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Everything posted by at_anchor

  1. Hey guys, you didn't help me here. I really want this. Can anyone help me get it? Please. Is there anyone from Netherlands or Belgium here? How much does it cost and how long does it take? Most importantly, can you accept me and my desire to die? If it is genuine? Can you accept this in me? If you can't, then there is a big problem. Please accept this as something that is not bad and something that should not be avoided. This is not a trap, but a feature. Can you support something this radical?
  2. I took Dulcolax out of desparation to help but it doesn't help enough.
  3. Wage slavery gives you freedom and a sort of independence. If you were worse off, you would regret not even being able to become a wage slave. So it can get even worse.
  4. I don't have the therapist who can understand that I want this from losing it all and who can help with this painless transsition into the other realm.
  5. @Sincerity Pain and failure is stopping me. I can't just cut my arthery on my neck and die. That is stopping me. It trully is my deep desire to let go of this life and die.
  6. So no one can give me what I ask for here I guess... Okay.
  7. It doesn't really matter.
  8. @Judy2 it could be dr. Trump or worse
  9. This is what my heart desires the most. Sometimes this is the best way to just leave. Please help me fulfill this desire. I kind of have like a terminal illiness that might get more painful than cancer. Please grant this wish.
  10. @Judy2 yes, tegretol 1/2,1/2,1,risset 1,1,2 ,haloperidol 1,1,0 or haldol, etc.
  11. I don't know if this is against forum guidelines, but I need help. I can't hang myself and need a good idea for how to die. Please help. I should and I simply need to. My life cannot work anymore. I lost everything and am not in circumstances that allow me to be mentally healthy. All ways for how to do that are gone.
  12. I know. But I'm in so much pain. I can't do it, even though I would do it if I could now. I don't know how. People will also prevent me. I am losing my will to live and my strength. That is dangerous from where I am at. I already have and they are the reason I feel this way now.
  13. That is like a lot of torturous years to come I guess. I am painfully dying. It is too painful. I need a quick fix.
  14. Where would you most like to travel inthe world? Sout America isn't that appealing to me, currently. It was in the past. But I'm sure it has amazing stuff, Africa and eastern parts of Asia as well as India are the best. Europe gets boring because of its religion and so forth. What are 3 destinations that by visiting you will change in some meaningful way? Tokyo?
  15. I think that sometimes it is better to accept your death and loss, than to try to fight for survival when you surely cannot survive. I think that if people with power want you to die and there is nobody to save you from them, it's better to die than to fight back and make life even worse for others. However bad and corrupt those people who want me dead may be, I think that it is better to leave this reality to them than to try to change things they don't want to be changed and try to live when they don't want you alive. At least not alive and well. And so, I am thinking that it would be kind of good to allow myself to stop breathing and living in this dream. And if I do that, I have to let go of this world and worldly desires that are keeping me here, desires that cannot be satisfied because of them. I am not referring to sex with minors. That is not the only thing I'll never experience. It's real hard to survive in a corrupt society full of dishonesty and lies and so forth. You get ostracized and so forth and after that, there is no turning back, and the path forward is forever blocked. You're surrounded by sharks sensing your blood in this huge ocean of a life metaphorically. And then you don't know. You just don't know if things will get better before they get worse in life or you actually know that they are more likely to get worse than better.
  16. So, how to move to Germany? But maybe more importantly where in Germany to move to? My best answers would be to learn German and then go there to socialize. Making friends could lead to jobs, healthcare. Best city might be a Protestant one or a non-religious one. It could be a Catholic one like Dortmund or something in Rhine-Ruhr area. It would be even better if I could move there before learning the language.
  17. ;-)

    I read something BEAUTIFUL ABOUT BEING UGLY recently and was just blown away by it. Here it goes. I am very ugly so don’t try to convince me that I’m a very beautiful person because at the end of the day I hate myself in every single way And I’m not going to lie to myself by saying There’s Beauty inside of me that matters So rest assured I will always remind myself That I am a worthless, terrible person And nothing you say will make me believe I still deserve love Because no matter what I am not good enough to be loved And I am in no position to believe that Beauty does exist Within Me Because whenever I look in the mirror I always think Am I as ugly as people say? NOW, READ FROM THE BOTTOM TO TOP -written by Abdullah Shoaib
  18. Yeah, that is what it told me. Sometimes getting away isn't an option, sometimes it is.
  19. When someone starts pulling me by the tongue, angering me and hurting my ego, pride, criticizing me, nagging me, telling me indecent words that make me feel disgusted and gestures to provocke me, what do I do then? Do I lash back at them, do I stand for myself and talk back to them or what? Especially if it is a woman doing the job and not a man? Should I get out of there as soon as possible or can I say something and stay there calm while abuse and manipulation happens? How do I stay calm? What are good thigs to say? What are some red flags? Should I allow someone to yell at me and say bad things to me and behave badly to me, play with me and humiliate me? Can I get over the hurt caused in that moment or does it turn into trauma and gets locked inside of my brain like fat cells gets stored in your belly from eating unhealthy and greassy food? And then you have to somehow get it out of your system, but I don't know any exercise for that... I wish I could stay calm and not fall out of character, but I can't, cause I'm not always ready, especially at home. And they can catch me off guard. So when they do, what should I think or how should I stop it and control it or control my emotions? I don't want words, guestures, facial expressions and tonality to disturb me and basically hate from someone who doesn't love me who I have to tolerate all the time, otherwise it gets even worse...
  20. Procrastinating could be a sign that there is something not right in your environment or/and that there is some piece of the puzzle of youre big picture understanding that is not quite in place yet. Once these two are taken care of, it'll come naturally.
  21. Reincarnation might be true, but once you get reincarnated it will be as though you never even lived this life. You'll forget who you were and that's all. So yeah, reincarnation is probably true. It's just the way it is designed is kind of a useless feature of reality if you ask me. Why God made it this way and not any other way? Don't ask me.
  22. How to get over a broken heart? You know you would be a perfect couple if only you were better, but you can't get any better. But you love someone and need that someone even when you try to pretend you don't. Then you get heart broken sooner or later. It was just never meant to be. You rich and grown up into a happy and successful adult that is able to attract and please the shit out of the one you love. No way basically. You have to give up and let the richer and luckier competition get it as always. So how can I stop needing someone I feel I need and love in life to be happy? How can I stop caring about that person in a sense and see it as any other if I actually feel something towards..? How to fall out of love with someone and get the need out of yourself? Don't tell me to look for others. I guess that's the right answer. But there must be another one. I can't go look for others. Maybe that would even work. By falling in love even more with someone else, I'd get over the crush. Does anyone have any other ideas? It's irrelevant actually, but hey, I'm just being creative in this forum section I guess.
  23. I'm in Germany now and everything is gonna be okay, I think.
  24. Can anyone help me get to Germany and to German healthcare and police? I have enough money to last a couple of weeks in some German city, but I am afraid because they will come after me to destroy me and I cannot deal with stuff there because of the language barrier. I think I am poisoned and I also want to be protected 100% 24/7 by German police that is not influenced and corrupted by my government. Is that too much to ask for?
  25. I'm very sad to say that my time here writing nonsense and depressing stuff that helps no one is coming to an end and that I'm gonna miss talking here. I have lost safety even in this part of reality and even though I'd love to stay for longer, I feel I cannot. I just cannot. I should not if I want privacy and more safty. I should have left earlier though. From now on I should train myself to use only the videos. Nothing else. Not the forum. Doesn't matter. I should have done this before. Whatever. My life is destroyed. If I was wise enough I would have left this place when I had the chance without asking any one of you.