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Everything posted by StateOfMind

  1. Let's say you wanna learn french from scratch... First go to Youtube and search something like "200 most common words in french". After you memorize those words by listening to them everyday, next go and write/type them down so they really sink in. Then go and do another youtube search like "100 most common phrases in french" Do the same thing you did before, listen to the same video (while focusing on what's being written of course) everyday for an X of days and write/type them. Now all you wanna do is to expand your vocab words and phrases. After that watch 5 children short stories, but intensively, you need to follow the words and how they pronounce them and most importantly watch every video for 5-10 times. until it gets very boaring..., (if you're one of those crazy people to type with 9 fingers like me, than head on to and change the language to french. And just type!... this typing thing is very very very useful cuz on one hand you increase your WPM and the other you're typing which means memorizing more words. maybe even type every kids story you watch 5 times if you wanna go crazy) Now you're a beginner, so go and watch one of those guys on youtube for example: But what is most important is the reason. why do you wanna learn that language? Your life has to be that language! you wanna the langue of your tv, phone, social media accounts, windows, listen to french music, watch french movies, follow french cooking, french comedy... everything (at this stage you should be intermediate). to really make a commitment. but never learn grammar, it will come naturally, So that's how i learned English (my native is Arabic), it has been 5 years and i still collect new vocab. i quit learning french because english is more than enough for me maybe in the future i'll meet a french girl or something Go big or go home. but if you wanna take your time, you can skip all the above and start with grammar lol.
  2. great, definitely gonna watch this. thanks for sharing
  3. Did you have any insights during an wakening about reincarnation/past lives? if yes, please do share it with us... Please don't tell me something you've read or heard, i want raw insights.
  4. what do enlightened people actually mean by "life is a blessing"? i know i don't see it but just from your perspective.
  5. Tell us about your first awakening, and how it happened? EDIT: And was it with or without psychedelics?
  6. thank you so much for the recommendation
  7. Haha this shit is too scary. it feels like after enlightenment i'm gonna go like crazy on the street telling people "wake up you're dreaming!"
  8. i love your answers man, but just to follow up... (i know you keep saying that i'm a collection of thoughts, but just try to understand what i'm asking) what happens after enlightenment?, will it stay like that for ever? or at some point youre gonna be born again as a person whos not enlightened? i just wanna stay as god forever, i don't ever wanna come back here! (i know you keep saying that i'm a collection of thoughts, but just try to understand what i'm asking)
  9. but what is enlightenment anyway? isn't it just the complete realization? isn't it this intuitive understanding?
  10. but another question would be, Is this another way one can use to have an awakening? i mean the traditional one is to meditate and detach from your thoughts
  11. as i was watching this video i think i get it. it seems like an wakening is just an implicit understanding of reality! i'm still not sure about this but here is the video
  12. Any thoughts on what these are and how to use them? in my experience i once got really strong euphoria listening to one of these. but i was stoned so i don't know if that counts.
  13. all of the replies were just thoughts, so all of those people believe they had some experience yet they rely on memory to talk about it, where in fact it's all just thoughts... would you agree? if the answer is either yes or no what makes your thoughts true? if it's all thoughts, then no thought is any better or more truthful. but is there any Truth at all? if Truth is being and not attachment. isn't that just a thought? my brain hurts
  14. @Someone here are you ok with not knowing? it really bothers me all the time. sometimes i can't even sleep
  15. so i'm i the ego or the collection of thoughts? or when i identify with a curtain thoughts. that's ego? but what i'm i ? so confused
  16. that sounds like solipsism, after my physical body die YOU would still live.
  17. i like that, but what happens when the "physical body" dies (or the idea that you have one)?
  18. i'm a guy, so when i watch porn, of course i watch it from a guy perspective but i also pick up some of the female emotions/orgasm as well. Does this happen to you? is this related to a better integration of the anima? although i haven't tried to integrate it consciously.
  19. really?, have you heard of something called "Mirror neurons"?... it's the same as when you watch an action movie and your get this feeling that you're the protagonist... so when you watch a guy fucking a girl your neurons mirror what the guy is doing... that's how babies learn btw.