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Everything posted by at_anchor

  1. Each morning, we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.
  2. “The human being is in the most literal sense a political animal, not merely a gregarious animal, but an animal which can individuate itself only in the midst of society.” Marx
  3. “Necessity is blind until it becomes conscious. Freedom is the consciousness of necessity.” Marx
  4. "Catch a man a fish, and you can sell it to him. Teach a man to fish, and you ruin a wonderful business opportunity.” Marx
  5. @spiritual memes do you mean that's more computer science and electrical engineerimg than chemistry?
  6. reference: Rare Beautiful Creatures
  7. @Michael569 those appear great. I will definitely try them one day. Thanks. @spiritual memes yes, that is pretty correct, although organic chemistry doesn't make the devices that are used for analysing chemical compositions of stuff and so forth. Having a lab would ne a dream come true. Awesome. That would be an ideal business, making supplements and medicine of high quality and so forth. But I also want to understand how do computers store real world fucking complex images and sounds, literally different voices get stored on a piece of metal and reproduced in some kind of a sound box or on a screen. How is that? I's preplexed. That is some kind of a chemistry. Electricity writing information in binary numbers and those binary numbers capture it all so well. I just don't get it. The workings of computers are to me almost as mysterious as bodies of living beings.
  8. So I am interested in chemistry because I want to know more about health and safety, as well as a bit of biology and how the evolution happened...
  9. I think I want to know more about the wet stuff than dry stuff. Ultimately, I want to know biology. How are we made? What are the chemical elements that exist on our planet? How do they combine and how is the reaction happening to create something? How is this possible? How do we test and prove stuff about human health? Where did all this come from? What are the most important chemical elements? How are more complex stuff like medicine and supplements made by using chemistry? What is the equipment necessary and procedure to test and make medicine? Are we safe or are we being poisoned by big pharma and processed food industry, etc.?
  10. I don't wqnt to be intrusive so I want to just write some stuff that is bothering me. I want to get over my fears and confusions. So let's try...
  11. Please convince me to die, because as I see it, there is no way to move forwards. My roots are cut, unbelievable. If only I knew in the past what I know now... if only I knew. Some people are disgusting and suffocating. I might be that to you, cause everything is relative. There is no way that I'll commit suicide. Simply no way. No because I'm afraid of the pain and of disappearing, but because I'm angry at many people and don't seea good reason why I should die, while they should have it all when I'm better than them.