 40g of protein daily is gonna make me healthier if I don't crash and burn before the year is over? It's a bit extreme.
  15. Right now for some reason I'm interested in running a business. I live in a third world country and that's where I'd imagine starting some kind of a carpentry workshop, a construction firm or even a farm. But I don't think that will be feasible or possible given my situation in here. So recently I got into construction work. There was a boss who was gone in a day or two and then I was left with another one who really didn't like me and just wanted to screw me over, which he did in a week. I was panipulated into throwing leftover wood off of the fifth floor. I was told to be obedient and when there was no one good around, i was obedient to a fox that made me think he is m friend, a really devilish person. The bosa was on another building first time and took selfies of me doing that and stuff. You might say I don't know if he was involved in this, but I do. He wanted to get rid of me and there is no better way but to incriminate me as though I am dangerous for him and others. After this cops stopped me on my way home and now I don't think it is wise to go back there. There was also some harrassment. But the truth is, I love building work. The problem is that I want to do it my way, to treat it as an art, to make my workers disciplined, healthy and protected from injury and inhaling of toxic stuff. Anyway, my passion lays in building houses. Furniture, not so much. Food is also one of my passions and making organic stuff would be great. But I just can't do it here. So what do you think? Should I leave that place and hopefully never return again? Cause that is what he wants and when this guy wants something, and other bosses who are his boss want it, then that is what is gonna happen. Capitalists rule here, not the government. Also, because it appears that I might reall be better of just leaving m place of birth and going to the west, what language or country would be the best for me to choose and how do I determine that? The anglo world is unreachable. I heard Germany is reall good to live in and also France, but Scandinavia is like number one. If I could shape my country, I would shape it to be like that. But you know, I kind of feel resistance to that. I kind of want to stay and grow here. But it is proving beyond a shadow of a doubt to be a real challenge, an impossible mission.
  16. Yeah, thanks. I think it is because I don't know anything about organic farming and making profits. But anglo countries are unreachable because everyone basically speaks English and sends their CVs there for jobs so the chances that an employer would help me get a work visa are low. I am interested in learning everything related to building buildings. But electrical wiring and plumbing sound to be the best bet.
  17. I can't possibly believe in reincarnation or heaven and hell that religions talk about so for me personally, it is the fear that not existing, not feeling anything at all even the bad feelings, not seeing anything and just not being at all after death that scares me the most. It is like I have this one life and if I can't have heaven and good karma in it, then it is very unlikely there will be anything after it.
  18. Is hydrogenated oil from plastic bottles worse for your health than bread and sugar?
  19. Industrially hydrogenated fats like margarine, mayonnaise, hydrogenated oil for frying which is always stored in plastic bottles, etc. The fact that they're stored in plastic makes it an even bigger health concern.
  20. Oh my God and here I was all these years worrying about gluten while eating salads and even rice with hydrogenated oil. So it basically is the first thing to exclude from your diet if you want to be healthy.
  21. @Gabith I feel the same way... Wish you all the best.
  22. This week's questions are gonna be superstitious and unreasonable, so let's get over with that... 1. I want to know if it is reasonable to look at people's birth charts to see if they can tell something accurate about them, their character, personality, etc.? 2. Spiral dynamics is probably the best way we have of seeing if we are compatible with others, but I'm interested if there is even a slight probability that you can compare your dominant elements in your birth chart with someone else's to see how well you two can get along? 3. If I have an air and fire dominated birth chart, and I meet someone else that has an almost identical one, are we gonna be like twins?
  23. I will ask 1-3 questions a week and if someone answers something, I will read it, but I won't answer. Unfortunately, my questions might get a bit personal. I will probably want to thank you, but I cannot answer.
  24. So this week's questions are: 1. People say that Karma exists. I think that Karma cannot be fair without reincarnation existing, because it's just a fact that when things go wrong and you experience injustices for no reason early in your life, you don't deserve it, and the people that do the injustices, they basically get away with it and then tell you that you got it because you deserved it and you choose it, etc. So Karma is is not some universal law that gives justice if there is only one life. Joseph Campbell said that it is not good to believe in reincarnation. The spiral dynamics book also that things can go wrong when purple believes in reincarnation, or red. But it won't hurt if I believed in it. Can you somehow show me the proof? If I do not exist, if I exist as an infinite number of possibilities and forms that get actualized or not, how can I get reincarnated? What am I? OR What is the ''I'' that gets reincarnated? The only way Karma could exist without reincarnation and bring justice is if we were all one and when someone else does something wrong and Karma punishes someone other than that person, then it's actually just punishing that person. So does reincarnation exist and how can I validate it? Don't tell me to die. 2. God exists or God doesn't exist. Does God exist as a powerful and omnipotent being who is aware of everything, does he have a form and a personality like Zews or Jesus or Shiva? Or is God just infinite energy, a dream like enrgy that really doesn't exist? Because the world exists, and it is either a dream, or it is a real place with God who is in the form of a conscious being or just dream like, magical energy that is like the mind in the brain. The mind is not in the brain though. 3. What is the world going to be like in 3000 years?