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Everything posted by Godishere

  1. Infinity goes on for eternity. The awakenings are infinite and it never ends, so it doesn't matter. Awakening is not actually better or less than not Awakening imo. Why would an omniscient being dream in the first place?
  2. Is this actually possible? God is absolutely one. So can I or "we" actually be conscious of God without losing the "I" identity? The self/other duality. Like, I've done a bunch of trips, had a bunch of enlightenment experiences but here we are. Talking concepts of God. To who? Nobody/myself according to my 'thoughts' about prior experiences. So, again if this is true, then this is a complete joke? Concepts are only gonna muddy the waters. Is this just a fucking game? This whole awakening thing... This illusion of self and other. The "I"... Seeking God from a dualistic paradigm. Impossible? Chasing your own tail basically it seems.. "life" as it is, actually is only possible to be experienced through human, finite mind?@VeganAwake
  3. And my destination whether I like it or not would be complete God Realization I'm guessing? ?
  4. Makes sense. So what role does contemplation play then? if infinite cannot know finite. Or... If the map is not the Territory, what point is there in discussing, conceptualizing and building this "map". Seems like a great way to stay asleep create separation/distance from Truth?
  5. @Matthew85 lol what does it matter? By definition, God is perfect. If I do or I don't, it's the same. But just to clarify no, I'm not falling into that trap, although sadly many here are and have. @Leo Gura why teach then? If you have become so conscious of Gods perfection, there's literally no reason for you to teach lol. I'm guessing it gives you life purpose/you enjoy it.
  6. @Leo Gura if everything is God's Will, does that mean there's literally no point trying to control anything, by definition? Which also means that if God will awaken, God will awaken. Hence there is nothing but God's will.
  7. So if I can't stand to be alone, then why do you say God Realization is the best thing ever?
  8. So then why does everyone else claim to have an experience etc. If I was to claim right now that you are all NPCs, I would get shot down and called delusional. So why is everyone talking here if there's no other finite minds? You're either A. The same God/Self living a life concurrent to my life and somewhere throughout infinity I live your life Or B. Completely imaginary/projection and my own self teaching me to awaken and not living a life concurrently with me. Can you please clear up this confusion for me? Also why do so many of the non-dual community claim that the ego is completely nothing. I.e "nothings happening, the entire ego identity is illusory" "that's thought attachment" etc... There's seems to be some conflict with your teachings and the typical non dual stuff. Thanks Leo
  9. @Michael Jackson yeah but the Ego's claim on "I am God" kind of dismisses the fact that you are God and every other finite mind is also God. I could be wrong, I don't know jack shit really.
  10. Isn't the whole concept that the ego/finite self doesn't even exist?
  11. God is One. Is God's only fear being alone for infinity? Or is this egoic projection?
  12. @puporing is there a distinction between this, now, finitude and the Godhead is what I was kinda asking? @Carl-Richard so by that definition, the ego Is God?
  13. @puporing when you say "in the singularity", what are you actually implying? Thanks
  14. @Consilience thanks for your response. How deeply have you awoken to the singularity?
  15. @The Mystical Man the difference between ego and God being what, thought attachment? A state of consciousness?
  16. @puporing @puporing why create separation in the first place if God already infinitely loving. Is it because I'm lonely in my infinite state? You are me after all.
  17. The most obvious answer is through illusion and that's clear in a non-dual state of consciousness. Still we have what trillions of selves here on earth? Animals, humans etc. And if I was awake right now I would probably say it's a complete fiction. All of these selves and my own self here on earth which are what seems through intuition, all derivatives of the same Self/awareness. So the question is how does the infinite create this separation because if we get two partitions of God e.g human 1 and human 2 both claiming to be God. One is currently the enlightened one and one isn't, if that makes sense? When does God live out the lives of these other selves? We can say "outside of time and space" and sure that makes sense. But you can easily argue God doesn't as there's only one thing that's an absolute fact- the present moment and everything else is imagination?
  18. @michaelcycle00 yeap even Rupert Spira has basically dodged this question. He said something along the lines of "we can make an assumption that we are talking to other, finite localizations of consciousness, outside of time and space." This doesn't even make sense to me, and contradicts non duality.
  19. @Razard86 well I did and it just lead me back here? Like if I didn't believe in other selves would I even be here writing on a forum? And that's my point, this is my seeking, conceptual or not. If I was awake I wouldn't be here or would I? ? Lets be real, no one answers this question. We can say, it's because awakening is required which does make sense. But then you just fall back into the dream and start seeking again. Well I have anyway. And I know @VeganAwake will just say the one who seeks isn't real. Ok .. this experience is still happening to God/nothing. Still seems like I'm speaking to other selves derivative of my own Self.
  20. @Leo Gura I came to the same conclusion during contemplation recently. I was asking myself why am I awakening? Why is everyone else not awake? And then it hit me. Who else? One thing you said in one of your videos was that life is a construct for God to awaken. Now in my experience that has so far proven to be true. But 99.9% of humans seem completely clueless about God and I'm not convinced everyone does wake up even on physical death of the body mind.
  21. For y'all awakened folk. What age did you have your first awakening? I.e the first time you realized that God actually exists or your first mystical experience. Also, for those who have realized they are God. What age would you recommend awakening for the general consensus? As in God Realization or the no self awakening. My opinion is 28-35 from my own experience.
  22. @Leo Gura curiosity I suppose. It seems like God has a will to awaken when it wants and many are quick to rush the awakening process without proper integration. On the other hand, from the egos perspective it takes a level of maturity to actually accept the truth and open yourself up to the Solipsistic nature of reality.
  23. @Carl-Richard haha sounds similar to one of mine. I thought I would be stuck in a non-dual state for infinity.
  24. @Carl-Richard wow man. Did you have much knowledge of what was happening to you at the time? Was it a spontaneous kind of thing, or purposely induced e.g meditation/psychedelics?
  25. Whilst you're not wrong, God is everything, but I've said this before and I'll say it again. If the truth doesn't have you reeling in horror or vanishing into a mist of oneness and metaphysical ecstasy, it ain't awakening!!! There will be no one left to tell your awakening about, that's awakening what it is. You will not be able to tell the difference between yourself and "other". You're not ready for awakening, otherwise you would already be awake? ?‍♂️ We are trapped in infinity, talking to ourselves. Creating separation, purposely, intentionally. God ain't going anywhere. The real awakening is when you're not posting on a forum because that already implies separation, you will be to conscious to bother.