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Everything posted by at_anchor

  1. I'm still lacking some kind of understanding, knowledge or information to be able to make an educated decision about what is the best place for me to live in and which language should I be learning. Should I leave my country forever or do I want to return. Not to mention my indecision at picking the right job or career to envision and go after. Should I go north, northwest, northeast, west, southwest, south, or southeast. Which continent is the best for me personally? It's like, I didn't travel the world, didn't try different stuff, didn't become very educated to know myself and pick my identity (and also I was often dissuaded), and there is always some kind of a reason or emotion against every decision, like nothing is perfect or right for me and everything could end up being the worst decision I ever made.
  2. People have hurt me in the past and took what was mine. They continue. I cannot get even the basic needs met because of them. I feel so angry that they are slowly taking everything and then blaming me for being lazy an responsible for my lot in life.
  3. I've been trying to improve my diet fo the past many years with little to no success. Now I know that milk products are terrible, although I forgot exactly why. Yeah, they have a lot of choresterol, lactose and casein which are said to cause health problems, but I'm still not entirely convinced. Also, it is not ethical to drink milk meant for a baby cow. I don't buy milk products, but when I'm offered some cake or cheese at home, I rarely say no and stick to it for long. Life is such that I probably won't be able to stop consuming the wrong food articles for the rest of my life. Do you have anything to add on this topic? If not, it's fine. Saying that something is unhealthy isn't gonna make someone stop consuming it, even with all the evidence and reasons laid flat on the ground for you. There are actual physical obstacles sometimes.
  4. @Tyler Robinson <3
  5. Right back down even more Life played out terribly. Education is impossible, regular sleep and healthy lifestyle are a luxury. The western world I don't feel I can go there, but I don't feel like staying here either. There is no country or place on earth to move to make a living, heal, find love. Life's just suffering, fap and food addiction for me. This suffering will lead nowhere good, because it's not the one that grows you. Sorry for showering you with more negativity, but I like a bit of connection when I have to wait for my death for years to come, feeling robbed of hope or desperate. (I saw a video of hungry gees and it was, well, lol. I think I'm like those gees but instead of peas, I go hungry for posts.)
  6. Stage of development and culture misfit I feel too underdeveloped to move to the west, but also to stay here. Although I could maybe learn Italian, I don't want it. I want my third language to be Latin because it improves my intuitive understanding of English and native tongue using left brain processes, not right brain. Latin makes you better educated and sharper, not Italian. Sweden is a no and so is Germany, because of the languages which feel so, I don't know, but lately kind of ugly and hard. Spanish is the easiest of all languages, but I prefer Italy over Spain. So I'm left kind of hopeless. New Zealand is the best one, but it's gonna be impossible. All in all I am very underdeveloped and don't think that west is where I should be. On the other hand, I really want security and health so I know no better place than the west for that. I'm also underdeveloped for my own country so this might not be a developmental problem, rather I don't feel strong enough to move anywhere anymore. I feel I should just die after what people have done to my name, privcy, dignity, body, crucial time when I should have been getting an education or building a business. It's like I want to stop, go back in time, make sure none of this happens and keep my health, body, time, privacy, dignity, and name in tact. Now I just feel like going to the far east and dying there is the only right move to take. I am sick of these people and this life. I wish I never got in contact with them. Life would be amazing if I didn't. Now it's terrible because I did. You're gonna say I'm lucky and had everything I need to develop so it's actually just my genes that are the problem. I don't think that's the case. You're gonna say that I have life in front of me, but no. The world is a dangerous place full of people who don't want you in it. And once you fall so low in life you might just as well die. But this is also a language/cultural issue here to a significant degree. I don't want to change. I don't feel sophisticated and enough to move to the west. I don't want to move there for health and security. I don't want to live anymore. I don't know where and how to work.
  7. Predictable, fast and easy diet plan or routine for overall health and wellbeing that satisfies all the micro and macro nutritional needs is what is missing here. Quantity and quality is important here. What would one day of eating super healthy look like from your point of view? Example: 100g of nuts (500cal + vit E and minerals in sufficient quantities) 50g at 10AM & 50g at 5PM for snacks with a carrot and some persley. 100g of chia seeds with a sliced apple and lemon juice (500cal + vit C and minerals) at 7AM. Mix a little bit of all raw vegetables with two to three whole boiled eggs and 100g of dried pinto beans boiled (400 cal + vitamins). 200g of oats with a few berries on top at 8PM. (560cal). How long would you be able to enjoy this diet? Do you have any better ideas or objections? This is gluten, lactose and casein free diet plan just in case it really is better to stay off of that. Also, it doesn't contain soy because of a high likelihood that it is GMO and additional estrogen problems. I actually like soy milk and soy meat, but it has to be fried in oil to taste good. Also 2-3 liters of water a day, preferably purified and without flouride, chloride, heavy metals, etc. What dou you think?
  8. I don't know this man, I just watched this video where he spills some BS. Like yeah, everything comes from a seed, but just because you have a lot of seeds doesn't mean that you have a lot of good and fertile land to plant those seeds in, as well as tools, machines and the mannure to make it work. Maybe you don't even know at what season to plant or anything else. Plus, you might just have banana seeds, but live in Iceland or something.
  9. @Breakingthewall and what if you were on a cliff on a higher elevation and they surrounded you but couldn't get to you? How long would you wait before you lost all hope, energy and jumped off from starvation and bleeding wounds? And what if you were with someone there on that higher elevation that was actually pushing you to go fight the wolves and basically die? Let's say this was not someone you loved so much that you would sacrifice your life for them. And another example, what if you were on a sinking little boat and had around a year or two before going underwater with sharks. You have food and water of terrible quality onboard, and you also have an injection lets say that lets you die in peace. In this case there are no ships that will pass by to save you, so no hope of getting rescued. The boat is also closed off and you cannot enjoy looking at the sea.
  10. If you are being chased by a pack of wolves or foxes to the edge of a cliff and they already wounded you pretty badly, so you are hungry, thirsty, tired and hurt in some kind of a depressing situation you have only two options. Option one is to let them eat you alive, which could be a long and painful process to die. Option two is to jump off a cliff, fall down and die. Which would you choose? Fighting them is useless. You won't be able to hurt them back in that state and without anything to become a match for their strength and power. Sometimes in life people can be like those foxes and wolves.
  11. I always feel my ADHD symptoms increase after eating some bread, let's say. It also might be associated with hairloss. Add spices and whatever you'd like. Here is another vegan example: Hazelnuts 100g + 15g chia seeds + a bit of persley and carrots + glass of lemon juice at 7AM or earlier. Vit. D3 is taken here as well as a lot of clean water. A mix salad with as many of vegetables you can find including red onions with whole boiled eggs and egg yolks for lunch. Beans with a garlicy flavour with a cucumber salad for dinner. I don't think this is too restrictive. People usually eat bread with some sort of a cream on top and spagetti for lunch and dinner. They don't eat vegetables. That can cause problems, like the poridge example you mentioned. There is no processed oil in the diet and I think that if you can make it work it's better than the alternatives. Another good diet would be just eating a bunch of rice and chicken breasts with a bit of extra virgine olive oil for cooking purposes, with enough servings of organic veggies. But there are ethical concerns with that and it's a bit more expensive.
  12. People say drink a glass of milk, it will help you sleep. But I kind of feel I can't sleep after some dairy. How would you order these foods from the worst to better: Hydrogenated/refined oil Dairy Gluten Soy Sugar I think the most important part is not diet, but water, sleep, etc. Okay, so that's about all I have to ask now.
  13. Right now my diet is not timely, ordered, clean and structured kind of like this so that's why I'm having these emotional and other problems. It cannot be where I'm at. This was just an example. I didn't eat Chia seeds for years, except for the first time yesterday in rice cakes with some soar cream an onions. It also contains soy, so currently I'm on soy, dairy and gluten. I think the best thing would be to eat caviar in the morning with a nice salad or some other wild caught fish low in heavy metals and maybe high quality rice instead of oats before bed would be perfect. I don't wanna have fruits, beans or grains for breakfast.
  14. @JuliusCaesar Okay you are right, I will give it a try (actually can't wait). I should really remove that video, but too late now. How can Italian help with English when Italians and the French speak English the least? Even Poland has more English speakers than Italy. So you basically say that learning Italian is gonna help me understand English words more intuitively, because it is a vulgar form of Latin. Sorry for the typos and misunderstanding.
  15. If what comes after suicide is even more suffering and could be even worse, all the people in the world who commit suicide daily have to read this post in order not to commit it. It seems kind of unfair to me. I'm here enjoying the benefits of your wisdom, while they are there suffering and thinking they will get away from it by commiting suicide. Then they get an even worse life, while I, the lucky one, who read this and did not commit suicide, get a better afterlife. Doesn't make any sense. Spirits are either all the same or there is just one Spirit. At least God should be fair and just.
  16. @JuliusCaesar I think Duo and Anki are suffucient enough tools for language learning with some added YouTube videos and listening materials. This video has some criticism of Pimsleur: This is a good point. So to speak English well you need to know French or Italian and/or just Latin? German and Polish people don't have the same problem. Germans don't learn Swedish to understand German better and Poles don't learn Russian to understand Polish better. But there might be some truth to what you're saying.
  17. @Leo Gura What about just like standard pasturized milk, kefir, cream, and feta cheese, stuff with no aditives? Gluten here can mean just like whole grain wheat or regular wheat flour which can then be used to make bread without using any of that oil or sugar. I took one of those allergen tests once, but I don't remember if it tested for gluten and lactose. Sometimes bread can be healthier than low quality potatoes filled with pesticides or something, I know.
  18. @eos_nyxia Thank you for the excellemt language learning tools and everything. I think that overlapping is exactly why I want to learn another foreign language that is related to my own, but that I might actually like even more. Danish and Dutch to me feel more complicated than German.
  19. I don't know yet.
  20. @Bojan V Stunning question that left me speechless. You are absolutely right. I'm almost left without anything, including my life. But that doesn't mean that the police and the court would believe me. They could end up using everything I say against me and take even more away.
  21. Cops just follow orders from above. Above them are law graduates or managers and most of them are connected. There is corruption.
  22. i need someone to pm me to help me find a solution for a personal problem
  23. Thank you for the answers. I think that learning French might be just as useful as Latin for etymology, if not more so or does Latin give you more insight? I think Latin roots can be googled and written down along with word meanings without learning Latin. So yeah. Lady, you are studious. I'm not a history nerd but I would like to be. I also like etymology. It kind of makes everything clearer. It kind of appears useful. I never knew that "Ego" just means "I" before I started exploring Latin a bit. But I won't be learning it, I think. Because I have other ones more useful and interesting I guess. If it can be answered, which one is the best for that?
  24. That is a nice way of saying it.